Commit 97536071 authored by Lee SeoYeon's avatar Lee SeoYeon
Browse files

surveyform ui

parent 37cfe93b
import React from 'react' import React from "react";
export const SurveyForm = () => ( export const SurveyForm = () => (
<div className='flex justify-center'> <div className="flex flex-col place-items-center">
<div className="flex flex-col space-y-4 mt-5"> <div className="flex flex-col container place-items-center mt-4">
설문조사 이름 <form className="font-bold text-4xl text-center m-2">설문지 제목</form>
<div className="box-content h-52 w-96 py-4 px-5 border-2 mt-5"> <textarea
<form> className="font-bold text-1xl text-center m-2 resize-none"
<label>첫번째 질문</label> placeholder="설문조사에 대한 설명을 입력해주세요"
</form> rows={2}
<div className="flex flex-col container w-4/5 h-auto border-2 border-themeColor items-center m-3 py-3">
<div className="flex flexgi-row h-16 w-full place-content-between items-center">
<form className="text-xl font-bold ml-6 w-1/2">Q1. 첫번째 질문</form>
<form className="border w-11/12 my-3">설문조사 설명</form>
className="border w-11/12 h-36 my-3"
placeholder="설문조사 답변"
</div> </div>
<div className="box-content h-52 w-96 py-4 px-5 border-2 mt-5"> <div className="flex flex-col container w-4/5 h-auto border-2 border-themeColor items-center m-3 py-3">
<form> <div className="flex flexgi-row h-16 w-full place-content-between items-center">
<label>두번째 질문</label> <form className="text-xl font-bold ml-6 w-1/2">Q1. 첫번째 질문</form>
</form> </div>
</div> <form className="border w-11/12 my-4">설문조사 설명</form>
<div className="box-content h-52 w-96 py-4 px-5 border-2 mt-5"> <input
<form> className="border w-11/12 h-36 my-3"
<label>세번째 질문</label> type="text"
</form> placeholder="설문조사 답변"
</div> ></input>
<div className="text-center t-5">
<button className="bg-themeColor text-white border rounded py-2 px-6">
</div> </div>
</div> </div>
<button className="rounded bg-themeColor my-5 py-2 px-5 font-bold text-white">
</div> </div>
) );
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