Commit c4a0efaf authored by Lee SeoYeon's avatar Lee SeoYeon
Browse files

Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/BAE' into lsy

parents 1d23009d f039e74c
......@@ -6,27 +6,47 @@ import React from 'react';
function Paginations(props) {
return (
<Pagination.First onClick={() => props.handlePage(1)} />
{props.index === 1 ? <Pagination.Prev onClick={()=>props.handlePage(props.index)} /> : <Pagination.Prev onClick={()=>props.handlePage(props.index - 1)} />}
{props.index === props.endPage-1 ? <Pagination.Item onClick={()=>props.handlePage(props.index - 3)}>{props.index - 3}</Pagination.Item> : ""}
{props.index === props.endPage ? <Pagination.Item onClick={()=>props.handlePage(props.index - 4)}>{props.index - 4}</Pagination.Item> : ""}
{props.index === props.endPage ? <Pagination.Item onClick={()=>props.handlePage(props.index - 3)}>{props.index - 3}</Pagination.Item> : ""}
{props.index < 3 ? "" : <Pagination.Item onClick={()=>props.handlePage(props.index - 2)}>{props.index - 2}</Pagination.Item>}
{props.index === 1 ? "" : <Pagination.Item onClick={()=>props.handlePage(props.index - 1)}>{props.index - 1}</Pagination.Item>}
<Pagination.Item active>{props.index}</Pagination.Item>
{props.index === props.endPage ? "" : <Pagination.Item onClick={()=>props.handlePage(props.index + 1)}>{props.index + 1}</Pagination.Item>}
{props.index > props.endPage-2 ? "" : <Pagination.Item onClick={()=>props.handlePage(props.index + 2)}>{props.index + 2}</Pagination.Item>}
{props.index === 1 ? <Pagination.Item onClick={()=>props.handlePage(props.index + 3)}>{props.index + 3}</Pagination.Item> : ""}
{props.index === 1 ? <Pagination.Item onClick={()=>props.handlePage(props.index + 4)}>{props.index + 4}</Pagination.Item> : ""}
{props.index === 2 ? <Pagination.Item onClick={()=>props.handlePage(props.index + 3)}>{props.index + 3}</Pagination.Item> : ""}
{props.index === props.endPage ? "" : <Pagination.Next onClick={()=>props.handlePage(props.index + 1)} />}
<Pagination.Last onClick={() =>props.handlePage(props.endPage)} />
{(props.endPage > 5) ?
<Pagination.First onClick={() => props.handlePage(1)} />
{props.index === 1 ? <Pagination.Prev onClick={() => props.handlePage(props.index)} /> : <Pagination.Prev onClick={() => props.handlePage(props.index - 1)} />}
{props.index === props.endPage - 1 ? <Pagination.Item onClick={() => props.handlePage(props.index - 3)}>{props.index - 3}</Pagination.Item> : ""}
{props.index === props.endPage ? <Pagination.Item onClick={() => props.handlePage(props.index - 4)}>{props.index - 4}</Pagination.Item> : ""}
{props.index === props.endPage ? <Pagination.Item onClick={() => props.handlePage(props.index - 3)}>{props.index - 3}</Pagination.Item> : ""}
{props.index < 3 ? "" : <Pagination.Item onClick={() => props.handlePage(props.index - 2)}>{props.index - 2}</Pagination.Item>}
{props.index === 1 ? "" : <Pagination.Item onClick={() => props.handlePage(props.index - 1)}>{props.index - 1}</Pagination.Item>}
<Pagination.Item active>{props.index}</Pagination.Item>
{props.index === props.endPage ? "" : <Pagination.Item onClick={() => props.handlePage(props.index + 1)}>{props.index + 1}</Pagination.Item>}
{props.index > props.endPage - 2 ? "" : <Pagination.Item onClick={() => props.handlePage(props.index + 2)}>{props.index + 2}</Pagination.Item>}
{props.index === 1 ? <Pagination.Item onClick={() => props.handlePage(props.index + 3)}>{props.index + 3}</Pagination.Item> : ""}
{props.index === 1 ? <Pagination.Item onClick={() => props.handlePage(props.index + 4)}>{props.index + 4}</Pagination.Item> : ""}
{props.index === 2 ? <Pagination.Item onClick={() => props.handlePage(props.index + 3)}>{props.index + 3}</Pagination.Item> : ""}
{props.index === props.endPage ? "" : <Pagination.Next onClick={() => props.handlePage(props.index + 1)} />}
<Pagination.Last onClick={() => props.handlePage(props.endPage)} />
{props.index === 1 ? "" : <Pagination.First onClick={() => props.handlePage(1)} />}
{props.index === 1 ? "" : <Pagination.Prev onClick={() => props.handlePage(props.index - 1)} />}
<Pagination.Item onClick={() => props.handlePage(1)} active={props.index === 1}>1</Pagination.Item>
{props.endPage > 1 ? <Pagination.Item onClick={() => props.handlePage(2)} active={props.index === 2}>2</Pagination.Item> : ""}
{props.endPage > 2 ? <Pagination.Item onClick={() => props.handlePage(3)} active={props.index === 3}>3</Pagination.Item> : ""}
{props.endPage > 3 ? <Pagination.Item onClick={() => props.handlePage(4)} active={props.index === 4}>4</Pagination.Item> : ""}
{props.endPage > 4 ? <Pagination.Item onClick={() => props.handlePage(5)} active={props.index === 5}>5</Pagination.Item> : ""}
{props.index === props.endPage ? "" : <Pagination.Next onClick={() => props.handlePage(props.index + 1)} />}
{props.index === props.endPage ? "" : <Pagination.Last onClick={() => props.handlePage(props.endPage)} />}
......@@ -10,39 +10,19 @@ import * as Icon from 'react-bootstrap-icons';
import { isAuthenticated } from '../utils/auth';
function Search(props) {
const endPage = 10;
const [state, setState] = useState(false);
const [index, setIndex] = useState(1);
const [showSet, setShowSet] = useState([false, false, false, false]);
const [search, setSearch] = useState(queryString.parse(;
// const [pagePlace, setPagePlace] = useState();
const [association, setAssociation] = useState([])
const [pagePlace, setPagePlace] = useState([])
const [bookmark, setBookmark] = useState([false, false, false, false])
const user = isAuthenticated()
const [mobile, setMobile] = useState();
const [association, setAssociation] = useState([{ name: " ", address: " ", img: " " }])
const [pagePlace, setPagePlace] = useState([{ name: " ", address: " ", img: " " }, { name: " ", address: " ", img: " " }])
const [endPage, setEndPage] = useState(1)
// console.log("search###############", search)
// const getPlace = () => {
// axios.get(`/api/search/places?keyword=${search}`)
// .then(res => {
// console.log("places=",
// // setPlace(
// })
// .catch(err => {
// console.log('search.places 에러 발생', err)
// })
// }
// const getImg = () => {
// axios.get(`/api/search/imges?keyword=${search}`)
// .then(res => {
// console.log("images=",
// // setImgUrl(
// })
// .catch(err => {
// console.log('search.images 에러 발생', err)
// })
// }
const getAssociation = () => {
......@@ -62,12 +42,17 @@ function Search(props) {
}, []);
useEffect(() => {
console.log("222222222222222222", bookmark)
}, [bookmark])
if (association.length < 3) {
setPagePlace(paginate(association, index, association.length))
else {
setPagePlace(paginate(association, index, 4))
console.log("뿌릴 data1", pagePlace)
setEndPage(Math.floor((association.length / 4)))
useEffect(() => {
setPagePlace(paginate(association, index, association.length))
}, [association]);
}, [association, index])
useEffect(() => {
......@@ -132,6 +117,8 @@ function Search(props) {
const handlePage = (num) => {
console.log("pagenation num", num)
......@@ -141,17 +128,21 @@ function Search(props) {
const handleSubmit = (e) => {
function paginate(items, pageNumber, itemNumber) {
const page = [];
const startIndex = (pageNumber - 1) * itemNumber
for (var i = 0; i < itemNumber; i++) {
page.push(items[(startIndex + i)])
console.log("뿌릴 data22222222222222222", page)
return page
//usestate 쓰거나 한번에 useeffect에 넣기
async function handlebookmark(index) {
if (!bookmark[index]) {
......@@ -194,8 +185,10 @@ function Search(props) {
{/* {time.toLocaleString()} */}
<Row className="d-flex flex-wrap">
{console.log("#####################33", pagePlace)}
{, index) => {
return (
<Col key={index} md={6} >
......@@ -227,6 +220,8 @@ function Search(props) {
<Row className="mt-2 d-flex justify-content-center">
<Paginations index={index} endPage={endPage} handlePage={handlePage}></Paginations>
......@@ -32,12 +32,10 @@ const searchPlace = async (req, res, next,) => {
const searchImg = async (req, res, next) => {
console.log("d213532513212osfnlagm2214124", req.places)
if (req.places.img !== "") {
console.log("333333333333333333333333333IMG@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ 기존이미지줄력중")
req.places.times.push(new Date().toLocaleString())
console.log("세이브 전 111111111111111111", req.places)
const newPlaces = await new Places(req.places).save()
} else if (req.places.img === "") {
......@@ -57,7 +55,6 @@ const searchImg = async (req, res, next) => {
req.places.times.push(new Date().toLocaleString())
// await Places.updateOne({ name: req.query.keyword }, { img: images, times: Place2.times })
// res.send(images)
console.log("세이브 전 222222222222222", req.places)
const newPlaces = await new Places(req.places).save()
......@@ -65,48 +62,8 @@ const searchImg = async (req, res, next) => {
console.log("이미지 생성 오류발생!!")
// if (DuplicateCheckImg !== "") {
// console.log("333333333333333333333333333IMG@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ 기존이미지줄력중")
// }
// else if (DuplicateCheckImg === "") {
// console.log("4444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444")
// const imgUrl = "" + encodeURI(req.query.keyword) + ""
// axios.get(imgUrl)
// .then(async (response) => {
// const html =
// let name = req.query.keyword
// let $1 = cheerio.load(html);
// let images = $1('.RAyV4b').find('img').attr('src')
// req.places.img = images
// //사진만 업데이트
// // let Place2 = await Places.findOne({ name: req.query.keyword })
// req.places.times.push(new Date().toLocaleString())
// // await Places.updateOne({ name: req.query.keyword }, { img: images, times: Place2.times })
// // res.send(images)
// console.log("세이브 전 111111111111111111", req.places)
// const newPlaces = await new Places(req.places).save()
// next()
// })
// } else {
// console.log("IMG에러")
// }
// req.places.times.push(new Date().toLocaleString())
// console.log("세이브 전222222222222222222222")
// next()
// }
//맨 처음 검색하는 지역의 관광지의 경우 association을 받아올 수 없다.
const searchAssociation = async (req, res) => {
// let Place3 = await Places.findOne({ name: req.query.keyword })
let Place3 = req.places.address
// if (!Place) {
// res.send([])
// }
if (!Place3) {
console.log("asdfasdfasdf222222222222222222dsaf2222222222214123q5", Place3)
res.send({ error: "Place.address is null" })
......@@ -117,14 +74,9 @@ const searchAssociation = async (req, res) => {
let addressPlaces = new RegExp(`${addresse}`)
let responsePlaces = await Places.find({ address: addressPlaces }).sort({ updatedAt: -1 })
//몽구스나 몽고디비에 있는 sort 확인해보고 나열하기.
console.log("$$$$$$$$$$$4", responsePlaces)
// console.log("$$$$$$$$$$$4", responsePlaces)
// => {
// AssociationsId.push(Association._id)
// })
// console.log("Associations = ", Associations)
// res.send(AssociationsId)
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