Commit 63b59e7d authored by baesangjune's avatar baesangjune
Browse files


parent 05f1c0e5
This diff is collapsed.
......@@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ function Search(props) {
const [showSet, setShowSet] = useState([false, false, false, false]);
const [search, setSearch] = useState(;
const [mobile, setMobile] = useState();
const [place, setPlace] = useState([])
const [place, setPlace] = useState([{name:"", category:"", address:""}])
const [imgUrl, setImgUrl] = useState([])
const getImg = () => {
......@@ -473,9 +473,9 @@ function Search(props) {
function paginate(items, pageNumber) {
function paginate(items, pageNumber, itemNumber) {
const page = [];
const startIndex = (pageNumber - 1) * 4
const startIndex = (pageNumber - 1) * itemNumber
for (var i = 0; i < 4; i++) {
page.push(items[(startIndex + i)])
......@@ -483,7 +483,7 @@ function Search(props) {
const pagePlace = paginate(places, index)
const pagePlace = paginate(places, index, 1)
return (
<Container >
......@@ -504,7 +504,25 @@ function Search(props) {
<Image src={imgUrl} />
<Col md={6} >
<Card align="center" border="info" style={{ margin: "3%" }}>
<Card.Title style={{ margin: "3%", fontSize: '200%', fontWeight: 'bold' }} >{place[0].name}</Card.Title>
<Card.Img variant="top" style={{ padding: "5%", width: "100%", height: "340px" }} src={imgUrl} />
<Card.Body >
<Card.Text style={{ overflow: 'auto', fontSize: '25px', width: '100%', height: "80px" }} >
{place[0].address}{place[0].category} </Card.Text>
<Button variant="primary" onClick={() => {
// const showArr = [false, false, false, false]
// showArr[index] = true
// setShowSet(showArr)
}}>{place[0].name} 자세히 살펴보기</Button>
{/* <Place search={place} show={show} onHide={() => setShowSet([false, false, false, false])} /> */}
<Row className="d-flex flex-wrap">
{, index) => {
return (
This diff is collapsed.
import Place from '../models/Place.js'
import Places from '../models/Place.js'
import cheerio from 'cheerio'
import fs from 'fs'
import axios from 'axios';
const searchPlace = async (req, res) => {
console.log("여기까지는 옵니다~")
const url = "" + encodeURI( + ""
const url = "" + encodeURI(
const editUrl = /(http(s)?:\/\/)([a-z0-9\w]+\.*)+[a-z0-9]{2,4}/gi
.then((response) => {
.then( async (response) => {
const html =
let $1 = cheerio.load(html);
let places = []
$1('.kCrYT').each(function (i) {
if ($1(this).find('h3').text()) {
places[i] = { name: $1(this).find('h3').text(), link: ($1(this).find('a').attr('href')) }
} else if ($1(this).find('.s3v9rd').find('.s3v9rd').text()) {
places[i - 1] = { ...places[i - 1], address: $1(this).find('.s3v9rd').find('.s3v9rd').text() }
places = places.filter(e => e)
let places = {}
$1('.ct_box_area').each(function (i) {
// console.log($1('.biz_name').text())
// console.log($1('.category').text())
// console.log($1('.addr').text())
// console.log($1('.t?ime highlight').text())
places[i] = { name: $1('.biz_name').text(), category: $1('.category').text(), address: $1('.addr').text() }
console.log("@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@", places)
// 값이 비어있거나 에러가 생겼을 때를 대비해 try catch를 해야함
const newPlaces = await new Places(places[0]
......@@ -32,8 +33,9 @@ const searchImg = async (req, res) => {
const imgUrl = "" + encodeURI( + ""
.then((response) => {
.then(async (response) => {
const html =
let name =
let $1 = cheerio.load(html);
let images = $1('.RAyV4b').find('img').attr('src')
......@@ -45,6 +47,8 @@ const searchImg = async (req, res) => {
// })
// console.log('%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%', images)
const newPlaces = await new Places(name,images
......@@ -25,8 +25,11 @@ const PlaceSchema = new mongoose.Schema({
type: Array,
required: true,
}, {
timestamps: true
export default mongoose.models.Place || mongoose.model('Place', PlaceSchema)
export default mongoose.models.Places || mongoose.model('Place', PlaceSchema)
......@@ -3,9 +3,9 @@ import cheerio from "cheerio";
import express from 'express';
import request from 'request-promise'
import jschardet from 'jschardet'
import iconv from 'iconv'
import fs from 'fs'
const Iconv = iconv.Iconv
// import iconv from 'iconv'
// import fs from 'fs'
// const Iconv = iconv.Iconv
const app = express()
......@@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ app.get('/', (req, res) => {
const url = ""
// .then(anyToUtf8)
.then((html) => {
// fs.writeFileSync("googlez.txt", '\ufeff' + html, { encoding: 'utf8' });
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