Commit bd29d142 authored by JeongYeonwoo's avatar JeongYeonwoo
Browse files

Chatting (no profile)

parent 228362f2
......@@ -8,6 +8,10 @@ import catchErrors from '../utils/catchErrors';
function Chat(props) {
// let defaultname = sessionStorage.getItem('name');
const [name, setName] = useState([''])
const [sender, setSender] = useState([])
const [senderimg, setSenderimg] = useState('')
const [inner, setInner] = useState([''])
const [chat, setChat] = useState([]) //object로 key는 보낸사람 value는 메세지
const [disabled, setDisabled] = useState(true)
......@@ -33,26 +37,49 @@ function Chat(props) {
function sendMsgCH(e) {
useEffect(() => {
}, [userId])
useEffect(() => {
setSender([...sender, props.singleUser])
console.log('UseEffect singleUser', sender)
setChat([, props.singleChat])
console.log('UseEffect singlechat', chat)
// check()
}, [props.singleChat])
// console.log('UseEffect singlechat', chat)
console.log('Chat에 Sing있는 name = ', name, props.singleUser)
}, [props.singleChat, props.singleUser])
useEffect(() => {
setSender([...sender, props.recievedUser])
console.log('UseEffect RecievedUser', sender)
console.log('Chat에 Reci있는 name = ', name)
setChat([, props.recievedMsg])
console.log('UseEffect recievechat', chat)
}, [props.recievedMsg])
// console.log('UseEffect recievechat', chat)
// setName('')
}, [props.recievedMsg, props.recievedUser])
const time = new Date().toLocaleTimeString()
return (
......@@ -61,46 +88,39 @@ function Chat(props) {
{/* 상대방이 보낸 메세지 띄우기 + 같은유저면 프로필 이미지는 생략(chat을 object로 보낸사람과 함께 보내서 구분하자) */}
{, index) => {
if (!(value == '')) {
return (
<Row key={index} className='m-1 ml-3' >
<Col xs={2}>
{user.profileimg ? <Image src={user.profileimg && `/images/${user.profileimg}`} style={{ width: "50px", height: "50px" }} roundedCircle /> : <Image src='' style={{ width: "50px", height: "50px" }} roundedCircle />}
<Col xs={8}>
<Row><strong>{user.nickname} {index}</strong></Row>
<Row className='d-flex flex-wrap-nowrap'>
<Col className='border border-dark' style={{ width: 'max-content', maxWidth: '300px', height: 'auto', paddingLeft: '15px', paddingRight: '15px', background: 'white', borderRadius: '5px', fontSize: 'x-large' }}>{value}</Col>
<Col className='ml-4'>{new Date().toLocaleTimeString()}</Col>
if (!(sender[index] === sessionStorage.getItem('name'))) {
return (
<Row key={index} className='m-1 ml-3' >
<Col xs={2}>
{user.profileimg ? <Image src={user.profileimg && `/images/${user.profileimg}`} style={{ width: "50px", height: "50px" }} roundedCircle /> : <Image src='' style={{ width: "50px", height: "50px" }} roundedCircle />}
<Col xs={8}>
<Row><strong>{sender[index]} {index}</strong></Row>
<Row className='d-flex flex-wrap-nowrap'>
<Row className='border border-dark' style={{ width: 'max-content', maxWidth: '300px', height: 'auto', paddingLeft: '15px', paddingRight: '15px', background: 'white', borderRadius: '5px', fontSize: 'x-large' }}>{value}</Row>
<Col className='ml-1'>{time}</Col>
return (
<Row key={index} className='m-1 justify-content-end'>
<Row className='d-flex flex-wrap-nowrap' >
<Col className='mr-1'>{user.nickname} {time}</Col>
<Row style={{ width: 'max-content', maxWidth: '300px', height: 'auto', paddingLeft: '15px', paddingRight: '15px', background: 'yellow', borderRadius: '3px', fontSize: 'x-large' }}>{value}</Row>
} else {
return null
{/* 내가 보낸 메세지 띄우기 */}
{, index) => {
if (!(value == '')) {
return (
<Row key={index} className='m-1 mr-4 justify-content-end'>
<div className='d-flex flex-wrap-nowrap' >
<Row className='mr-4'>{time}</Row>
<Row style={{ width: 'max-content', maxWidth: '300px', height: 'auto', paddingLeft: '15px', paddingRight: '15px', background: 'yellow', borderRadius: '3px', fontSize: 'x-large' }}>{value}</Row>
} else {
return null
<Button variant="light" onClick={props.handleChatc} >{`<`}</Button>
<Form onSubmit={sendMsgCH}>
<Form.Group className='d-flex flex-wrap-nowrap justify-content-center ml-2 mr-2'>
......@@ -13,88 +13,98 @@ import EnterRoom from "../Components/EnterRoom"
const socket = io();
function Home() {
const [showModal, setShowModal] = useState(false);
const [showEnter, setEnter] = useState(false);
const [chat, setChat] = useState(false);
const [showModal, setShowModal] = useState(false);
const [showEnter, setEnter] = useState(false);
const [chat, setChat] = useState(false);
const [singleChat, setSingleChat] = useState('')
const [recievedMsg, setRecievedMsg] = useState('')
const [roomCode, setRoomCode] = useState('')
const [singleChat, setSingleChat] = useState('')
const [recievedMsg, setRecievedMsg] = useState('')
const [roomCode, setRoomCode] = useState('')
const [singleUser, setSingleUser] = useState('')
const [recievedUser, setRecievedUser] = useState('')
const [roomName, setRoomName] = useState('')
const handleCloseModal = () => setShowModal(false);
const handleShowModal = () => setShowModal(true);
const handleCloseEnter = () => setEnter(false);
const handleShowEnter = () => setEnter(true);
const handleChato = () => setChat(true);
const handleChatc = () => setChat(false);
const [roomName, setRoomName] = useState('')
const handleCloseModal = () => setShowModal(false);
const handleShowModal = () => setShowModal(true);
const handleCloseEnter = () => setEnter(false);
const handleShowEnter = () => setEnter(true);
const handleChato = () => setChat(true);
const handleChatc = () => setChat(false);
//SOCKET 관련 시작
function enterChatRoom(rName) { //방 입장하기
socket.emit('joinRoom', rName)
console.log(`joinRoom : ${rName} 입장`)
const sendMsg = (e) => {
//SOCKET 관련 시작
function enterChatRoom(rName) { //방 입장하기
socket.emit('joinRoom', rName)
console.log(`joinRoom : ${rName} 입장`)
const sendMsg = (e) => {
useEffect(() => {
if (!(singleChat == '')) {
socket.emit("chat", {
roomInfo: roomCode,
msg: singleChat
}, [singleChat])
useEffect(() => {
socket.on("sendedMSG", (msg) => {
}, [])
return (
<Menu />
<Row className="mr-0">
<Col className="list" md={5}>
<Tabs defaultActiveKey="closed" id="uncontrolled-tab-example">
<Tab eventKey="closed" title="내 채팅" onClick={handleChato} >
<ClosedList enterChatRoom={enterChatRoom} setRoomCode={setRoomCode} />
<Tab eventKey="open" title="공개방" onClick={handleChato}>
<OpenList enterChatRoom={enterChatRoom} setRoomCode={setRoomCode} />
<Col style={{ padding: "0" }}>
{chat ? <Chat handleChatc={handleChatc} sendMsg={sendMsg} singleChat={singleChat} recievedMsg={recievedMsg} setSingleChat={setSingleChat} roomCode={roomCode} /> : null}
<div style={{ position: "fixed", bottom: "20px", right: "30px" }}>
<Button variant="primary" onClick={handleShowModal} size="lg" block>
useEffect(() => {
if (!(singleChat == '')) {
socket.emit("chat", {
roomInfo: roomCode,
msg: { msg: singleChat, sender: singleUser },
}, [singleChat, singleUser])
useEffect(() => {
socket.on("sendedMSG", (msg) => {
console.log('홈페이지 센드', msg.msg, '이름은', msg.sender)
console.log('SENDEDMSG REC= ', recievedUser)
}, [])
return (
<Menu />
<Row className="mr-0">
<Col className="list" md={5}>
<Tabs defaultActiveKey="closed" id="uncontrolled-tab-example">
<Tab eventKey="closed" title="내 채팅" onClick={handleChato} >
<ClosedList enterChatRoom={enterChatRoom} setRoomCode={setRoomCode} />
<Tab eventKey="open" title="공개방" onClick={handleChato}>
<OpenList enterChatRoom={enterChatRoom} setRoomCode={setRoomCode} />
<Col style={{ padding: "0" }}>
{chat ? <Chat handleChatc={handleChatc} sendMsg={sendMsg} singleUser={singleUser} setSingleUser={setSingleUser} recievedUser={recievedUser} singleChat={singleChat} recievedMsg={recievedMsg} setSingleChat={setSingleChat} roomCode={roomCode} /> : null}
<div style={{ position: "fixed", bottom: "20px", right: "30px" }}>
<Button variant="primary" onClick={handleShowModal} size="lg" block>
<Button variant="secondary" onClick={handleShowEnter} size="lg" block>
<Button variant="secondary" onClick={handleShowEnter} size="lg" block>
<RoomMake showModal={showModal} handleCloseModal={handleCloseModal} />
<EnterRoom showEnter={showEnter} enterChatRoom={enterChatRoom} handleCloseEnter={handleCloseEnter} handleChato={handleChato} setRoomName={setRoomName}/>
<RoomMake showModal={showModal} handleCloseModal={handleCloseModal} />
<EnterRoom showEnter={showEnter} enterChatRoom={enterChatRoom} handleCloseEnter={handleCloseEnter} handleChato={handleChato} setRoomName={setRoomName} />
export default Home;
......@@ -28,10 +28,10 @@ io.on("connection", (socket) => { // 기본 연결
socket.on('chat', (data) => {
console.log('roomname확인', data)'sendedMSG', data.msg ); // sender 제외 특정 방으로'sendedMSG', data.msg ); // sender 제외 특정 방으로
socket.on('disconnect', () => {
console.log('disconnected from server id=',
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