Commit b7e0b8ba authored by Kim, Chaerin's avatar Kim, Chaerin
Browse files


parent f9bcb8f6
[{"C:\\Users\\sag06\\Desktop\\project\\search-page\\client\\src\\Search.js":"1","C:\\Users\\sag06\\Desktop\\project\\search-page\\client\\src\\Components\\Place.js":"2","C:\\Users\\sag06\\Desktop\\project\\search-page\\client\\src\\App.js":"3","C:\\Users\\sag06\\Desktop\\project\\search-page\\client\\src\\index.js":"4","C:\\Users\\sag06\\Desktop\\project\\search-page\\client\\src\\reportWebVitals.js":"5","C:\\Users\\sag06\\Desktop\\project\\search-page\\client\\src\\Components\\Paginations.js":"6"},{"size":38269,"mtime":1610341933148,"results":"7","hashOfConfig":"8"},{"size":5323,"mtime":1610343158606,"results":"9","hashOfConfig":"8"},{"size":1492,"mtime":1610342963521,"results":"10","hashOfConfig":"8"},{"size":992,"mtime":1609743464191,"results":"11","hashOfConfig":"8"},{"size":362,"mtime":1608689675665,"results":"12","hashOfConfig":"8"},{"size":2199,"mtime":1610325754517,"results":"13","hashOfConfig":"8"},{"filePath":"14","messages":"15","errorCount":0,"warningCount":3,"fixableErrorCount":0,"fixableWarningCount":0,"source":"16"},"1n20xnc",{"filePath":"17","messages":"18","errorCount":0,"warningCount":6,"fixableErrorCount":0,"fixableWarningCount":0,"source":null},{"filePath":"19","messages":"20","errorCount":0,"warningCount":2,"fixableErrorCount":0,"fixableWarningCount":0,"source":null},{"filePath":"21","messages":"22","errorCount":0,"warningCount":0,"fixableErrorCount":0,"fixableWarningCount":0},{"filePath":"23","messages":"24","errorCount":0,"warningCount":0,"fixableErrorCount":0,"fixableWarningCount":0},{"filePath":"25","messages":"26","errorCount":0,"warningCount":0,"fixableErrorCount":0,"fixableWarningCount":0},"C:\\Users\\sag06\\Desktop\\project\\search-page\\client\\src\\Search.js",["27","28","29"],"import React, { useState, useEffect } from 'react';\r\nimport { Link, Redirect } from 'react-router-dom';\r\nimport ohuh from './ohuh-sm.PNG';\r\nimport Place from './Components/Place';\r\nimport { Container, Form, Row, Col, Card, Image, InputGroup, FormControl, Button, Pagination } from 'react-bootstrap';\r\nimport Paginations from './Components/Paginations';\r\n\r\nfunction Search(props) {\r\n const endPage = 10;\r\n const [state, setState] = useState(false);\r\n const [index, setIndex] = useState(1);\r\n const [showSet, setShowSet] = useState([false, false, false, false]);\r\n const [search, setSearch] = useState(;\r\n const [mobile, setMobile] = useState();\r\n\r\n useEffect(() => {\r\n if (window.innerWidth < 960) {\r\n setMobile(true)\r\n } else {\r\n setMobile(false)\r\n }\r\n }, []);\r\n\r\n const places = [{\r\n name: \"한라산(hallasan)\",\r\n address: \"제주 서귀포시 토평동 산15-1\",\r\n img: \"\",\r\n }, {\r\n name: \"성산일출봉(sungsan)\",\r\n address: \"제주 서귀포시 성산읍 성산리 1\",\r\n img: \"\",\r\n }, {\r\n name: \"해녀의 집(haenyeo)\",\r\n address: \"제주 서귀포시 성산읍 한도로 141-13지번오조리 3 오조해녀의집\",\r\n img: \"\",\r\n }, {\r\n name: \"오설록 티 뮤지엄(osulloc)\",\r\n address: \"제주 서귀포시 안덕면 신화역사로 15 오설록지번서광리 1235-1 오설록\",\r\n img: \"\",\r\n }, {\r\n name: \"오설록 티 뮤지엄(osulloc)\",\r\n address: \"제주 서귀포시 안덕면 신화역사로 15 오설록지번서광리 1235-1 오설록\",\r\n img: \"\",\r\n }, {\r\n name: \"해녀의 집(haenyeo)\",\r\n address: \"제주 서귀포시 성산읍 한도로 141-13지번오조리 3 오조해녀의집\",\r\n img: \"\",\r\n }, {\r\n name: \"성산일출봉(sungsan)\",\r\n address: \"제주 서귀포시 성산읍 성산리 1\",\r\n img: \"\",\r\n }, {\r\n name: \"한라산(hallasan)\",\r\n address: \"제주 서귀포시 토평동 산15-1\",\r\n img: \"\",\r\n }, {\r\n name: \"성산일출봉(sungsan)\",\r\n address: \"제주 서귀포시 성산읍 성산리 1\",\r\n img: \"\",\r\n }, {\r\n name: \"해녀의 집(haenyeo)\",\r\n address: \"제주 서귀포시 성산읍 한도로 141-13지번오조리 3 오조해녀의집\",\r\n img: \"\",\r\n }, {\r\n name: \"오설록 티 뮤지엄(osulloc)\",\r\n address: \"제주 서귀포시 안덕면 신화역사로 15 오설록지번서광리 1235-1 오설록\",\r\n img: \"\",\r\n }, {\r\n name: \"오설록 티 뮤지엄(osulloc)\",\r\n address: \"제주 서귀포시 안덕면 신화역사로 15 오설록지번서광리 1235-1 오설록\",\r\n img: \"\",\r\n }, {\r\n name: \"해녀의 집(haenyeo)\",\r\n address: \"제주 서귀포시 성산읍 한도로 141-13지번오조리 3 오조해녀의집\",\r\n img: \"\",\r\n }, {\r\n name: \"성산일출봉(sungsan)\",\r\n address: \"제주 서귀포시 성산읍 성산리 1\",\r\n img: \"\",\r\n }, {\r\n name: \"한라산(hallasan)\",\r\n address: \"제주 서귀포시 토평동 산15-1\",\r\n img: \"\",\r\n }, {\r\n name: \"성산일출봉(sungsan)\",\r\n address: \"제주 서귀포시 성산읍 성산리 1\",\r\n img: \"\",\r\n }, {\r\n name: \"해녀의 집(haenyeo)\",\r\n address: \"제주 서귀포시 성산읍 한도로 141-13지번오조리 3 오조해녀의집\",\r\n img: \"\",\r\n }, {\r\n name: \"오설록 티 뮤지엄(osulloc)\",\r\n address: \"제주 서귀포시 안덕면 신화역사로 15 오설록지번서광리 1235-1 오설록\",\r\n img: \"\",\r\n }, {\r\n name: \"오설록 티 뮤지엄(osulloc)\",\r\n address: \"제주 서귀포시 안덕면 신화역사로 15 오설록지번서광리 1235-1 오설록\",\r\n img: \"\",\r\n }, {\r\n name: \"해녀의 집(haenyeo)\",\r\n address: \"제주 서귀포시 성산읍 한도로 141-13지번오조리 3 오조해녀의집\",\r\n img: \"\",\r\n }, {\r\n name: \"성산일출봉(sungsan)\",\r\n address: \"제주 서귀포시 성산읍 성산리 1\",\r\n img: \"\",\r\n }, {\r\n name: \"한라산(hallasan)\",\r\n address: \"제주 서귀포시 토평동 산15-1\",\r\n img: \"\",\r\n }, {\r\n name: \"성산일출봉(sungsan)\",\r\n address: \"제주 서귀포시 성산읍 성산리 1\",\r\n img: \"\",\r\n }, {\r\n name: \"해녀의 집(haenyeo)\",\r\n address: \"제주 서귀포시 성산읍 한도로 141-13지번오조리 3 오조해녀의집\",\r\n img: \"\",\r\n }, {\r\n name: \"오설록 티 뮤지엄(osulloc)\",\r\n address: \"제주 서귀포시 안덕면 신화역사로 15 오설록지번서광리 1235-1 오설록\",\r\n img: \"\",\r\n }, {\r\n name: \"오설록 티 뮤지엄(osulloc)\",\r\n address: \"제주 서귀포시 안덕면 신화역사로 15 오설록지번서광리 1235-1 오설록\",\r\n img: \"\",\r\n }, {\r\n name: \"해녀의 집(haenyeo)\",\r\n address: \"제주 서귀포시 성산읍 한도로 141-13지번오조리 3 오조해녀의집\",\r\n img: \"\",\r\n }, {\r\n name: \"성산일출봉(sungsan)\",\r\n address: \"제주 서귀포시 성산읍 성산리 1\",\r\n img: \"\",\r\n }, {\r\n name: \"한라산(hallasan)\",\r\n address: \"제주 서귀포시 토평동 산15-1\",\r\n img: \"\",\r\n }, {\r\n name: \"성산일출봉(sungsan)\",\r\n address: \"제주 서귀포시 성산읍 성산리 1\",\r\n img: \"\",\r\n }, {\r\n name: \"해녀의 집(haenyeo)\",\r\n address: \"제주 서귀포시 성산읍 한도로 141-13지번오조리 3 오조해녀의집\",\r\n img: \"\",\r\n }, {\r\n name: \"오설록 티 뮤지엄(osulloc)\",\r\n address: \"제주 서귀포시 안덕면 신화역사로 15 오설록지번서광리 1235-1 오설록\",\r\n img: \"\",\r\n }, {\r\n name: \"오설록 티 뮤지엄(osulloc)\",\r\n address: \"제주 서귀포시 안덕면 신화역사로 15 오설록지번서광리 1235-1 오설록\",\r\n img: \"\",\r\n }, {\r\n name: \"해녀의 집(haenyeo)\",\r\n address: \"제주 서귀포시 성산읍 한도로 141-13지번오조리 3 오조해녀의집\",\r\n img: \"\",\r\n }, {\r\n name: \"성산일출봉(sungsan)\",\r\n address: \"제주 서귀포시 성산읍 성산리 1\",\r\n img: \"\",\r\n }, {\r\n name: \"한라산(hallasan)\",\r\n address: \"제주 서귀포시 토평동 산15-1\",\r\n img: \"\",\r\n }, {\r\n name: \"성산일출봉(sungsan)\",\r\n address: \"제주 서귀포시 성산읍 성산리 1\",\r\n img: \"\",\r\n }, {\r\n name: \"해녀의 집(haenyeo)\",\r\n address: \"제주 서귀포시 성산읍 한도로 141-13지번오조리 3 오조해녀의집\",\r\n img: \"\",\r\n }, {\r\n name: \"오설록 티 뮤지엄(osulloc)\",\r\n address: \"제주 서귀포시 안덕면 신화역사로 15 오설록지번서광리 1235-1 오설록\",\r\n img: \"\",\r\n }, {\r\n name: \"오설록 티 뮤지엄(osulloc)\",\r\n address: \"제주 서귀포시 안덕면 신화역사로 15 오설록지번서광리 1235-1 오설록\",\r\n img: \"\",\r\n }, {\r\n name: \"해녀의 집(haenyeo)\",\r\n address: \"제주 서귀포시 성산읍 한도로 141-13지번오조리 3 오조해녀의집\",\r\n img: \"\",\r\n }, {\r\n name: \"성산일출봉(sungsan)\",\r\n address: \"제주 서귀포시 성산읍 성산리 1\",\r\n img: \"\",\r\n }, {\r\n name: \"한라산(hallasan)\",\r\n address: \"제주 서귀포시 토평동 산15-1\",\r\n img: \"\",\r\n }, {\r\n name: \"성산일출봉(sungsan)\",\r\n address: \"제주 서귀포시 성산읍 성산리 1\",\r\n img: \"\",\r\n }, {\r\n name: \"해녀의 집(haenyeo)\",\r\n address: \"제주 서귀포시 성산읍 한도로 141-13지번오조리 3 오조해녀의집\",\r\n img: \"\",\r\n }, {\r\n name: \"오설록 티 뮤지엄(osulloc)\",\r\n address: \"제주 서귀포시 안덕면 신화역사로 15 오설록지번서광리 1235-1 오설록\",\r\n img: \"\",\r\n }, {\r\n name: \"오설록 티 뮤지엄(osulloc)\",\r\n address: \"제주 서귀포시 안덕면 신화역사로 15 오설록지번서광리 1235-1 오설록\",\r\n img: \"\",\r\n }, {\r\n name: \"해녀의 집(haenyeo)\",\r\n address: \"제주 서귀포시 성산읍 한도로 141-13지번오조리 3 오조해녀의집\",\r\n img: \"\",\r\n }, {\r\n name: \"성산일출봉(sungsan)\",\r\n address: \"제주 서귀포시 성산읍 성산리 1\",\r\n img: \"\",\r\n }, {\r\n name: \"한라산(hallasan)\",\r\n address: \"제주 서귀포시 토평동 산15-1\",\r\n img: \"\",\r\n }, {\r\n name: \"성산일출봉(sungsan)\",\r\n address: \"제주 서귀포시 성산읍 성산리 1\",\r\n img: \"\",\r\n }, {\r\n name: \"해녀의 집(haenyeo)\",\r\n address: \"제주 서귀포시 성산읍 한도로 141-13지번오조리 3 오조해녀의집\",\r\n img: \"\",\r\n }, {\r\n name: \"오설록 티 뮤지엄(osulloc)\",\r\n address: \"제주 서귀포시 안덕면 신화역사로 15 오설록지번서광리 1235-1 오설록\",\r\n img: \"\",\r\n }, {\r\n name: \"오설록 티 뮤지엄(osulloc)\",\r\n address: \"제주 서귀포시 안덕면 신화역사로 15 오설록지번서광리 1235-1 오설록\",\r\n img: \"\",\r\n }, {\r\n name: \"해녀의 집(haenyeo)\",\r\n address: \"제주 서귀포시 성산읍 한도로 141-13지번오조리 3 오조해녀의집\",\r\n img: \"\",\r\n }, {\r\n name: \"성산일출봉(sungsan)\",\r\n address: \"제주 서귀포시 성산읍 성산리 1\",\r\n img: \"\",\r\n }, {\r\n name: \"한라산(hallasan)\",\r\n address: \"제주 서귀포시 토평동 산15-1\",\r\n img: \"\",\r\n }, {\r\n name: \"성산일출봉(sungsan)\",\r\n address: \"제주 서귀포시 성산읍 성산리 1\",\r\n img: \"\",\r\n }, {\r\n name: \"해녀의 집(haenyeo)\",\r\n address: \"제주 서귀포시 성산읍 한도로 141-13지번오조리 3 오조해녀의집\",\r\n img: \"\",\r\n }, {\r\n name: \"오설록 티 뮤지엄(osulloc)\",\r\n address: \"제주 서귀포시 안덕면 신화역사로 15 오설록지번서광리 1235-1 오설록\",\r\n img: \"\",\r\n }, {\r\n name: \"오설록 티 뮤지엄(osulloc)\",\r\n address: \"제주 서귀포시 안덕면 신화역사로 15 오설록지번서광리 1235-1 오설록\",\r\n img: \"\",\r\n }, {\r\n name: \"해녀의 집(haenyeo)\",\r\n address: \"제주 서귀포시 성산읍 한도로 141-13지번오조리 3 오조해녀의집\",\r\n img: \"\",\r\n }, {\r\n name: \"성산일출봉(sungsan)\",\r\n address: \"제주 서귀포시 성산읍 성산리 1\",\r\n img: \"\",\r\n }, {\r\n name: \"한라산(hallasan)\",\r\n address: \"제주 서귀포시 토평동 산15-1\",\r\n img: \"\",\r\n }, {\r\n name: \"성산일출봉(sungsan)\",\r\n address: \"제주 서귀포시 성산읍 성산리 1\",\r\n img: \"\",\r\n }, {\r\n name: \"해녀의 집(haenyeo)\",\r\n address: \"제주 서귀포시 성산읍 한도로 141-13지번오조리 3 오조해녀의집\",\r\n img: \"\",\r\n }, {\r\n name: \"오설록 티 뮤지엄(osulloc)\",\r\n address: \"제주 서귀포시 안덕면 신화역사로 15 오설록지번서광리 1235-1 오설록\",\r\n img: \"\",\r\n }, {\r\n name: \"오설록 티 뮤지엄(osulloc)\",\r\n address: \"제주 서귀포시 안덕면 신화역사로 15 오설록지번서광리 1235-1 오설록\",\r\n img: \"\",\r\n }, {\r\n name: \"해녀의 집(haenyeo)\",\r\n address: \"제주 서귀포시 성산읍 한도로 141-13지번오조리 3 오조해녀의집\",\r\n img: \"\",\r\n }, {\r\n name: \"성산일출봉(sungsan)\",\r\n address: \"제주 서귀포시 성산읍 성산리 1\",\r\n img: \"\",\r\n }, {\r\n name: \"한라산(hallasan)\",\r\n address: \"제주 서귀포시 토평동 산15-1\",\r\n img: \"\",\r\n }, {\r\n name: \"성산일출봉(sungsan)\",\r\n address: \"제주 서귀포시 성산읍 성산리 1\",\r\n img: \"\",\r\n }, {\r\n name: \"해녀의 집(haenyeo)\",\r\n address: \"제주 서귀포시 성산읍 한도로 141-13지번오조리 3 오조해녀의집\",\r\n img: \"\",\r\n }, {\r\n name: \"오설록 티 뮤지엄(osulloc)\",\r\n address: \"제주 서귀포시 안덕면 신화역사로 15 오설록지번서광리 1235-1 오설록\",\r\n img: \"\",\r\n }, {\r\n name: \"오설록 티 뮤지엄(osulloc)\",\r\n address: \"제주 서귀포시 안덕면 신화역사로 15 오설록지번서광리 1235-1 오설록\",\r\n img: \"\",\r\n }, {\r\n name: \"해녀의 집(haenyeo)\",\r\n address: \"제주 서귀포시 성산읍 한도로 141-13지번오조리 3 오조해녀의집\",\r\n img: \"\",\r\n }, {\r\n name: \"성산일출봉(sungsan)\",\r\n address: \"제주 서귀포시 성산읍 성산리 1\",\r\n img: \"\",\r\n }, {\r\n name: \"한라산(hallasan)\",\r\n address: \"제주 서귀포시 토평동 산15-1\",\r\n img: \"\",\r\n }, {\r\n name: \"성산일출봉(sungsan)\",\r\n address: \"제주 서귀포시 성산읍 성산리 1\",\r\n img: \"\",\r\n }, {\r\n name: \"해녀의 집(haenyeo)\",\r\n address: \"제주 서귀포시 성산읍 한도로 141-13지번오조리 3 오조해녀의집\",\r\n img: \"\",\r\n }, {\r\n name: \"오설록 티 뮤지엄(osulloc)\",\r\n address: \"제주 서귀포시 안덕면 신화역사로 15 오설록지번서광리 1235-1 오설록\",\r\n img: \"\",\r\n }, {\r\n name: \"오설록 티 뮤지엄(osulloc)\",\r\n address: \"제주 서귀포시 안덕면 신화역사로 15 오설록지번서광리 1235-1 오설록\",\r\n img: \"\",\r\n }, {\r\n name: \"해녀의 집(haenyeo)\",\r\n address: \"제주 서귀포시 성산읍 한도로 141-13지번오조리 3 오조해녀의집\",\r\n img: \"\",\r\n }, {\r\n name: \"성산일출봉(sungsan)\",\r\n address: \"제주 서귀포시 성산읍 성산리 1\",\r\n img: \"\",\r\n }, {\r\n name: \"한라산(hallasan)\",\r\n address: \"제주 서귀포시 토평동 산15-1\",\r\n img: \"\",\r\n }, {\r\n name: \"성산일출봉(sungsan)\",\r\n address: \"제주 서귀포시 성산읍 성산리 1\",\r\n img: \"\",\r\n }, {\r\n name: \"해녀의 집(haenyeo)\",\r\n address: \"제주 서귀포시 성산읍 한도로 141-13지번오조리 3 오조해녀의집\",\r\n img: \"\",\r\n }, {\r\n name: \"오설록 티 뮤지엄(osulloc)\",\r\n address: \"제주 서귀포시 안덕면 신화역사로 15 오설록지번서광리 1235-1 오설록\",\r\n img: \"\",\r\n }, {\r\n name: \"오설록 티 뮤지엄(osulloc)\",\r\n address: \"제주 서귀포시 안덕면 신화역사로 15 오설록지번서광리 1235-1 오설록\",\r\n img: \"\",\r\n }, {\r\n name: \"해녀의 집(haenyeo)\",\r\n address: \"제주 서귀포시 성산읍 한도로 141-13지번오조리 3 오조해녀의집\",\r\n img: \"\",\r\n }, {\r\n name: \"성산일출봉(sungsan)\",\r\n address: \"제주 서귀포시 성산읍 성산리 1\",\r\n img: \"\",\r\n }, {\r\n name: \"한라산(hallasan)\",\r\n address: \"제주 서귀포시 토평동 산15-1\",\r\n img: \"\",\r\n }, {\r\n name: \"성산일출봉(sungsan)\",\r\n address: \"제주 서귀포시 성산읍 성산리 1\",\r\n img: \"\",\r\n }, {\r\n name: \"해녀의 집(haenyeo)\",\r\n address: \"제주 서귀포시 성산읍 한도로 141-13지번오조리 3 오조해녀의집\",\r\n img: \"\",\r\n }, {\r\n name: \"오설록 티 뮤지엄(osulloc)\",\r\n address: \"제주 서귀포시 안덕면 신화역사로 15 오설록지번서광리 1235-1 오설록\",\r\n img: \"\",\r\n }, {\r\n name: \"오설록 티 뮤지엄(osulloc)\",\r\n address: \"제주 서귀포시 안덕면 신화역사로 15 오설록지번서광리 1235-1 오설록\",\r\n img: \"\",\r\n }, {\r\n name: \"해녀의 집(haenyeo)\",\r\n address: \"제주 서귀포시 성산읍 한도로 141-13지번오조리 3 오조해녀의집\",\r\n img: \"\",\r\n }, {\r\n name: \"성산일출봉(sungsan)\",\r\n address: \"제주 서귀포시 성산읍 성산리 1\",\r\n img: \"\",\r\n }, {\r\n name: \"한라산(hallasan)\",\r\n address: \"제주 서귀포시 토평동 산15-1\",\r\n img: \"\",\r\n }]\r\n\r\n if (state !== false) {\r\n return <Redirect to={{\r\n pathname: `/search/${search}`,\r\n state: { id: search },\r\n }} />;\r\n }\r\n\r\n const handlePage = (num) => {\r\n setIndex(num);\r\n }\r\n\r\n\r\n const handleChange = (e) => {\r\n setSearch(;\r\n }\r\n\r\n const handleSubmit = (e) => {\r\n setState(true);\r\n }\r\n\r\n function paginate(items, pageNumber) {\r\n const page = [];\r\n const startIndex = (pageNumber - 1) * 4\r\n for (var i = 0; i < 4; i++) {\r\n page.push(items[(startIndex + i)])\r\n }\r\n return page\r\n }\r\n\r\n\r\n\r\n const pagePlace = paginate(places, index)\r\n\r\n return (\r\n <Container >\r\n <Link to=\"/\" className=\"d-flex justify-content-center\"><Image src={ohuh} /></Link>\r\n <Row className=\"mb-2\" className=\"d-flex justify-content-center\">\r\n <Form style={{ width: \"90vw\" }} onSubmit={handleSubmit}>\r\n <InputGroup size=\"lg\">\r\n <FormControl\r\n placeholder=\"검색어를 입력하세요.\"\r\n value={search}\r\n aria-label=\"Large\"\r\n aria-describedby=\"inputGroup-sizing-sm\"\r\n onChange={handleChange}\r\n />\r\n <InputGroup.Append>\r\n <Button type=\"submit\" variant=\"outline-secondary\" >검색</Button>\r\n </InputGroup.Append>\r\n </InputGroup>\r\n </Form>\r\n </Row>\r\n <Row className=\"d-flex flex-wrap\">\r\n {, index) => {\r\n return (\r\n <Col key={index} md={6} >\r\n <Card align=\"center\" border=\"info\" style={{ margin: \"3%\" }}>\r\n <Card.Title style={{ margin: \"3%\", fontSize: '200%', fontWeight: 'bold' }} >{}</Card.Title>\r\n <Card.Img variant=\"top\" style={{ padding: \"5%\", width: \"100%\", height: \"340px\" }} src={place.img} />\r\n <Card.Body >\r\n <Card.Text style={{ overflow: 'auto', fontSize: '25px', width: '100%', height: \"80px\" }} >\r\n {place.address} </Card.Text>\r\n <Button variant=\"primary\" onClick={() => {\r\n const showArr = [false, false, false, false]\r\n showArr[index] = true\r\n setShowSet(showArr)\r\n }}>{} 자세히 살펴보기</Button>\r\n <Place search={place} index={index} show={showSet[index]} onHide={() => setShowSet([false, false, false, false])} />\r\n </Card.Body>\r\n </Card>\r\n </Col>\r\n )\r\n })}\r\n </Row>\r\n {console.log(showSet)}\r\n {/* show가 전부 true로 바뀌어서 전부 다 보이게 되는 것이다. */}\r\n <Row className=\"mt-2 d-flex justify-content-center\">\r\n <Paginations index={index} endPage={endPage} handlePage={handlePage}></Paginations>\r\n </Row>\r\n </Container>\r\n\r\n );\r\n}\r\n\r\nexport default Search;\r\n","C:\\Users\\sag06\\Desktop\\project\\search-page\\client\\src\\Components\\Place.js",["30","31","32","33","34","35"],"C:\\Users\\sag06\\Desktop\\project\\search-page\\client\\src\\App.js",["36","37"],"C:\\Users\\sag06\\Desktop\\project\\search-page\\client\\src\\index.js",[],"C:\\Users\\sag06\\Desktop\\project\\search-page\\client\\src\\reportWebVitals.js",[],"C:\\Users\\sag06\\Desktop\\project\\search-page\\client\\src\\Components\\Paginations.js",[],{"ruleId":"38","severity":1,"message":"39","line":5,"column":83,"nodeType":"40","messageId":"41","endLine":5,"endColumn":93},{"ruleId":"38","severity":1,"message":"42","line":14,"column":12,"nodeType":"40","messageId":"41","endLine":14,"endColumn":18},{"ruleId":"43","severity":1,"message":"44","line":458,"column":35,"nodeType":"45","endLine":458,"endColumn":76},{"ruleId":"38","severity":1,"message":"46","line":3,"column":33,"nodeType":"40","messageId":"41","endLine":3,"endColumn":36},{"ruleId":"38","severity":1,"message":"47","line":3,"column":46,"nodeType":"40","messageId":"41","endLine":3,"endColumn":51},{"ruleId":"38","severity":1,"message":"48","line":3,"column":53,"nodeType":"40","messageId":"41","endLine":3,"endColumn":57},{"ruleId":"38","severity":1,"message":"49","line":3,"column":59,"nodeType":"40","messageId":"41","endLine":3,"endColumn":68},{"ruleId":"38","severity":1,"message":"50","line":3,"column":70,"nodeType":"40","messageId":"41","endLine":3,"endColumn":78},{"ruleId":"51","severity":1,"message":"52","line":19,"column":6,"nodeType":"53","endLine":19,"endColumn":8,"suggestions":"54"},{"ruleId":"38","severity":1,"message":"55","line":1,"column":17,"nodeType":"40","messageId":"41","endLine":1,"endColumn":26},{"ruleId":"38","severity":1,"message":"56","line":2,"column":10,"nodeType":"40","messageId":"41","endLine":2,"endColumn":14},"no-unused-vars","'Pagination' is defined but never used.","Identifier","unusedVar","'mobile' is assigned a value but never used.","react/jsx-no-duplicate-props","No duplicate props allowed","JSXAttribute","'Col' is defined but never used.","'Badge' is defined but never used.","'Card' is defined but never used.","'Accordion' is defined but never used.","'Carousel' is defined but never used.","react-hooks/exhaustive-deps","React Hook useEffect has a missing dependency: 'getReview'. Either include it or remove the dependency array.","ArrayExpression",["57"],"'useEffect' is defined but never used.","'Link' is defined but never used.",{"desc":"58","fix":"59"},"Update the dependencies array to be: [getReview]",{"range":"60","text":"61"},[511,513],"[getReview]"] [{"C:\\Users\\sag06\\Desktop\\project\\search-page\\client\\src\\Components\\Place.js":"1","C:\\Users\\sag06\\Desktop\\project\\search-page\\client\\src\\index.js":"2","C:\\Users\\sag06\\Desktop\\project\\search-page\\client\\src\\reportWebVitals.js":"3","C:\\Users\\sag06\\Desktop\\project\\search-page\\client\\src\\Components\\Paginations.js":"4","C:\\Users\\sag06\\Desktop\\project\\search-page\\client\\src\\Pages\\Search.js":"5","C:\\Users\\sag06\\Desktop\\project\\search-page\\client\\src\\Pages\\App.js":"6"},{"size":5323,"mtime":1610343158606,"results":"7","hashOfConfig":"8"},{"size":1004,"mtime":1610344592277,"results":"9","hashOfConfig":"8"},{"size":362,"mtime":1608689675665,"results":"10","hashOfConfig":"8"},{"size":2199,"mtime":1610325754517,"results":"11","hashOfConfig":"8"},{"size":38272,"mtime":1610344608591,"results":"12","hashOfConfig":"8"},{"size":1428,"mtime":1610344561934,"results":"13","hashOfConfig":"8"},{"filePath":"14","messages":"15","errorCount":0,"warningCount":6,"fixableErrorCount":0,"fixableWarningCount":0,"source":null},"1n20xnc",{"filePath":"16","messages":"17","errorCount":0,"warningCount":0,"fixableErrorCount":0,"fixableWarningCount":0},{"filePath":"18","messages":"19","errorCount":0,"warningCount":0,"fixableErrorCount":0,"fixableWarningCount":0},{"filePath":"20","messages":"21","errorCount":0,"warningCount":0,"fixableErrorCount":0,"fixableWarningCount":0},{"filePath":"22","messages":"23","errorCount":0,"warningCount":3,"fixableErrorCount":0,"fixableWarningCount":0,"source":null},{"filePath":"24","messages":"25","errorCount":0,"warningCount":3,"fixableErrorCount":0,"fixableWarningCount":0,"source":null},"C:\\Users\\sag06\\Desktop\\project\\search-page\\client\\src\\Components\\Place.js",["26","27","28","29","30","31"],"C:\\Users\\sag06\\Desktop\\project\\search-page\\client\\src\\index.js",[],"C:\\Users\\sag06\\Desktop\\project\\search-page\\client\\src\\reportWebVitals.js",[],"C:\\Users\\sag06\\Desktop\\project\\search-page\\client\\src\\Components\\Paginations.js",[],"C:\\Users\\sag06\\Desktop\\project\\search-page\\client\\src\\Pages\\Search.js",["32","33","34"],"C:\\Users\\sag06\\Desktop\\project\\search-page\\client\\src\\Pages\\App.js",["35","36","37"],{"ruleId":"38","severity":1,"message":"39","line":3,"column":33,"nodeType":"40","messageId":"41","endLine":3,"endColumn":36},{"ruleId":"38","severity":1,"message":"42","line":3,"column":46,"nodeType":"40","messageId":"41","endLine":3,"endColumn":51},{"ruleId":"38","severity":1,"message":"43","line":3,"column":53,"nodeType":"40","messageId":"41","endLine":3,"endColumn":57},{"ruleId":"38","severity":1,"message":"44","line":3,"column":59,"nodeType":"40","messageId":"41","endLine":3,"endColumn":68},{"ruleId":"38","severity":1,"message":"45","line":3,"column":70,"nodeType":"40","messageId":"41","endLine":3,"endColumn":78},{"ruleId":"46","severity":1,"message":"47","line":19,"column":6,"nodeType":"48","endLine":19,"endColumn":8,"suggestions":"49"},{"ruleId":"38","severity":1,"message":"50","line":5,"column":83,"nodeType":"40","messageId":"41","endLine":5,"endColumn":93},{"ruleId":"38","severity":1,"message":"51","line":14,"column":12,"nodeType":"40","messageId":"41","endLine":14,"endColumn":18},{"ruleId":"52","severity":1,"message":"53","line":458,"column":35,"nodeType":"54","endLine":458,"endColumn":76},{"ruleId":"38","severity":1,"message":"55","line":1,"column":17,"nodeType":"40","messageId":"41","endLine":1,"endColumn":26},{"ruleId":"38","severity":1,"message":"56","line":2,"column":10,"nodeType":"40","messageId":"41","endLine":2,"endColumn":14},{"ruleId":"38","severity":1,"message":"57","line":4,"column":26,"nodeType":"40","messageId":"41","endLine":4,"endColumn":30},"no-unused-vars","'Col' is defined but never used.","Identifier","unusedVar","'Badge' is defined but never used.","'Card' is defined but never used.","'Accordion' is defined but never used.","'Carousel' is defined but never used.","react-hooks/exhaustive-deps","React Hook useEffect has a missing dependency: 'getReview'. Either include it or remove the dependency array.","ArrayExpression",["58"],"'Pagination' is defined but never used.","'mobile' is assigned a value but never used.","react/jsx-no-duplicate-props","No duplicate props allowed","JSXAttribute","'useEffect' is defined but never used.","'Link' is defined but never used.","'Form' is defined but never used.",{"desc":"59","fix":"60"},"Update the dependencies array to be: [getReview]",{"range":"61","text":"62"},[511,513],"[getReview]"]
\ No newline at end of file \ No newline at end of file
import React, { useEffect, useState } from 'react'; import React, { useEffect, useState } from 'react';
import { Link, Redirect } from 'react-router-dom'; import { Link, Redirect } from 'react-router-dom';
import ohuh from './ohuh.PNG'; import ohuh from '../ohuh.PNG';
import { Container, Row, Form, Image, InputGroup, Button, Col } from 'react-bootstrap'; import { Container, Row, Form, Image, InputGroup, Button, Col, FormControl } from 'react-bootstrap';
function App() { function App() {
const [state, setState] = useState(false); const [state, setState] = useState(false);
...@@ -25,31 +25,28 @@ function App() { ...@@ -25,31 +25,28 @@ function App() {
return ( return (
<Container className="vh-100 d-flex justify-content-md-center align-items-center"> <Container className="vh-100">
<Col md={6} lassName=" d-flex justify-content-center"> <Row className="d-flex justify-content-md-center">
<Row style={{marginBottom:20}}> <Col md={6} className="mt-5">
<Image src={ohuh} /> <Image src={ohuh} fluid />
</Row> </Col>
<Col lg={{ span: 10, offset: 1 }} >
<Row style={{marginBottom:500}}> <InputGroup size="lg" lg={6} xs={4} fluid>
<Form className="vw-100" onSubmit={handleSubmit}> <FormControl
<InputGroup> className="d-flex justify-content-lg-center"
<Form.Control placeholder="검색어를 입력하세요."
size="lg" aria-label="Large"
placeholder="검색어를 입력하세요." aria-describedby="inputGroup-sizing-sm"
aria-label="Large" onChange={handleChange}
aria-describedby="inputGroup-sizing-sm" />
onChange={handleChange} <InputGroup.Append>
/> <Button variant="outline-secondary" onClick={handleSubmit}>검색</Button>
<InputGroup.Append> </InputGroup.Append>
<Button type='submit' variant="outline-secondary">검색</Button> </InputGroup>
</InputGroup.Append> </Col>
</InputGroup> </Row>
</Container> </Container>
); );
} }
import React, { useState, useEffect } from 'react'; import React, { useState, useEffect } from 'react';
import { Link, Redirect } from 'react-router-dom'; import { Link, Redirect } from 'react-router-dom';
import ohuh from './ohuh-sm.PNG'; import ohuh from '../ohuh-sm.PNG';
import Place from './Components/Place'; import Place from '../Components/Place';
import { Container, Form, Row, Col, Card, Image, InputGroup, FormControl, Button, Pagination } from 'react-bootstrap'; import { Container, Form, Row, Col, Card, Image, InputGroup, FormControl, Button, Pagination } from 'react-bootstrap';
import Paginations from './Components/Paginations'; import Paginations from '../Components/Paginations';
function Search(props) { function Search(props) {
const endPage = 10; const endPage = 10;
...@@ -2,8 +2,8 @@ import React from 'react'; ...@@ -2,8 +2,8 @@ import React from 'react';
import ReactDOM from 'react-dom'; import ReactDOM from 'react-dom';
import './index.css'; import './index.css';
import 'bootstrap/dist/css/bootstrap.min.css'; import 'bootstrap/dist/css/bootstrap.min.css';
import App from './App'; import App from './Pages/App';
import Search from './Search'; import Search from './Pages/Search';
import axios from 'axios'; import axios from 'axios';
import reportWebVitals from './reportWebVitals'; import reportWebVitals from './reportWebVitals';
import { import {
...@@ -5,6 +5,7 @@ ...@@ -5,6 +5,7 @@
"main": "index.js", "main": "index.js",
"type": "module", "type": "module",
"scripts": { "scripts": {
"dev": "nodemon server/server.js",
"test": "echo \"Error: no test specified\" && exit 1" "test": "echo \"Error: no test specified\" && exit 1"
}, },
"repository": { "repository": {
import Place from '../models/Place.js'
import cheerio from 'cheerio'
const signup = async (req, res) => {
const { name, email, password } = req.body
console.log(name, email, password)
try {
if (!isLength(name, { min: 3, max: 10 })) {
return res.status(422).send('Name must be 3-10 characters')
const newUser = await new User({
} catch (error) {
res.status(500).send('User signup error')
const search = async (req, res) => {
// 정보들 크롤링 해오고 아래에 넣어주기
const url = "" + keyword
request(url, function (err, res, html) { // URL로부터 가져온 페이지 소스가 html이란 변수에 담긴다.
if (!err) {
var $ = cheerio.load(html);
// 블로그 title 정보 가져오기
$(".entry-title > a").each(function () {
var post = { "name": "", "address": "", "img": "" };
var data = $(this);
post["title"] = data.text();
post["link"] = data.attr("href");
// try {
// const newPlace = await new Place({
// name:,
// address,
// img,
// })
// }
export default { signup, search }
\ No newline at end of file
...@@ -12,25 +12,31 @@ const signup = async (req, res) => { ...@@ -12,25 +12,31 @@ const signup = async (req, res) => {
} }
const search = async (req, res) => { const search = async (req, res) => {
console.log( const url = "" + encodeURI( + "" + '&page_no=1'
console.log("req", req)
const url = ""
request(url) request(url)
.then(anyToUtf8) .then(anyToUtf8)
.then((html) => { .then((html) => {
// fs.writeFileSync("googlez.txt", '\ufeff' + html, { encoding: 'utf8' }); // fs.writeFileSync("googlez.txt", '\ufeff' + html, { encoding: 'utf8' });
let $ = cheerio.load(html, null, false); let $ = cheerio.load(html, null, false);
let places = [] let places = []
$('.kCrYT').each(function (i) { $('.kCrYT').each(function (i) {
const review = await Review.findOne({ link: $(this).find('a').attr('href') })
if (!user) {
const newReview = await new Review({
password: hash
places[i] = { places[i] = {
title: $(this).find('h3').text(), title: $(this).find('h3').text(),
link: $(this).find('a').attr('href'), link: $(this).find('a').attr('href'),
summary: $(this).find('.s3v9rd ').text(), summary: $(this).find('.s3v9rd').text(),
} }
}) })
// console.log(places)
// console.log(places)
res.send(places) res.send(places)
}) })
function anyToUtf8(str) { function anyToUtf8(str) {
...@@ -39,8 +45,6 @@ const search = async (req, res) => { ...@@ -39,8 +45,6 @@ const search = async (req, res) => {
const iconv = new Iconv(encoding, "utf-8//translit//ignore"); const iconv = new Iconv(encoding, "utf-8//translit//ignore");
return iconv.convert(str).toString(); return iconv.convert(str).toString();
} }
// try { // try {
// const newPlace = await new Place({ // const newPlace = await new Place({
// name:, // name:,
...@@ -51,4 +55,6 @@ const search = async (req, res) => { ...@@ -51,4 +55,6 @@ const search = async (req, res) => {
// } // }
} }
export default { signup, search } export default { signup, search }
\ No newline at end of file
...@@ -3,14 +3,17 @@ import mongoose from 'mongoose' ...@@ -3,14 +3,17 @@ import mongoose from 'mongoose'
const { String } = mongoose.Schema.Types const { String } = mongoose.Schema.Types
const ReviewSchema = new mongoose.Schema({ const ReviewSchema = new mongoose.Schema({
title: {
type: String,
link: { link: {
type: String, type: String,
required: true, required: true,
unique: true,
}, },
content: { summary: {
type: String, type: String,
required: true, required: true,
unique: true,
}, },
keyword: { keyword: {
type: Array, type: Array,
import express from 'express'
import place from '../controllers/place.controller.js'
const router = express.Router()
export default router
\ No newline at end of file
import axios from "axios";
import cheerio from "cheerio";
import express from 'express';
import request from 'request-promise'
import jschardet from 'jschardet'
import iconv from 'iconv'
import fs from 'fs'
const Iconv = iconv.Iconv
const app = express()
app.get('/', (req, res) => {
const url = ""
url: url,
encoding: null,
.then((html) => {
// fs.writeFileSync("test.txt", '\ufeff' + html, {encoding: 'utf8'});
let $ = cheerio.load(html, null, false);
let places = []
$('div.tt_article_useless_p_margin').each(function () {
console.log("title", $(this).find('p').text())
console.log("places", places)
function anyToUtf8(str) {
const { encoding } = jschardet.detect(str);
const iconv = new Iconv(encoding, "utf-8//translit//ignore");
return iconv.convert(str).toString();
app.listen(3001, () => {
console.log('Server is listening on port 3001')
\ No newline at end of file
import axios from "axios";
import cheerio from "cheerio";
import express from 'express';
import request from 'request-promise'
import jschardet from 'jschardet'
import iconv from 'iconv'
import fs from 'fs'
const Iconv = iconv.Iconv
const app = express()
app.get('/', (req, res) => {
const url = ""
.then((html) => {
// fs.writeFileSync("googlez.txt", '\ufeff' + html, { encoding: 'utf8' });
let $ = cheerio.load(html, null, false);
let places = []
$('.kCrYT').each(function (i) {
places[i] = {
title: $(this).find('h3').text(),
link: $(this).find('a').attr('href'),
summary: $(this).text(),
function anyToUtf8(str) {
const { encoding } = jschardet.detect(str);
console.log("source encoding = " + encoding);
const iconv = new Iconv(encoding, "utf-8//translit//ignore");
return iconv.convert(str).toString();
app.listen(3001, () => {
console.log('Server is listening on port 3001')
\ No newline at end of file
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