Commit aae3ed6c authored by Kim, Subin's avatar Kim, Subin
Browse files

Weekly 완성

parent b2869ee6
......@@ -8,7 +8,7 @@ const DateSet = ({ index, info, today, handleClick }) => {
<div className="col d-flex flex-column text-center" onClick={() => handleClick(}>
<span className="text-center">{week[index]}</span>
<span className={today ? `rounded-circle ${}` : ""}>{moment("DD")}</span>
<span className="text-secondary">{info.rate ? info.rate + "%" : null}</span>
<span className="text-secondary">{info.rate !== "" ? info.rate + "%" : null}</span>
......@@ -16,12 +16,12 @@ const Weekly = () => {
const [initialDate, setInitialDate] = useState(moment().format("YYYY-MM-DD"))
const [chooseDate, setChooseDate] = useState(moment(date).format("YYYY-MM-DD"))
const [week, setWeek] = useState([
{ date: moment(date).day(0).format("YYYY-MM-DD"), rate: "75" },
{ date: moment(date).day(1).format("YYYY-MM-DD"), rate: "85" },
{ date: moment(date).day(2).format("YYYY-MM-DD"), rate: "40" },
{ date: moment(date).day(3).format("YYYY-MM-DD"), rate: "100" },
{ date: moment(date).day(0).format("YYYY-MM-DD"), rate: "" },
{ date: moment(date).day(1).format("YYYY-MM-DD"), rate: "" },
{ date: moment(date).day(2).format("YYYY-MM-DD"), rate: "" },
{ date: moment(date).day(3).format("YYYY-MM-DD"), rate: "" },
{ date: moment(date).day(4).format("YYYY-MM-DD"), rate: "" },
{ date: moment(date).day(5).format("YYYY-MM-DD"), rate: "0" },
{ date: moment(date).day(5).format("YYYY-MM-DD"), rate: "" },
{ date: moment(date).day(6).format("YYYY-MM-DD"), rate: "" }
const [error, setError] = useState("")
......@@ -35,24 +35,22 @@ const Weekly = () => {
useEffect(() => {
{ date: moment(date).day(0).format("YYYY-MM-DD"), rate: "7" },
{ date: moment(date).day(1).format("YYYY-MM-DD"), rate: "8" },
{ date: moment(date).day(2).format("YYYY-MM-DD"), rate: "4" },
{ date: moment(date).day(3).format("YYYY-MM-DD"), rate: "100" },
{ date: moment(date).day(4).format("YYYY-MM-DD"), rate: "" },
{ date: moment(date).day(5).format("YYYY-MM-DD"), rate: "0" },
{ date: moment(date).day(6).format("YYYY-MM-DD"), rate: "" }
}, [date])
async function getTodoList() {
async function getTodoList(date) {
try {
let weekArr = []
const result = await todoApi.getTodopercent(, moment(date).day(0).format("YYYY-MM-DD"), moment(date).day(6).format("YYYY-MM-DD"))
console.log("result==", result)
for (let i = 0; i < 7; i++) {
const generateDate = moment(date).day(i).format("YYYY-MM-DD")
const find = result.find(el => === generateDate)
if (find) weekArr[i] = find
else weekArr[i] = { date: generateDate, rate: "" }
} catch (error) {
catchErrors(error, setError)
......@@ -60,13 +58,13 @@ const Weekly = () => {
function prev() {
let date = moment(calendar.getDate()).format('YYYY-MM-DD')
const date = moment(calendar.getDate()).format('YYYY-MM-DD')
function next() {
let date = moment(calendar.getDate()).format('YYYY-MM-DD')
const date = moment(calendar.getDate()).format('YYYY-MM-DD')
......@@ -3,33 +3,16 @@ import sequelize from 'sequelize';
const { Op } = sequelize
const findbyId = async (req, res, next) => {
try {
const userId = req.userId
const { todoId } = req.query
if (todoId) {
console.log(" findbyId todoId가 있을 때 실행", todoId)
const findTodo = await Todo.findOne({ where: { [Op.and]: [{ id: todoId }, { userId: userId }] }, attributes: ['id', ['title', 'todoTitle'], ['date', 'todoDate'], 'done'] })
if (!findTodo) throw new Error("해당 todo를 찾지 못했습니다.")
req.todoOne = findTodo
} catch (error) {
return res.status(500).send(error.message || "todo 가져오는 중 에러 발생")
const findbyDate = async (req, res, next) => {
const findbyDate = async (req, res) => {
try {
// Todo 페이지
console.log("Todo 페이지에서의 요청 처리")
const userId = req.userId
const { date } = req.query
if (date) {
console.log(" findbydate 날짜가 있을 때 실행", date, userId)
const findList = await Todo.findAll({ where: { [Op.and]: [{ date: { [Op.eq]: date } }, { userId: userId }] }, attributes: ['id', ['title', 'todoTitle'], ['date', 'todoDate'], 'done'] })
console.log("find==", findList)
req.todoList = findList
const nonCheck = await Todo.findAll({ where: { [Op.and]: [{ done: false }, { date: { [Op.eq]: date } }, { userId: userId }] }, attributes: ['id', ['title', 'todoTitle'], ['date', 'todoDate'], 'done'], order: [['updatedAt', "DESC"]] })
const check = await Todo.findAll({ where: { [Op.and]: [{ done: true }, { date: { [Op.eq]: date } }, { userId: userId }] }, attributes: ['id', ['title', 'todoTitle'], ['date', 'todoDate'], 'done'], order: [['updatedAt', "DESC"]] })
check.forEach(el => nonCheck.push(el.dataValues))
return res.json(nonCheck)
} catch (error) {
return res.status(500).send(error.message || "todo 가져오는 중 에러 발생")
......@@ -37,23 +20,48 @@ const findbyDate = async (req, res, next) => {
const findforPercent = async (req, res) => {
try {
let sendList = null
let nonCheck = null
let check = null
const userId = req.userId
const { start, end } = req.query
if (end) {
// weekly에서 불러올 todoList
console.log("week 실행하냐")
// const findList = await Todo.findAndCountAll({ where: { [Op.and]: [{ userId: userId }, { date: [start, end] }] }, order: [[]] group: ['date'] })
// console.log("week findList", findList)
// weekly percent
nonCheck = await Todo.findAll({
where: { [Op.and]: [{ userId: userId }, { done: false }, { date: { [Op.between]: [start, end] } }] },
order: [['date']]
check = await Todo.findAll({
where: { [Op.and]: [{ userId: userId }, { done: true }, { date: { [Op.between]: [start, end] } }] },
order: [['date']]
const nonCheckCountList = countInList(nonCheck)
let checkCountList = countInList(check)
let percentList = => {
const findIdx = checkCountList.findIndex(el => ===
if (findIdx === -1) nonCheckEl['rate'] = 0
else {
nonCheckEl['rate'] = Math.round((checkCountList[findIdx].count / (nonCheckEl.count + checkCountList[findIdx].count)) * 100)
checkCountList.splice(findIdx, 1)
return nonCheckEl
if (checkCountList.length !== 0) {
checkCountList.forEach(el => el['rate'] = 100)
const sendList = percentList.concat(checkCountList).sort((pre, next) => {
if ( < return -1
else if ( > return 1
else return 0
return res.json(sendList)
} else return res.json(percentList)
} else {
// Menu
let percent = 0
console.log("findforPercent end 없음")
const nonCheck = await Todo.findAndCountAll({ where: { [Op.and]: [{ date: { [Op.eq]: start } }, { userId: userId }, { done: false }] }, order: [['updatedAt', "DESC"]] })
const check = await Todo.findAndCountAll({ where: { [Op.and]: [{ date: { [Op.eq]: start } }, { userId: userId }, { done: true }] }, order: [['updatedAt', "DESC"]] })
nonCheck = await Todo.findAndCountAll({ where: { [Op.and]: [{ date: { [Op.eq]: start } }, { userId: userId }, { done: false }] }, order: [['updatedAt', "DESC"]] })
check = await Todo.findAndCountAll({ where: { [Op.and]: [{ date: { [Op.eq]: start } }, { userId: userId }, { done: true }] }, order: [['updatedAt', "DESC"]] })
let total = nonCheck.count + check.count
if (total === 0) percent = 0
else percent = Math.round((check.count / total) * 100)
if (total !== 0) percent = Math.round((check.count / total) * 100)
if (nonCheck.count < 3) check.rows.forEach(el => nonCheck.rows.push(el.dataValues))
return res.json({ percent: percent, list: nonCheck.rows.slice(0, 3) })
......@@ -80,7 +88,6 @@ const edit = async (req, res) => {
const userId = req.userId
const { todoId } = req.query
const { todoTitle, todoDate, done } = req.body
console.log("done==",done, userId, todoId)
if (todoTitle) updated = await Todo.update({ title: todoTitle, date: todoDate }, { where: { [Op.and]: [{ id: todoId }, { userId: userId }] } })
else if (todoDate) updated = await Todo.update({ date: todoDate }, { where: { [Op.and]: [{ id: todoId }, { userId: userId }] } })
else updated = await Todo.update({ done: !done }, { where: { [Op.and]: [{ id: todoId }, { userId: userId }] } })
......@@ -113,22 +120,22 @@ const getParams = async (req, res, next) => {
const send = async (req, res) => {
try {
const result = req.todoOne || req.todoList
return res.json(result)
} catch (error) {
return res.status(500).send(error.message || "todo 가져오는 중 에러 발생")
function countInList(list) {
const countList = list.reduce((acc, cur) => {
const findIdx = acc.findIndex(el => ===
if (findIdx === -1) acc.push({ date:, count: 1 })
else acc[findIdx].count += 1
return acc
}, [])
return countList
export default {
\ No newline at end of file
......@@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ router
.get(todoCtrl.findbyId, todoCtrl.findbyDate, todoCtrl.send)
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