import React, {useState} from 'react'; import {StyleSheet, Text, View, FlatList, Alert, TouchableWithoutFeedback, Keyboard} from 'react-native'; import Header from'./components/header'; import TodoItem from './components/todoItem'; import AddTodo from './components/addTodo'; import Sandbox from './components/sandbox'; export default function App5() { const [todos, setTodos] = useState([ { text: 'buy coffee', key:'1'}, { text: 'create an app', key: '2'}, { text: 'play on the swithch', key: '3'} ]); const pressHandler = (key) => { setTodos((prevTodos) => { return prevTodos.filter(todo => todo.ket != key); }); } const submitHandler = (text) => { if(text.length > 3){ setTodos((prevTodos) => { return [ { text: text, key: Math.random().toString() }, ...prevTodos ]; }); }else { Alert.alert('OOPs!' , 'Todos must be over 4 chars long', [ {text: 'Understood', onPress: () => console.log('alert closed')} ]); } } return( // { Keyboard.dismiss(); console.log('dismissed keyboard'); }}>
( )} /> ); } const styles = StyleSheet.create({ container: { flex:1, backgroundColor: '#fff', }, content: { padding: 40, backgroundColor: 'pink', }, list: { marginTop: 20, backgroundColor: 'yellow', } });