import db from "./db/index"; import envs from "../config/config"; import schedule from "node-schedule"; import { spawn } from "child_process"; import { handleOutData } from "./controllers/dataController"; // Data Processing Python Codes Directory - server directory에서 실행 const DATA_PROCESSING_DIR = "./src/data_processing/"; // 매일 자정에 실행할 스케줄의 규칙 const rule_dataProcessing = new schedule.RecurrenceRule(); rule_dataProcessing.hour = 0; rule_dataProcessing.minute = 0; rule_dataProcessing.second = 0; // 매일 자정에 실행되는 데이터 처리 스케줄 const dataProcessingJob = schedule.scheduleJob(rule_dataProcessing, () => { const today = new Date(); console.log( `${today.getFullYear()}.${ today.getMonth() + 1 }.${today.getDate()} - Data Processing Start.` ); const pyprocess = spawn("python", [ DATA_PROCESSING_DIR,, envs.db.port, envs.db.user, envs.db.password, envs.db.database, ]); pyprocess.stdout.on("data", (data) => { console.log("Data processing is start."); console.log(data.toString()); // Buffer to String. }); pyprocess.stderr.on("data", (error) => { console.log("Error in the data processing."); console.log(error.toString()); }); pyprocess.on("close", () => { console.log("The data processing done."); }); }); // 10분 마다 지역 외부 날씨 저장 스케쥴 const rules_weather_out_store = { "00m": new schedule.RecurrenceRule(), "10m": new schedule.RecurrenceRule(), "20m": new schedule.RecurrenceRule(), "30m": new schedule.RecurrenceRule(), "40m": new schedule.RecurrenceRule(), "50m": new schedule.RecurrenceRule(), }; rules_weather_out_store["00m"].minute = 0; rules_weather_out_store["00m"].second = 0; rules_weather_out_store["10m"].minute = 10; rules_weather_out_store["10m"].second = 0; rules_weather_out_store["20m"].minute = 20; rules_weather_out_store["20m"].second = 0; rules_weather_out_store["30m"].minute = 30; rules_weather_out_store["30m"].second = 0; rules_weather_out_store["40m"].minute = 40; rules_weather_out_store["40m"].second = 0; rules_weather_out_store["50m"].minute = 50; rules_weather_out_store["50m"].second = 0; // 임의의 사용자 데이터 등록 const coordinates = [ { lat: 37.240049, lng: 131.86931, locCode: 3743011 }, { lat: 37.206616, lng: 127.037113, locCode: 3124053 }, { lat: 37.666729, lng: 127.051501, locCode: 1111072 }, { lat: 35.177681, lng: 128.805934, locCode: 3807063 }, ]; // 데이터 저장 용 날짜 생성 const make_date = () => { const now = new Date(); const year = now.getFullYear(); const month = now.getMonth() + 1 < 10 ? `0${now.getMonth() + 1}` : now.getMonth() + 1; const date = now.getDate() < 10 ? `0${now.getDate()}` : now.getDate(); const hour = now.getHours() < 10 ? `0${now.getHours()}` : now.getHours(); let minute = now.getMinutes(); minute = minute - (minute % 10); minute = minute < 10 ? `0${minute}` : minute; const str_date = `${year}-${month}-${date}T${hour}:${minute}:00+09:00`; const collected_at = new Date(str_date); return collected_at; }; // 날씨 저장 스케줄 등록 const weatherOutStoringJob_00m = schedule.scheduleJob( rules_weather_out_store["00m"], () => { const date = make_date();{ lat, lng, locCode }) => handleOutData(locCode, date, lat, lng) ); } ); const weatherOutStoringJob_10m = schedule.scheduleJob( rules_weather_out_store["10m"], () => { const date = make_date();{ lat, lng, locCode }) => handleOutData(locCode, date, lat, lng) ); } ); const weatherOutStoringJob_20m = schedule.scheduleJob( rules_weather_out_store["20m"], () => { const date = make_date();{ lat, lng, locCode }) => handleOutData(locCode, date, lat, lng) ); } ); const weatherOutStoringJob_30m = schedule.scheduleJob( rules_weather_out_store["30m"], () => { const date = make_date();{ lat, lng, locCode }) => handleOutData(locCode, date, lat, lng) ); } ); const weatherOutStoringJob_40m = schedule.scheduleJob( rules_weather_out_store["40m"], () => { const date = make_date();{ lat, lng, locCode }) => handleOutData(locCode, date, lat, lng) ); } ); const weatherOutStoringJob_50m = schedule.scheduleJob( rules_weather_out_store["50m"], () => { const date = make_date();{ lat, lng, locCode }) => handleOutData(locCode, date, lat, lng) ); } );