Commit ed84f8c1 authored by jang dong hyeok's avatar jang dong hyeok
Browse files


parent 14120c0f
import React from "react";
import "tailwindcss/tailwind.css";
// type HomeProps = {
type HomeProps = {
title?: string;
// };
const HomePage = () => (
const HomePage = ({ title = "Simple Survey Form" }: HomeProps) => (
<div className="text-slate-300 text-center text-3xl text-black">
가장 쉽게 설문지를 만드세요!
<div className="flex container justify-center my-6">
<div className="flex justify-center text-2xl font-bold h-14 w-28 border-blue-500 rounded-lg bg-gray-300">
<div className="flex container justify-center my-6">
<div className="flex justify-center text-2xl font-bold h-14 w-28 border-blue-500 rounded-lg bg-gray-300">
<div className="flex">
<button className="text-black">
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