Commit 1c847220 authored by jang dong hyeok's avatar jang dong hyeok
Browse files


parent 076f0c68
using System;
namespace Unity.Cloud.Collaborate.Models.Structures
internal struct ProgressInfo : IProgressInfo
public ProgressInfo(string title = default, string details = default, int currentCount = default, int totalCount = default, string lastErrorString = default, ulong lastError = default, bool canCancel = false, bool percentageProgressType = false, int percentageComplete = default)
Title = title;
Details = details;
CurrentCount = currentCount;
TotalCount = totalCount;
LastErrorString = lastErrorString;
LastError = lastError;
CanCancel = canCancel;
PercentageProgressType = percentageProgressType;
PercentageComplete = percentageComplete;
public string Title { get; }
public string Details { get; }
public int CurrentCount { get; }
public int TotalCount { get; }
public string LastErrorString { get; }
public ulong LastError { get; }
public bool CanCancel { get; }
public bool PercentageProgressType { get; }
public int PercentageComplete { get; }
using System;
using System.Linq;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
using JetBrains.Annotations;
using Unity.Cloud.Collaborate.Assets;
using Unity.Cloud.Collaborate.Components.Menus;
using Unity.Cloud.Collaborate.Models;
using Unity.Cloud.Collaborate.Models.Structures;
using Unity.Cloud.Collaborate.Utilities;
using Unity.Cloud.Collaborate.Views;
using UnityEngine;
using UnityEngine.Assertions;
namespace Unity.Cloud.Collaborate.Presenters
internal class ChangesPresenter : IChangesPresenter
readonly IChangesView m_View;
readonly IChangesModel m_Model;
readonly IMainModel m_MainModel;
bool m_IsStarted;
public ChangesPresenter([NotNull] IChangesView view, [NotNull] IChangesModel model, [NotNull] IMainModel mainModel)
m_View = view;
m_Model = model;
m_MainModel = mainModel;
/// <inheritdoc />
public void Start()
Assert.IsFalse(m_IsStarted, "The presenter has already been started.");
m_IsStarted = true;
m_Model.UpdatedChangeList += OnUpdatedChangeList;
m_Model.OnUpdatedSelectedChanges += OnUpdatedPartiallySelectedChanges;
m_Model.BusyStatusUpdated += OnBusyStatusUpdated;
m_Model.StateChanged += OnStateChanged;
m_MainModel.RemoteRevisionsAvailabilityChange += OnRemoteRevisionsAvailabilityChange;
m_MainModel.ConflictStatusChange += OnConflictStatusChange;
/// <inheritdoc />
public void Stop()
Assert.IsTrue(m_IsStarted, "The presenter has already been stopped.");
m_IsStarted = false;
m_Model.UpdatedChangeList -= OnUpdatedChangeList;
m_Model.OnUpdatedSelectedChanges -= OnUpdatedPartiallySelectedChanges;
m_Model.BusyStatusUpdated -= OnBusyStatusUpdated;
m_Model.StateChanged -= OnStateChanged;
m_MainModel.RemoteRevisionsAvailabilityChange -= OnRemoteRevisionsAvailabilityChange;
m_MainModel.ConflictStatusChange -= OnConflictStatusChange;
/// <summary>
/// Refresh state from the model.
/// </summary>
void OnStateChanged()
/// <summary>
/// Populate the view with the initial data from the model.
/// </summary>
void PopulateInitialData()
/// <summary>
/// Event handler to receive updated remote changes available status.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="available">Whether or not remote changes are available.</param>
protected void OnRemoteRevisionsAvailabilityChange(bool available)
/// <summary>
/// Event handler to receive updated busy status.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="busy">New busy status.</param>
void OnBusyStatusUpdated(bool busy)
/// <summary>
/// Event handler for when the model reports an updated change list.
/// </summary>
protected void OnUpdatedChangeList()
/// <summary>
/// Request the change or conflict list depending on the state of the model. The result is then given to the
/// view to populate itself. Fire and forget method -- must be run on main thread.
/// </summary>
void UpdateChangeList()
Assert.IsTrue(Threading.IsMainThread, "Updating the change lists must be done from the main thread.");
// Fetch and send data to the UI depending on what's the current display mode.
if (m_Model.Conflicted)
Task.Run(() => m_Model.GetConflictedEntries(m_Model.SavedSearchQuery))
.ContinueWith(r => m_View.SetConflicts(r.Result), TaskScheduler.FromCurrentSynchronizationContext());
Task.Run(() => m_Model.GetAllEntries(m_Model.SavedSearchQuery))
.ContinueWith(r => m_View.SetChanges(r.Result), TaskScheduler.FromCurrentSynchronizationContext());
/// <summary>
/// Inform view to refresh its selections.
/// </summary>
protected void OnUpdatedPartiallySelectedChanges()
/// <summary>
/// Update changelist display in response to the conflict status changing.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="conflicted">New conflicted status.</param>
protected void OnConflictStatusChange(bool conflicted)
/// <inheritdoc />
public bool UpdateEntryToggle(string path, bool toggled)
var result = m_Model.UpdateEntryToggle(path, toggled);
return result;
/// <inheritdoc />
public int ToggledCount => m_Model.ToggledCount;
/// <inheritdoc />
public int TotalCount => m_Model.TotalCount;
/// <inheritdoc />
public int ConflictedCount => m_Model.ConflictedCount;
/// <inheritdoc />
public bool Searching => !string.IsNullOrEmpty(m_Model.SavedSearchQuery);
/// <inheritdoc />
public void RequestPublish()
Assert.IsFalse(Searching, "Cannot publish while searching");
m_Model.RequestPublish(m_Model.SavedRevisionSummary, m_Model.GetToggledEntries().Select(i => i.Entry).ToList());
/// <inheritdoc />
public void RequestDiscard(IChangeEntry entry)
if (m_View.DisplayDialogue(StringAssets.confirmDiscardChangesTitle,
StringAssets.confirmDiscardChangeMessage, StringAssets.discardChanges,
/// <summary>
/// Discard all toggled entries. Fire and forget method -- must be called on main thread.
/// </summary>
void RequestDiscardToggled()
var entries = m_Model.GetToggledEntries(m_Model.SavedSearchQuery).Select(e => e.Entry).ToList();
if (m_View.DisplayDialogue(StringAssets.confirmDiscardChangesTitle,
string.Format(StringAssets.confirmDiscardChangesMessage, entries.Count), StringAssets.discardChanges,
/// <summary>
/// Update the state of the publish button in the view based on the state of the model.
/// </summary>
void UpdatePublishButton()
if (m_Model.Conflicted)
m_View.SetPublishEnabled(false, StringAssets.cannotPublishWhileConflicted);
else if (m_MainModel.RemoteRevisionsAvailable)
m_View.SetPublishEnabled(false, StringAssets.cannotPublishWithIncomingChanges);
else if (m_Model.ToggledCount < 1)
m_View.SetPublishEnabled(false, StringAssets.cannotPublishWithoutFiles);
else if (Searching)
m_View.SetPublishEnabled(false, StringAssets.cannotPublishWhileSearching);
/// <inheritdoc />
public void RequestDiffChanges(string path)
/// <inheritdoc />
public void SetSearchQuery(string query)
var value = StringUtility.TrimAndToLower(query);
m_Model.SavedSearchQuery = value;
/// <inheritdoc />
public void SetRevisionSummary(string message)
m_Model.SavedRevisionSummary = message;
/// <inheritdoc />
public int GroupOverflowEntryCount => 1;
/// <inheritdoc />
public void OnClickGroupOverflow(float x, float y)
new FloatingMenu()
.AddEntry(StringAssets.menuDiscardToggledChanges, RequestDiscardToggled, ToggledCount > 0)
.Open(x, y);
/// <inheritdoc />
public int ConflictGroupOverflowEntryCount => 2;
/// <inheritdoc />
public void OnClickConflictGroupOverflow(float x, float y)
new FloatingMenu()
.AddEntry(StringAssets.useMyChanges, OnBulkUseMine, true)
.AddEntry(StringAssets.useRemoteChanges, OnBulkUseRemote, true)
.Open(x, y);
/// <summary>
/// Perform bulk choose mine on all conflicted entries.
/// </summary>
void OnBulkUseMine()
m_Model.RequestChooseMine(m_Model.GetConflictedEntries().Select(e => e.Entry.Path).ToArray());
/// <summary>
/// Perform bulk choose theirs on all conflicted entries.
/// </summary>
void OnBulkUseRemote()
m_Model.RequestChooseRemote(m_Model.GetConflictedEntries().Select(e => e.Entry.Path).ToArray());
/// <inheritdoc />
public void RequestShowConflictedDifferences(string path)
/// <inheritdoc />
public void RequestChooseMerge(string path)
/// <inheritdoc />
public void RequestChooseMine(string path)
m_Model.RequestChooseMine(new [] { path });
/// <inheritdoc />
public void RequestChooseRemote(string path)
m_Model.RequestChooseRemote(new [] { path });
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using JetBrains.Annotations;
using Unity.Cloud.Collaborate.Assets;
using Unity.Cloud.Collaborate.Models;
using Unity.Cloud.Collaborate.Views;
using Unity.Cloud.Collaborate.Models.Structures;
using UnityEngine;
using UnityEngine.Assertions;
namespace Unity.Cloud.Collaborate.Presenters
internal class HistoryPresenter : IHistoryPresenter
internal const int pageSize = 10;
internal const string historyEntrySelectedId = "history-entry-selected";
int m_MaxPages;
bool m_IsStarted;
readonly IHistoryView m_View;
readonly IHistoryModel m_HistoryModel;
readonly IMainModel m_MainModel;
public HistoryPresenter([NotNull] IHistoryView view, [NotNull] IHistoryModel historyModel, [NotNull] IMainModel mainModel)
m_View = view;
m_HistoryModel = historyModel;
m_MainModel = mainModel;
/// <inheritdoc />
public void Start()
Assert.IsFalse(m_IsStarted, "The presenter has already been started.");
m_IsStarted = true;
m_HistoryModel.HistoryListUpdated += OnHistoryListUpdated;
m_HistoryModel.SelectedRevisionReceived += OnSelectedRevisionReceived;
m_HistoryModel.EntryCountUpdated += OnEntryCountUpdated;
m_HistoryModel.HistoryListReceived += OnHistoryListReceived;
m_HistoryModel.BusyStatusUpdated += OnBusyStatusUpdated;
m_HistoryModel.StateChanged += OnStateChanged;
/// <inheritdoc />
public void Stop()
Assert.IsTrue(m_IsStarted, "The presenter has already been stopped.");
m_IsStarted = false;
m_HistoryModel.HistoryListUpdated -= OnHistoryListUpdated;
m_HistoryModel.SelectedRevisionReceived -= OnSelectedRevisionReceived;
m_HistoryModel.EntryCountUpdated -= OnEntryCountUpdated;
m_HistoryModel.HistoryListReceived -= OnHistoryListReceived;
m_HistoryModel.BusyStatusUpdated -= OnBusyStatusUpdated;
m_HistoryModel.StateChanged -= OnStateChanged;
/// <summary>
/// Refresh state from the model.
/// </summary>
void OnStateChanged()
/// <summary>
/// Populate the view with the initial data from the model.
/// </summary>
void PopulateInitialData()
if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(m_HistoryModel.SelectedRevisionId))
else if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(m_HistoryModel.SavedRevisionId))
// Request initial data
/// <summary>
/// Event handler to receive updated busy status.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="busy">New busy status.</param>
void OnBusyStatusUpdated(bool busy)
/// <summary>
/// Event handler to receive requested history list.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="list">Received history list.</param>
void OnHistoryListReceived(IReadOnlyList<IHistoryEntry> list)
if (list == null)
// Return back to first page of entries
m_HistoryModel.PageNumber = 0;
Debug.LogError("Request page does not exist.");
/// <summary>
/// Event handler to receive updated history entry count.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="count">New entry count.</param>
void OnEntryCountUpdated(int? count)
if (count == null)
Debug.LogError("Unable to fetch number of revisions");
m_MaxPages = (count.Value - 1) / pageSize;
m_View.SetPage(m_HistoryModel.PageNumber, m_MaxPages);
/// <summary>
/// Event handler to receive requested single revision.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="entry">Received single revision.</param>
void OnSelectedRevisionReceived(IHistoryEntry entry)
if (entry == null)
// Return back to all revisions list
Debug.LogError("Unable to find requested revision");
m_MainModel.RegisterBackNavigation(historyEntrySelectedId, StringAssets.allHistory, OnBackEvent);
/// <summary>
/// Event handler for when the model has received a message of an updated history list.
/// </summary>
void OnHistoryListUpdated()
// Request updated number of entries.
// Request either single revision or list of revisions depending on current state.
if (m_HistoryModel.IsRevisionSelected)
Assert.AreNotEqual(string.Empty, m_HistoryModel.SelectedRevisionId, "There should be a revision id at this point.");
/// <summary>
/// Event handler for when the back button is pressed.
/// </summary>
void OnBackEvent()
// Return back to all revisions list
/// <inheritdoc />
public void PrevPage()
m_HistoryModel.PageNumber = Math.Max(m_HistoryModel.PageNumber - 1, 0);
m_View.SetPage(m_HistoryModel.PageNumber, m_MaxPages);
/// <inheritdoc />
public void NextPage()
m_HistoryModel.PageNumber = Math.Min(m_HistoryModel.PageNumber + 1, m_MaxPages);
m_View.SetPage(m_HistoryModel.PageNumber, m_MaxPages);
/// <inheritdoc />
public string SelectedRevisionId
if (m_HistoryModel.SelectedRevisionId == value) return;
/// <inheritdoc />
public void RequestGoto(string revisionId, HistoryEntryStatus status)
switch (status) {
case HistoryEntryStatus.Ahead:
case HistoryEntryStatus.Current:
case HistoryEntryStatus.Behind:
throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException(nameof(status), status, null);
/// <inheritdoc />
public bool SupportsRevert => m_HistoryModel.SupportsRevert;
/// <inheritdoc />
public void RequestRevert(string revisionId, IReadOnlyList<string> files)
m_HistoryModel.RequestRevert(revisionId, files);
using JetBrains.Annotations;
using Unity.Cloud.Collaborate.Models.Structures;
namespace Unity.Cloud.Collaborate.Presenters
internal interface IChangesPresenter : IPresenter
/// <summary>
/// Count of the number of toggled entries.
/// </summary>
int ToggledCount { get; }
/// <summary>
/// Count of the total number of entries.
/// </summary>
int TotalCount { get; }
/// <summary>
/// Count of the number of conflicted entries.
/// </summary>
int ConflictedCount { get; }
/// <summary>
/// Whether or no a search is occuring.
/// </summary>
bool Searching { get; }
/// <summary>
/// Toggles or untoggles the entry associated with the give path. If the toggle impacts more than the existing
/// entry, then this will return true to indicate that the toggled states must be refreshed.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="path">Path of the associated entry.</param>
/// <param name="toggled">Whether or not the entry is now toggled.</param>
/// <returns>True if the list must be refreshed.</returns>
bool UpdateEntryToggle([NotNull] string path, bool toggled);
/// <summary>
/// Request a publish with the existing values known by the presenter.
/// </summary>
void RequestPublish();
/// <summary>
/// Request a discard for the file at the given path.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="entry">Entry to discard.</param>
void RequestDiscard([NotNull] IChangeEntry entry);
/// <summary>
/// Request a diff of the file at the given path.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="path">Path of the file to diff.</param>
void RequestDiffChanges([NotNull] string path);
/// <summary>
/// Provide the presenter with the latest search query.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="query">Latest search query.</param>
void SetSearchQuery([NotNull] string query);
/// <summary>
/// Provide the latest revision summary to the presenter.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="message">Latest commit message.</param>
void SetRevisionSummary([NotNull] string message);
/// <summary>
/// Number of entries in the group overflow menu.
/// </summary>
int GroupOverflowEntryCount { get; }
/// <summary>
/// Event handler for clicking the overflow button in the changes list.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="x">X position of the click.</param>
/// <param name="y">Y position of the click.</param>
void OnClickGroupOverflow(float x, float y);
/// <summary>
/// Number of entries in the conflict group overflow menu.
/// </summary>
int ConflictGroupOverflowEntryCount { get; }
/// <summary>
/// Event handler for clicking the overflow button in the conflicts list.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="x">X position of the click.</param>
/// <param name="y">Y position of the click.</param>
void OnClickConflictGroupOverflow(float x, float y);
/// <summary>
/// Show the difference between both version of a conlicted file.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="path">Path of the file to show.</param>
void RequestShowConflictedDifferences([NotNull] string path);
/// <summary>
/// Request to choose merge for the provided conflict.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="path">Path of the file to choose merge for.</param>
void RequestChooseMerge([NotNull] string path);
/// <summary>
/// Request to choose mine for the provided conflict.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="path">Path of the file to choose mine for.</param>
void RequestChooseMine([NotNull] string path);
/// <summary>
/// Request to choose remote for the provided conflict.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="path">Path of the file to choose remote for.</param>
void RequestChooseRemote([NotNull] string path);
using System.Collections.Generic;
using JetBrains.Annotations;
using Unity.Cloud.Collaborate.Models.Structures;
namespace Unity.Cloud.Collaborate.Presenters
internal interface IHistoryPresenter : IPresenter
/// <summary>
/// Request a move to the previous page. Ensures page number never goes below 0.
/// </summary>
void PrevPage();
/// <summary>
/// Request a move to the next page. Ensures page number doesn't go beyond the max number of pages.
/// </summary>
void NextPage();
/// <summary>
/// Set the revision id to request.
/// </summary>
string SelectedRevisionId { set; }
/// <summary>
/// Request to update the state of the project to a provided revision. If revision is in the past, then the
/// state of the project at that point simply will be applied on top of the current without impacting history.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="revisionId">Revision id of the project to update to.</param>
/// <param name="status">Status of the revision.</param>
void RequestGoto([NotNull] string revisionId, HistoryEntryStatus status);
/// <summary>
/// Returns true if revert is supported.
/// </summary>
bool SupportsRevert { get; }
/// <summary>
/// Request to revert the specified files to the given revision.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="revisionId">Revision to revert the files back to.</param>
/// <param name="files">Files to revert back.</param>
void RequestRevert([NotNull] string revisionId, [NotNull] IReadOnlyList<string> files);
using System;
using Unity.Cloud.Collaborate.Views;
namespace Unity.Cloud.Collaborate.Presenters
internal interface IMainPresenter : IPresenter
/// <summary>
/// Create the history presenter and wire it up to the history view.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="view">View to wire to.</param>
/// <returns>The created presenter.</returns>
IHistoryPresenter AssignHistoryPresenter(IHistoryView view);
/// <summary>
/// Create the changes presenter and wire it up to the changes view.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="view">View to wire to.</param>
/// <returns>The created presenter.</returns>
IChangesPresenter AssignChangesPresenter(IChangesView view);
/// <summary>
/// Request cancel current job.
/// </summary>
void RequestCancelJob();
/// <summary>
/// Update value of current tab index.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="index">New tab index.</param>
void UpdateTabIndex(int index);
/// <summary>
/// Request a back navigation.
/// </summary>
void NavigateBack();
namespace Unity.Cloud.Collaborate.Presenters
internal interface IPresenter
/// <summary>
/// Called when the view is ready to receive data. For example when it comes into view.
/// </summary>
void Start();
/// <summary>
/// Called when the view is no longer available to receive data. For example when it goes out of view.
/// </summary>
void Stop();
namespace Unity.Cloud.Collaborate.Presenters
internal interface IStartPresenter : IPresenter
void RequestStart();
using JetBrains.Annotations;
using Unity.Cloud.Collaborate.Assets;
using Unity.Cloud.Collaborate.Components;
using Unity.Cloud.Collaborate.Models;
using Unity.Cloud.Collaborate.Models.Structures;
using Unity.Cloud.Collaborate.Views;
using UnityEngine;
using UnityEngine.Assertions;
namespace Unity.Cloud.Collaborate.Presenters
internal class MainPresenter : IMainPresenter
readonly IMainView m_View;
readonly IMainModel m_Model;
bool m_IsStarted;
const string k_ErrorOccuredId = "error_occured";
const string k_ConflictsDetectedId = "conflicts_detected";
const string k_RevisionsAvailableId = "revisions_available";
public MainPresenter([NotNull] IMainView view, [NotNull] IMainModel model)
m_View = view;
m_Model = model;
/// <inheritdoc />
public void Start()
Assert.IsFalse(m_IsStarted, "The presenter has already been started.");
m_IsStarted = true;
// Setup listeners.
m_Model.ConflictStatusChange += OnConflictStatusChange;
m_Model.OperationStatusChange += OnOperationStatusChange;
m_Model.OperationProgressChange += OnOperationProgressChange;
m_Model.ErrorOccurred += OnErrorOccurred;
m_Model.ErrorCleared += OnErrorCleared;
m_Model.RemoteRevisionsAvailabilityChange += OnRemoteRevisionsAvailabilityChange;
m_Model.BackButtonStateUpdated += OnBackButtonStateUpdated;
m_Model.StateChanged += OnStateChanged;
// Update progress info.
var progressInfo = m_Model.ProgressInfo;
if (progressInfo != null)
// Update error info.
var errorInfo = m_Model.ErrorInfo;
if (errorInfo != null)
// Get initial values.
/// <inheritdoc />
public void Stop()
Assert.IsTrue(m_IsStarted, "The presenter has already been stopped.");
m_IsStarted = false;
m_Model.ConflictStatusChange -= OnConflictStatusChange;
m_Model.OperationStatusChange -= OnOperationStatusChange;
m_Model.OperationProgressChange -= OnOperationProgressChange;
m_Model.ErrorOccurred -= OnErrorOccurred;
m_Model.ErrorCleared -= OnErrorCleared;
m_Model.RemoteRevisionsAvailabilityChange -= OnRemoteRevisionsAvailabilityChange;
m_Model.BackButtonStateUpdated -= OnBackButtonStateUpdated;
m_Model.StateChanged -= OnStateChanged;
/// <summary>
/// Refresh state from the model.
/// </summary>
void OnStateChanged()
/// <summary>
/// Populate the view with the initial data from the model.
/// </summary>
void PopulateInitialData()
// Set tab.
// Update back navigation
/// <inheritdoc />
public IHistoryPresenter AssignHistoryPresenter(IHistoryView view)
var presenter = new HistoryPresenter(view, m_Model.ConstructHistoryModel(), m_Model);
view.Presenter = presenter;
return presenter;
/// <inheritdoc />
public IChangesPresenter AssignChangesPresenter(IChangesView view)
var presenter = new ChangesPresenter(view, m_Model.ConstructChangesModel(), m_Model);
view.Presenter = presenter;
return presenter;
/// <inheritdoc />
public void RequestCancelJob()
/// <inheritdoc />
public void UpdateTabIndex(int index)
m_Model.CurrentTabIndex = index;
/// <inheritdoc />
public void NavigateBack()
// Grab back action from the model, clear it, then invoke it.
var nav = m_Model.GetBackNavigation();
if (nav == null) return;
/// <summary>
/// Display an alert if there is conflicts detected.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="conflicts">True if conflicts exist.</param>
void OnConflictStatusChange(bool conflicts)
if (conflicts)
m_View.AddAlert(k_ConflictsDetectedId, AlertBox.AlertLevel.Alert, StringAssets.conflictsDetected);
/// <summary>
/// Display a progress bar if an operation has started.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="inProgress"></param>
void OnOperationStatusChange(bool inProgress)
if (inProgress)
/// <summary>
/// Update progress bar with incremental details.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="progressInfo"></param>
void OnOperationProgressChange(IProgressInfo progressInfo)
m_View.SetOperationProgress(progressInfo.Title, progressInfo.Details,
progressInfo.PercentageComplete, progressInfo.CurrentCount,
progressInfo.TotalCount, progressInfo.PercentageProgressType, progressInfo.CanCancel);
/// <summary>
/// Display an error.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="errorInfo"></param>
void OnErrorOccurred(IErrorInfo errorInfo)
if (errorInfo.Behaviour == ErrorInfoBehavior.Alert)
m_View.AddAlert(k_ErrorOccuredId, AlertBox.AlertLevel.Alert, errorInfo.Message, (StringAssets.clear, m_Model.ClearError));
/// <summary>
/// Clear the error state.
/// </summary>
void OnErrorCleared()
/// <summary>
/// Show or clear the revisions to fetch alert based on whether or not they are available.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="remoteRevisionsAvailable">True if there are remote revisions to pull down.</param>
void OnRemoteRevisionsAvailabilityChange(bool remoteRevisionsAvailable)
if (remoteRevisionsAvailable)
m_View.AddAlert(k_RevisionsAvailableId, AlertBox.AlertLevel.Info, StringAssets.syncRemoteRevisionsMessage, (StringAssets.sync, m_Model.RequestSync));
/// <summary>
/// Clear or show back navigation button.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="title">Text to display next to the back navigation. Null means no back navigation.</param>
void OnBackButtonStateUpdated([CanBeNull] string title)
if (title == null)
# Presenters
In this directory, we have all of the interfaces and implementations of the Presenters in the package's **MVP** architecture.
using System;
using JetBrains.Annotations;
using Unity.Cloud.Collaborate.Assets;
using Unity.Cloud.Collaborate.Models;
using Unity.Cloud.Collaborate.Models.Enums;
using Unity.Cloud.Collaborate.Views;
using UnityEngine;
using UnityEngine.Assertions;
namespace Unity.Cloud.Collaborate.Presenters
internal class StartPresenter : IStartPresenter
readonly IStartView m_View;
readonly IStartModel m_Model;
bool m_IsStarted;
public StartPresenter([NotNull] IStartView view, [NotNull] IStartModel model)
m_View = view;
m_Model = model;
/// <inheritdoc />
public void Start()
Assert.IsFalse(m_IsStarted, "The presenter has already been started.");
m_IsStarted = true;
m_Model.ProjectStatusChanged += OnProjectStatusChanged;
m_Model.StateChanged += OnStateChanged;
/// <inheritdoc />
public void Stop()
Assert.IsTrue(m_IsStarted, "The presenter has already been stopped.");
m_IsStarted = false;
m_Model.ProjectStatusChanged -= OnProjectStatusChanged;
m_Model.StateChanged -= OnStateChanged;
/// <summary>
/// Refresh state from the model.
/// </summary>
void OnStateChanged()
/// <summary>
/// Populate the view with the initial data from the model.
/// </summary>
void PopulateInitialData()
void OnProjectStatusChanged(ProjectStatus status)
switch (status) {
case ProjectStatus.Offline:
m_View.Text = StringAssets.projectStatusTitleOffline;
m_View.ButtonText = string.Empty;
case ProjectStatus.Maintenance:
m_View.Text = StringAssets.projectStatusTitleMaintenance;
m_View.ButtonText = string.Empty;
case ProjectStatus.LoggedOut:
m_View.Text = StringAssets.projectStatusTitleLoggedOut;
m_View.ButtonText = StringAssets.projectStatusButtonLoggedOut;
case ProjectStatus.Unbound:
m_View.Text = StringAssets.projectStatusTitleUnbound;
m_View.ButtonText = StringAssets.projectStatusButtonUnbound;
case ProjectStatus.NoSeat:
m_View.Text = StringAssets.projectStatusTitleNoSeat;
m_View.ButtonText = StringAssets.projectStatusButtonNoSeat;
case ProjectStatus.Bound:
m_View.Text = StringAssets.projectStatusTitleBound;
m_View.ButtonText = StringAssets.projectStatusButtonBound;
case ProjectStatus.Loading:
m_View.Text = StringAssets.projectStatusTitleLoading;
m_View.ButtonText = string.Empty;
case ProjectStatus.Ready:
m_View.Text = string.Empty;
m_View.ButtonText = string.Empty;
throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException(nameof(status), status, "Unexpected project status.");
/// <inheritdoc />
public void RequestStart()
var status = m_Model.ProjectStatus;
switch (status) {
case ProjectStatus.Unbound:
case ProjectStatus.LoggedOut:
case ProjectStatus.NoSeat:
case ProjectStatus.Bound:
// Turn on collab Service. This is where we do a Genesis request apparently.
throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException(nameof(status), status, "Unexpected project status.");
using System;
using System.Runtime.CompilerServices;
[assembly: InternalsVisibleToAttribute("Unity.CollabProxy.EditorTests")]
# Unity Collaborate Editor Package Code
In this directory, we have all of the package code of Collaborate including its **MVP** architecture.
## Overview
This is the structure of the directory:
├── Unity.SourceControl.asmdef
├── Assets/
│ ├── Icons/
│ ├── Layouts/
│ ├── Styles/
│ └── UiConstants.cs
├── Models/
│ ├── Api/
│ │ └── ISourceControlProvider.cs
│ └── Providers/
│ └── Collab.cs
├── Views/
│ └── Adaptors/
├── Presenters/
├── Common/
├── Settings/
├── Components/
├── Utilities/
└── UserInterface/
├── Bootstrap.cs
├── WindowCache.cs
├── ToolbarButton.cs
└── CollaborateWindow.cs
// using UnityEditor;
// using UnityEditor.SettingsManagement;
// using UnityEngine;
// namespace Unity.Cloud.Collaborate.Settings
// {
// internal class CollabSetting<T> : UserSetting<T>
// {
// public CollabSetting(string key, T value, SettingsScope scope = SettingsScope.Project)
// : base(CollabSettingsManager.instance, key, value, scope)
// {}
// CollabSetting(UnityEditor.SettingsManagement.Settings settings, string key, T value, SettingsScope scope = SettingsScope.Project)
// : base(settings, key, value, scope) { }
// }
// }
using System;
using JetBrains.Annotations;
// using UnityEditor.SettingsManagement;
using UnityEngine;
namespace Unity.Cloud.Collaborate.Settings
internal class CollabSettings
public enum DisplayMode
public enum OpenLocation
// List of setting keys
public const string settingRelativeTimestamp = "general.relativeTimestamps";
// public const string settingAutoFetch = "general.autoFetch";
// public const string settingDisplayMode = "general.displayMode";
public const string settingDefaultOpenLocation = "general.defaultOpenLocation";
// [UserSetting] attribute registers this setting with the UserSettingsProvider so that it can be automatically
// shown in the UI.
// [UserSetting("General Settings", "Default Open Location")]
// [UsedImplicitly]
// static CollabSetting<OpenLocation> s_DefaultOpenLocation = new CollabSetting<OpenLocation>(settingDefaultOpenLocation, OpenLocation.Docked);
// [UserSetting("General Settings", "Relative Timestamps")]
// [UsedImplicitly]
// static CollabSetting<bool> s_RelativeTimestamps = new CollabSetting<bool>(settingRelativeTimestamp, true);
// [UserSetting("General Settings", "Automatic Fetch")]
// [UsedImplicitly]
// static CollabSetting<bool> s_AutoFetch = new CollabSetting<bool>(settingAutoFetch, true);
// [UserSetting("General Settings", "Display Mode")]
// [UsedImplicitly]
// static CollabSetting<DisplayMode> s_DisplayMode = new CollabSetting<DisplayMode>(settingDisplayMode, DisplayMode.Simple);
using UnityEditor;
namespace Unity.Cloud.Collaborate.Settings
/// <summary>
/// This class will act as a manager for the <see cref="Settings"/> singleton.
/// </summary>
internal static class CollabSettingsManager
// Project settings will be stored in a JSON file in a directory matching this name.
// const string k_PackageName = "com.unity.collab-proxy";
// static UnityEditor.SettingsManagement.Settings s_Instance;
// internal static UnityEditor.SettingsManagement.Settings instance =>
// s_Instance ?? (s_Instance = new UnityEditor.SettingsManagement.Settings(k_PackageName));
// The rest of this file is just forwarding the various setting methods to the instance.
// public static void Save()
// {
// instance.Save();
// }
public static T Get<T>(string key, SettingsScope scope = SettingsScope.Project, T fallback = default)
return fallback;
//return instance.Get(key, scope, fallback);
// public static void Set<T>(string key, T value, SettingsScope scope = SettingsScope.Project)
// {
// instance.Set(key, value, scope);
// }
// public static bool ContainsKey<T>(string key, SettingsScope scope = SettingsScope.Project)
// {
// return instance.ContainsKey<T>(key, scope);
// }
// using JetBrains.Annotations;
// using UnityEditor;
// using UnityEditor.SettingsManagement;
// namespace Unity.Cloud.Collaborate.Settings
// {
// [UsedImplicitly]
// internal class CollabSettingsProvider
// {
// const string k_PreferencesPath = "Preferences/Collaborate";
// [SettingsProvider]
// [UsedImplicitly]
// static SettingsProvider CreateSettingsProvider()
// {
// var provider = new UserSettingsProvider(k_PreferencesPath,
// CollabSettingsManager.instance,
// new [] { typeof(CollabSettingsProvider).Assembly });
// return provider;
// }
// }
// }
# Unity Collaborate Settings
This directory contains implementations and bindings for the Unity Settings package. All settings for the package are managed in this directory.
"name": "Unity.CollabProxy.Editor",
"references": [
"includePlatforms": [
"excludePlatforms": [],
"allowUnsafeCode": false,
"overrideReferences": false,
"precompiledReferences": [],
"autoReferenced": false,
"defineConstraints": [],
"versionDefines": [],
"noEngineReferences": false
\ No newline at end of file
using UnityEditor;
using UnityEditor.Collaboration;
using UnityEngine;
using Unity.Cloud.Collaborate.UserInterface;
namespace CollabProxy.UI
public class Bootstrap
static Bootstrap()
var toolbar = new ToolbarButton { Width = 32f };
Collab.ShowHistoryWindow += () =>
Collab.ShowChangesWindow += () =>
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