Commit f0131599 authored by Spark's avatar Spark
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typescript client

parent ec4d4f56
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***************************************************************************** */
/// <reference no-default-lib="true"/>
declare namespace Intl {
type NumberFormatPartTypes = "compact" | "currency" | "decimal" | "exponentInteger" | "exponentMinusSign" | "exponentSeparator" | "fraction" | "group" | "infinity" | "integer" | "literal" | "minusSign" | "nan" | "plusSign" | "percentSign" | "unit" | "unknown";
interface NumberFormatPart {
type: NumberFormatPartTypes;
value: string;
interface NumberFormat {
formatToParts(number?: number): NumberFormatPart[];
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/// <reference no-default-lib="true"/>
interface AggregateError extends Error {
errors: any[]
interface AggregateErrorConstructor {
new(errors: Iterable<any>, message?: string): AggregateError;
(errors: Iterable<any>, message?: string): AggregateError;
readonly prototype: AggregateError;
declare var AggregateError: AggregateErrorConstructor;
* Represents the completion of an asynchronous operation
interface PromiseConstructor {
* The any function returns a promise that is fulfilled by the first given promise to be fulfilled, or rejected with an AggregateError containing an array of rejection reasons if all of the given promises are rejected. It resolves all elements of the passed iterable to promises as it runs this algorithm.
* @param values An array or iterable of Promises.
* @returns A new Promise.
any<T>(values: (T | PromiseLike<T>)[] | Iterable<T | PromiseLike<T>>): Promise<T>
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***************************************************************************** */
/// <reference no-default-lib="true"/>
interface String {
* Replace all instances of a substring in a string, using a regular expression or search string.
* @param searchValue A string to search for.
* @param replaceValue A string containing the text to replace for every successful match of searchValue in this string.
replaceAll(searchValue: string | RegExp, replaceValue: string): string;
* Replace all instances of a substring in a string, using a regular expression or search string.
* @param searchValue A string to search for.
* @param replacer A function that returns the replacement text.
replaceAll(searchValue: string | RegExp, replacer: (substring: string, ...args: any[]) => string): string;
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this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the
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and limitations under the License.
***************************************************************************** */
/// <reference no-default-lib="true"/>
interface WeakRef<T extends object> {
readonly [Symbol.toStringTag]: "WeakRef";
* Returns the WeakRef instance's target object, or undefined if the target object has been
* reclaimed.
deref(): T | undefined;
interface WeakRefConstructor {
readonly prototype: WeakRef<any>;
* Creates a WeakRef instance for the given target object.
* @param target The target object for the WeakRef instance.
new<T extends object>(target?: T): WeakRef<T>;
declare var WeakRef: WeakRefConstructor;
interface FinalizationRegistry {
readonly [Symbol.toStringTag]: "FinalizationRegistry";
* Registers an object with the registry.
* @param target The target object to register.
* @param heldValue The value to pass to the finalizer for this object. This cannot be the
* target object.
* @param unregisterToken The token to pass to the unregister method to unregister the target
* object. If provided (and not undefined), this must be an object. If not provided, the target
* cannot be unregistered.
register(target: object, heldValue: any, unregisterToken?: object): void;
* Unregisters an object from the registry.
* @param unregisterToken The token that was used as the unregisterToken argument when calling
* register to register the target object.
unregister(unregisterToken: object): void;
interface FinalizationRegistryConstructor {
readonly prototype: FinalizationRegistry;
* Creates a finalization registry with an associated cleanup callback
* @param cleanupCallback The callback to call after an object in the registry has been reclaimed.
new(cleanupCallback: (heldValue: any) => void): FinalizationRegistry;
declare var FinalizationRegistry: FinalizationRegistryConstructor;
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and limitations under the License.
***************************************************************************** */
/// <reference no-default-lib="true"/>
/// Windows Script Host APIS
interface ActiveXObject {
new (s: string): any;
declare var ActiveXObject: ActiveXObject;
interface ITextWriter {
Write(s: string): void;
WriteLine(s: string): void;
Close(): void;
interface TextStreamBase {
* The column number of the current character position in an input stream.
Column: number;
* The current line number in an input stream.
Line: number;
* Closes a text stream.
* It is not necessary to close standard streams; they close automatically when the process ends. If
* you close a standard stream, be aware that any other pointers to that standard stream become invalid.
Close(): void;
interface TextStreamWriter extends TextStreamBase {
* Sends a string to an output stream.
Write(s: string): void;
* Sends a specified number of blank lines (newline characters) to an output stream.
WriteBlankLines(intLines: number): void;
* Sends a string followed by a newline character to an output stream.
WriteLine(s: string): void;
interface TextStreamReader extends TextStreamBase {
* Returns a specified number of characters from an input stream, starting at the current pointer position.
* Does not return until the ENTER key is pressed.
* Can only be used on a stream in reading mode; causes an error in writing or appending mode.
Read(characters: number): string;
* Returns all characters from an input stream.
* Can only be used on a stream in reading mode; causes an error in writing or appending mode.
ReadAll(): string;
* Returns an entire line from an input stream.
* Although this method extracts the newline character, it does not add it to the returned string.
* Can only be used on a stream in reading mode; causes an error in writing or appending mode.
ReadLine(): string;
* Skips a specified number of characters when reading from an input text stream.
* Can only be used on a stream in reading mode; causes an error in writing or appending mode.
* @param characters Positive number of characters to skip forward. (Backward skipping is not supported.)
Skip(characters: number): void;
* Skips the next line when reading from an input text stream.
* Can only be used on a stream in reading mode, not writing or appending mode.
SkipLine(): void;
* Indicates whether the stream pointer position is at the end of a line.
AtEndOfLine: boolean;
* Indicates whether the stream pointer position is at the end of a stream.
AtEndOfStream: boolean;
declare var WScript: {
* Outputs text to either a message box (under WScript.exe) or the command console window followed by
* a newline (under CScript.exe).
Echo(s: any): void;
* Exposes the write-only error output stream for the current script.
* Can be accessed only while using CScript.exe.
StdErr: TextStreamWriter;
* Exposes the write-only output stream for the current script.
* Can be accessed only while using CScript.exe.
StdOut: TextStreamWriter;
Arguments: { length: number; Item(n: number): string; };
* The full path of the currently running script.
ScriptFullName: string;
* Forces the script to stop immediately, with an optional exit code.
Quit(exitCode?: number): number;
* The Windows Script Host build version number.
BuildVersion: number;
* Fully qualified path of the host executable.
FullName: string;
* Gets/sets the script mode - interactive(true) or batch(false).
Interactive: boolean;
* The name of the host executable (WScript.exe or CScript.exe).
Name: string;
* Path of the directory containing the host executable.
Path: string;
* The filename of the currently running script.
ScriptName: string;
* Exposes the read-only input stream for the current script.
* Can be accessed only while using CScript.exe.
StdIn: TextStreamReader;
* Windows Script Host version
Version: string;
* Connects a COM object's event sources to functions named with a given prefix, in the form prefix_event.
ConnectObject(objEventSource: any, strPrefix: string): void;
* Creates a COM object.
* @param strProgiID
* @param strPrefix Function names in the form prefix_event will be bound to this object's COM events.
CreateObject(strProgID: string, strPrefix?: string): any;
* Disconnects a COM object from its event sources.
DisconnectObject(obj: any): void;
* Retrieves an existing object with the specified ProgID from memory, or creates a new one from a file.
* @param strPathname Fully qualified path to the file containing the object persisted to disk.
* For objects in memory, pass a zero-length string.
* @param strProgID
* @param strPrefix Function names in the form prefix_event will be bound to this object's COM events.
GetObject(strPathname: string, strProgID?: string, strPrefix?: string): any;
* Suspends script execution for a specified length of time, then continues execution.
* @param intTime Interval (in milliseconds) to suspend script execution.
Sleep(intTime: number): void;
* WSH is an alias for WScript under Windows Script Host
declare var WSH: typeof WScript;
* Represents an Automation SAFEARRAY
declare class SafeArray<T = any> {
private constructor();
private SafeArray_typekey: SafeArray<T>;
* Allows enumerating over a COM collection, which may not have indexed item access.
interface Enumerator<T = any> {
* Returns true if the current item is the last one in the collection, or the collection is empty,
* or the current item is undefined.
atEnd(): boolean;
* Returns the current item in the collection
item(): T;
* Resets the current item in the collection to the first item. If there are no items in the collection,
* the current item is set to undefined.
moveFirst(): void;
* Moves the current item to the next item in the collection. If the enumerator is at the end of
* the collection or the collection is empty, the current item is set to undefined.
moveNext(): void;
interface EnumeratorConstructor {
new <T = any>(safearray: SafeArray<T>): Enumerator<T>;
new <T = any>(collection: { Item(index: any): T }): Enumerator<T>;
new <T = any>(collection: any): Enumerator<T>;
declare var Enumerator: EnumeratorConstructor;
* Enables reading from a COM safe array, which might have an alternate lower bound, or multiple dimensions.
interface VBArray<T = any> {
* Returns the number of dimensions (1-based).
dimensions(): number;
* Takes an index for each dimension in the array, and returns the item at the corresponding location.
getItem(dimension1Index: number, ...dimensionNIndexes: number[]): T;
* Returns the smallest available index for a given dimension.
* @param dimension 1-based dimension (defaults to 1)
lbound(dimension?: number): number;
* Returns the largest available index for a given dimension.
* @param dimension 1-based dimension (defaults to 1)
ubound(dimension?: number): number;
* Returns a Javascript array with all the elements in the VBArray. If there are multiple dimensions,
* each successive dimension is appended to the end of the array.
* Example: [[1,2,3],[4,5,6]] becomes [1,2,3,4,5,6]
toArray(): T[];
interface VBArrayConstructor {
new <T = any>(safeArray: SafeArray<T>): VBArray<T>;
declare var VBArray: VBArrayConstructor;
* Automation date (VT_DATE)
declare class VarDate {
private constructor();
private VarDate_typekey: VarDate;
interface DateConstructor {
new (vd: VarDate): Date;
interface Date {
getVarDate: () => VarDate;
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Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use
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License at
See the Apache Version 2.0 License for specific language governing permissions
and limitations under the License.
***************************************************************************** */
/// <reference no-default-lib="true"/>
/// WorkerGlobalScope APIs
// These are only available in a Web Worker
declare function importScripts(...urls: string[]): void;
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this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the
License at
See the Apache Version 2.0 License for specific language governing permissions
and limitations under the License.
***************************************************************************** */
/// <reference no-default-lib="true"/>
/// Worker Iterable APIs
interface Cache {
addAll(requests: Iterable<RequestInfo>): Promise<void>;
interface CanvasPathDrawingStyles {
setLineDash(segments: Iterable<number>): void;
interface DOMStringList {
[Symbol.iterator](): IterableIterator<string>;
interface FileList {
[Symbol.iterator](): IterableIterator<File>;
interface FormData {
[Symbol.iterator](): IterableIterator<[string, FormDataEntryValue]>;
* Returns an array of key, value pairs for every entry in the list.
entries(): IterableIterator<[string, FormDataEntryValue]>;
* Returns a list of keys in the list.
keys(): IterableIterator<string>;
* Returns a list of values in the list.
values(): IterableIterator<FormDataEntryValue>;
interface Headers {
[Symbol.iterator](): IterableIterator<[string, string]>;
* Returns an iterator allowing to go through all key/value pairs contained in this object.
entries(): IterableIterator<[string, string]>;
* Returns an iterator allowing to go through all keys of the key/value pairs contained in this object.
keys(): IterableIterator<string>;
* Returns an iterator allowing to go through all values of the key/value pairs contained in this object.
values(): IterableIterator<string>;
interface IDBDatabase {
* Returns a new transaction with the given mode ("readonly" or "readwrite") and scope which can be a single object store name or an array of names.
transaction(storeNames: string | Iterable<string>, mode?: IDBTransactionMode): IDBTransaction;
interface IDBObjectStore {
* Creates a new index in store with the given name, keyPath and options and returns a new IDBIndex. If the keyPath and options define constraints that cannot be satisfied with the data already in store the upgrade transaction will abort with a "ConstraintError" DOMException.
* Throws an "InvalidStateError" DOMException if not called within an upgrade transaction.
createIndex(name: string, keyPath: string | Iterable<string>, options?: IDBIndexParameters): IDBIndex;
interface URLSearchParams {
[Symbol.iterator](): IterableIterator<[string, string]>;
* Returns an array of key, value pairs for every entry in the search params.
entries(): IterableIterator<[string, string]>;
* Returns a list of keys in the search params.
keys(): IterableIterator<string>;
* Returns a list of values in the search params.
values(): IterableIterator<string>;
interface WEBGL_draw_buffers {
drawBuffersWEBGL(buffers: Iterable<GLenum>): void;
interface WebGL2RenderingContextBase {
clearBufferfv(buffer: GLenum, drawbuffer: GLint, values: Iterable<GLfloat>, srcOffset?: GLuint): void;
clearBufferiv(buffer: GLenum, drawbuffer: GLint, values: Iterable<GLint>, srcOffset?: GLuint): void;
clearBufferuiv(buffer: GLenum, drawbuffer: GLint, values: Iterable<GLuint>, srcOffset?: GLuint): void;
drawBuffers(buffers: Iterable<GLenum>): void;
getActiveUniforms(program: WebGLProgram, uniformIndices: Iterable<GLuint>, pname: GLenum): any;
getUniformIndices(program: WebGLProgram, uniformNames: Iterable<string>): Iterable<GLuint> | null;
invalidateFramebuffer(target: GLenum, attachments: Iterable<GLenum>): void;
invalidateSubFramebuffer(target: GLenum, attachments: Iterable<GLenum>, x: GLint, y: GLint, width: GLsizei, height: GLsizei): void;
transformFeedbackVaryings(program: WebGLProgram, varyings: Iterable<string>, bufferMode: GLenum): void;
uniform1uiv(location: WebGLUniformLocation | null, data: Iterable<GLuint>, srcOffset?: GLuint, srcLength?: GLuint): void;
uniform2uiv(location: WebGLUniformLocation | null, data: Iterable<GLuint>, srcOffset?: GLuint, srcLength?: GLuint): void;
uniform3uiv(location: WebGLUniformLocation | null, data: Iterable<GLuint>, srcOffset?: GLuint, srcLength?: GLuint): void;
uniform4uiv(location: WebGLUniformLocation | null, data: Iterable<GLuint>, srcOffset?: GLuint, srcLength?: GLuint): void;
uniformMatrix2x3fv(location: WebGLUniformLocation | null, transpose: GLboolean, data: Iterable<GLfloat>, srcOffset?: GLuint, srcLength?: GLuint): void;
uniformMatrix2x4fv(location: WebGLUniformLocation | null, transpose: GLboolean, data: Iterable<GLfloat>, srcOffset?: GLuint, srcLength?: GLuint): void;
uniformMatrix3x2fv(location: WebGLUniformLocation | null, transpose: GLboolean, data: Iterable<GLfloat>, srcOffset?: GLuint, srcLength?: GLuint): void;
uniformMatrix3x4fv(location: WebGLUniformLocation | null, transpose: GLboolean, data: Iterable<GLfloat>, srcOffset?: GLuint, srcLength?: GLuint): void;
uniformMatrix4x2fv(location: WebGLUniformLocation | null, transpose: GLboolean, data: Iterable<GLfloat>, srcOffset?: GLuint, srcLength?: GLuint): void;
uniformMatrix4x3fv(location: WebGLUniformLocation | null, transpose: GLboolean, data: Iterable<GLfloat>, srcOffset?: GLuint, srcLength?: GLuint): void;
vertexAttribI4iv(index: GLuint, values: Iterable<GLint>): void;
vertexAttribI4uiv(index: GLuint, values: Iterable<GLuint>): void;
interface WebGL2RenderingContextOverloads {
uniform1fv(location: WebGLUniformLocation | null, data: Iterable<GLfloat>, srcOffset?: GLuint, srcLength?: GLuint): void;
uniform1iv(location: WebGLUniformLocation | null, data: Iterable<GLint>, srcOffset?: GLuint, srcLength?: GLuint): void;
uniform2fv(location: WebGLUniformLocation | null, data: Iterable<GLfloat>, srcOffset?: GLuint, srcLength?: GLuint): void;
uniform2iv(location: WebGLUniformLocation | null, data: Iterable<GLint>, srcOffset?: GLuint, srcLength?: GLuint): void;
uniform3fv(location: WebGLUniformLocation | null, data: Iterable<GLfloat>, srcOffset?: GLuint, srcLength?: GLuint): void;
uniform3iv(location: WebGLUniformLocation | null, data: Iterable<GLint>, srcOffset?: GLuint, srcLength?: GLuint): void;
uniform4fv(location: WebGLUniformLocation | null, data: Iterable<GLfloat>, srcOffset?: GLuint, srcLength?: GLuint): void;
uniform4iv(location: WebGLUniformLocation | null, data: Iterable<GLint>, srcOffset?: GLuint, srcLength?: GLuint): void;
uniformMatrix2fv(location: WebGLUniformLocation | null, transpose: GLboolean, data: Iterable<GLfloat>, srcOffset?: GLuint, srcLength?: GLuint): void;
uniformMatrix3fv(location: WebGLUniformLocation | null, transpose: GLboolean, data: Iterable<GLfloat>, srcOffset?: GLuint, srcLength?: GLuint): void;
uniformMatrix4fv(location: WebGLUniformLocation | null, transpose: GLboolean, data: Iterable<GLfloat>, srcOffset?: GLuint, srcLength?: GLuint): void;
interface WebGLRenderingContextBase {
vertexAttrib1fv(index: GLuint, values: Iterable<GLfloat>): void;
vertexAttrib2fv(index: GLuint, values: Iterable<GLfloat>): void;
vertexAttrib3fv(index: GLuint, values: Iterable<GLfloat>): void;
vertexAttrib4fv(index: GLuint, values: Iterable<GLfloat>): void;
interface WebGLRenderingContextOverloads {
uniform1fv(location: WebGLUniformLocation | null, v: Iterable<GLfloat>): void;
uniform1iv(location: WebGLUniformLocation | null, v: Iterable<GLint>): void;
uniform2fv(location: WebGLUniformLocation | null, v: Iterable<GLfloat>): void;
uniform2iv(location: WebGLUniformLocation | null, v: Iterable<GLint>): void;
uniform3fv(location: WebGLUniformLocation | null, v: Iterable<GLfloat>): void;
uniform3iv(location: WebGLUniformLocation | null, v: Iterable<GLint>): void;
uniform4fv(location: WebGLUniformLocation | null, v: Iterable<GLfloat>): void;
uniform4iv(location: WebGLUniformLocation | null, v: Iterable<GLint>): void;
uniformMatrix2fv(location: WebGLUniformLocation | null, transpose: GLboolean, value: Iterable<GLfloat>): void;
uniformMatrix3fv(location: WebGLUniformLocation | null, transpose: GLboolean, value: Iterable<GLfloat>): void;
uniformMatrix4fv(location: WebGLUniformLocation | null, transpose: GLboolean, value: Iterable<GLfloat>): void;
This source diff could not be displayed because it is too large. You can view the blob instead.
* Declaration module describing the TypeScript Server protocol
declare namespace ts.server.protocol {
const enum CommandTypes {
JsxClosingTag = "jsxClosingTag",
Brace = "brace",
BraceCompletion = "braceCompletion",
GetSpanOfEnclosingComment = "getSpanOfEnclosingComment",
Change = "change",
Close = "close",
/** @deprecated Prefer CompletionInfo -- see comment on CompletionsResponse */
Completions = "completions",
CompletionInfo = "completionInfo",
CompletionDetails = "completionEntryDetails",
CompileOnSaveAffectedFileList = "compileOnSaveAffectedFileList",
CompileOnSaveEmitFile = "compileOnSaveEmitFile",
Configure = "configure",
Definition = "definition",
DefinitionAndBoundSpan = "definitionAndBoundSpan",
Implementation = "implementation",
Exit = "exit",
FileReferences = "fileReferences",
Format = "format",
Formatonkey = "formatonkey",
Geterr = "geterr",
GeterrForProject = "geterrForProject",
SemanticDiagnosticsSync = "semanticDiagnosticsSync",
SyntacticDiagnosticsSync = "syntacticDiagnosticsSync",
SuggestionDiagnosticsSync = "suggestionDiagnosticsSync",
NavBar = "navbar",
Navto = "navto",
NavTree = "navtree",
NavTreeFull = "navtree-full",
/** @deprecated */
Occurrences = "occurrences",
DocumentHighlights = "documentHighlights",
Open = "open",
Quickinfo = "quickinfo",
References = "references",
Reload = "reload",
Rename = "rename",
Saveto = "saveto",
SignatureHelp = "signatureHelp",
Status = "status",
TypeDefinition = "typeDefinition",
ProjectInfo = "projectInfo",
ReloadProjects = "reloadProjects",
Unknown = "unknown",
OpenExternalProject = "openExternalProject",
OpenExternalProjects = "openExternalProjects",
CloseExternalProject = "closeExternalProject",
UpdateOpen = "updateOpen",
GetOutliningSpans = "getOutliningSpans",
TodoComments = "todoComments",
Indentation = "indentation",
DocCommentTemplate = "docCommentTemplate",
CompilerOptionsForInferredProjects = "compilerOptionsForInferredProjects",
GetCodeFixes = "getCodeFixes",
GetCombinedCodeFix = "getCombinedCodeFix",
ApplyCodeActionCommand = "applyCodeActionCommand",
GetSupportedCodeFixes = "getSupportedCodeFixes",
GetApplicableRefactors = "getApplicableRefactors",
GetEditsForRefactor = "getEditsForRefactor",
OrganizeImports = "organizeImports",
GetEditsForFileRename = "getEditsForFileRename",
ConfigurePlugin = "configurePlugin",
SelectionRange = "selectionRange",
ToggleLineComment = "toggleLineComment",
ToggleMultilineComment = "toggleMultilineComment",
CommentSelection = "commentSelection",
UncommentSelection = "uncommentSelection",
PrepareCallHierarchy = "prepareCallHierarchy",
ProvideCallHierarchyIncomingCalls = "provideCallHierarchyIncomingCalls",
ProvideCallHierarchyOutgoingCalls = "provideCallHierarchyOutgoingCalls"
* A TypeScript Server message
interface Message {
* Sequence number of the message
seq: number;
* One of "request", "response", or "event"
type: "request" | "response" | "event";
* Client-initiated request message
interface Request extends Message {
type: "request";
* The command to execute
command: string;
* Object containing arguments for the command
arguments?: any;
* Request to reload the project structure for all the opened files
interface ReloadProjectsRequest extends Message {
command: CommandTypes.ReloadProjects;
* Server-initiated event message
interface Event extends Message {
type: "event";
* Name of event
event: string;
* Event-specific information
body?: any;
* Response by server to client request message.
interface Response extends Message {
type: "response";
* Sequence number of the request message.
request_seq: number;
* Outcome of the request.
success: boolean;
* The command requested.
command: string;
* If success === false, this should always be provided.
* Otherwise, may (or may not) contain a success message.
message?: string;
* Contains message body if success === true.
body?: any;
* Contains extra information that plugin can include to be passed on
metadata?: unknown;
* Exposes information about the performance of this request-response pair.
performanceData?: PerformanceData;
interface PerformanceData {
* Time spent updating the program graph, in milliseconds.
updateGraphDurationMs?: number;
* The time spent creating or updating the auto-import program, in milliseconds.
createAutoImportProviderProgramDurationMs?: number;
* Arguments for FileRequest messages.
interface FileRequestArgs {
* The file for the request (absolute pathname required).
file: string;
projectFileName?: string;
interface StatusRequest extends Request {
command: CommandTypes.Status;
interface StatusResponseBody {
* The TypeScript version (`ts.version`).
version: string;
* Response to StatusRequest
interface StatusResponse extends Response {
body: StatusResponseBody;
* Requests a JS Doc comment template for a given position
interface DocCommentTemplateRequest extends FileLocationRequest {
command: CommandTypes.DocCommentTemplate;
* Response to DocCommentTemplateRequest
interface DocCommandTemplateResponse extends Response {
body?: TextInsertion;
* A request to get TODO comments from the file
interface TodoCommentRequest extends FileRequest {
command: CommandTypes.TodoComments;
arguments: TodoCommentRequestArgs;
* Arguments for TodoCommentRequest request.
interface TodoCommentRequestArgs extends FileRequestArgs {
* Array of target TodoCommentDescriptors that describes TODO comments to be found
descriptors: TodoCommentDescriptor[];
* Response for TodoCommentRequest request.
interface TodoCommentsResponse extends Response {
body?: TodoComment[];
* A request to determine if the caret is inside a comment.
interface SpanOfEnclosingCommentRequest extends FileLocationRequest {
command: CommandTypes.GetSpanOfEnclosingComment;
arguments: SpanOfEnclosingCommentRequestArgs;
interface SpanOfEnclosingCommentRequestArgs extends FileLocationRequestArgs {
* Requires that the enclosing span be a multi-line comment, or else the request returns undefined.
onlyMultiLine: boolean;
* Request to obtain outlining spans in file.
interface OutliningSpansRequest extends FileRequest {
command: CommandTypes.GetOutliningSpans;
interface OutliningSpan {
/** The span of the document to actually collapse. */
textSpan: TextSpan;
/** The span of the document to display when the user hovers over the collapsed span. */
hintSpan: TextSpan;
/** The text to display in the editor for the collapsed region. */
bannerText: string;
* Whether or not this region should be automatically collapsed when
* the 'Collapse to Definitions' command is invoked.
autoCollapse: boolean;
* Classification of the contents of the span
kind: OutliningSpanKind;
* Response to OutliningSpansRequest request.
interface OutliningSpansResponse extends Response {
body?: OutliningSpan[];
* A request to get indentation for a location in file
interface IndentationRequest extends FileLocationRequest {
command: CommandTypes.Indentation;
arguments: IndentationRequestArgs;
* Response for IndentationRequest request.
interface IndentationResponse extends Response {
body?: IndentationResult;
* Indentation result representing where indentation should be placed
interface IndentationResult {
* The base position in the document that the indent should be relative to
position: number;
* The number of columns the indent should be at relative to the position's column.
indentation: number;
* Arguments for IndentationRequest request.
interface IndentationRequestArgs extends FileLocationRequestArgs {
* An optional set of settings to be used when computing indentation.
* If argument is omitted - then it will use settings for file that were previously set via 'configure' request or global settings.
options?: EditorSettings;
* Arguments for ProjectInfoRequest request.
interface ProjectInfoRequestArgs extends FileRequestArgs {
* Indicate if the file name list of the project is needed
needFileNameList: boolean;
* A request to get the project information of the current file.
interface ProjectInfoRequest extends Request {
command: CommandTypes.ProjectInfo;
arguments: ProjectInfoRequestArgs;
* A request to retrieve compiler options diagnostics for a project
interface CompilerOptionsDiagnosticsRequest extends Request {
arguments: CompilerOptionsDiagnosticsRequestArgs;
* Arguments for CompilerOptionsDiagnosticsRequest request.
interface CompilerOptionsDiagnosticsRequestArgs {
* Name of the project to retrieve compiler options diagnostics.
projectFileName: string;
* Response message body for "projectInfo" request
interface ProjectInfo {
* For configured project, this is the normalized path of the 'tsconfig.json' file
* For inferred project, this is undefined
configFileName: string;
* The list of normalized file name in the project, including 'lib.d.ts'
fileNames?: string[];
* Indicates if the project has a active language service instance
languageServiceDisabled?: boolean;
* Represents diagnostic info that includes location of diagnostic in two forms
* - start position and length of the error span
* - startLocation and endLocation - a pair of Location objects that store start/end line and offset of the error span.
interface DiagnosticWithLinePosition {
message: string;
start: number;
length: number;
startLocation: Location;
endLocation: Location;
category: string;
code: number;
/** May store more in future. For now, this will simply be `true` to indicate when a diagnostic is an unused-identifier diagnostic. */
reportsUnnecessary?: {};
reportsDeprecated?: {};
relatedInformation?: DiagnosticRelatedInformation[];
* Response message for "projectInfo" request
interface ProjectInfoResponse extends Response {
body?: ProjectInfo;
* Request whose sole parameter is a file name.
interface FileRequest extends Request {
arguments: FileRequestArgs;
* Instances of this interface specify a location in a source file:
* (file, line, character offset), where line and character offset are 1-based.
interface FileLocationRequestArgs extends FileRequestArgs {
* The line number for the request (1-based).
line: number;
* The character offset (on the line) for the request (1-based).
offset: number;
type FileLocationOrRangeRequestArgs = FileLocationRequestArgs | FileRangeRequestArgs;
* Request refactorings at a given position or selection area.
interface GetApplicableRefactorsRequest extends Request {
command: CommandTypes.GetApplicableRefactors;
arguments: GetApplicableRefactorsRequestArgs;
type GetApplicableRefactorsRequestArgs = FileLocationOrRangeRequestArgs & {
triggerReason?: RefactorTriggerReason;
kind?: string;
type RefactorTriggerReason = "implicit" | "invoked";
* Response is a list of available refactorings.
* Each refactoring exposes one or more "Actions"; a user selects one action to invoke a refactoring
interface GetApplicableRefactorsResponse extends Response {
body?: ApplicableRefactorInfo[];
* A set of one or more available refactoring actions, grouped under a parent refactoring.
interface ApplicableRefactorInfo {
* The programmatic name of the refactoring
name: string;
* A description of this refactoring category to show to the user.
* If the refactoring gets inlined (see below), this text will not be visible.
description: string;
* Inlineable refactorings can have their actions hoisted out to the top level
* of a context menu. Non-inlineanable refactorings should always be shown inside
* their parent grouping.
* If not specified, this value is assumed to be 'true'
inlineable?: boolean;
actions: RefactorActionInfo[];
* Represents a single refactoring action - for example, the "Extract Method..." refactor might
* offer several actions, each corresponding to a surround class or closure to extract into.
interface RefactorActionInfo {
* The programmatic name of the refactoring action
name: string;
* A description of this refactoring action to show to the user.
* If the parent refactoring is inlined away, this will be the only text shown,
* so this description should make sense by itself if the parent is inlineable=true
description: string;
* A message to show to the user if the refactoring cannot be applied in
* the current context.
notApplicableReason?: string;
* The hierarchical dotted name of the refactor action.
kind?: string;
interface GetEditsForRefactorRequest extends Request {
command: CommandTypes.GetEditsForRefactor;
arguments: GetEditsForRefactorRequestArgs;
* Request the edits that a particular refactoring action produces.
* Callers must specify the name of the refactor and the name of the action.
type GetEditsForRefactorRequestArgs = FileLocationOrRangeRequestArgs & {
refactor: string;
action: string;
interface GetEditsForRefactorResponse extends Response {
body?: RefactorEditInfo;
interface RefactorEditInfo {
edits: FileCodeEdits[];
* An optional location where the editor should start a rename operation once
* the refactoring edits have been applied
renameLocation?: Location;
renameFilename?: string;
* Organize imports by:
* 1) Removing unused imports
* 2) Coalescing imports from the same module
* 3) Sorting imports
interface OrganizeImportsRequest extends Request {
command: CommandTypes.OrganizeImports;
arguments: OrganizeImportsRequestArgs;
type OrganizeImportsScope = GetCombinedCodeFixScope;
interface OrganizeImportsRequestArgs {
scope: OrganizeImportsScope;
skipDestructiveCodeActions?: boolean;
interface OrganizeImportsResponse extends Response {
body: readonly FileCodeEdits[];
interface GetEditsForFileRenameRequest extends Request {
command: CommandTypes.GetEditsForFileRename;
arguments: GetEditsForFileRenameRequestArgs;
/** Note: Paths may also be directories. */
interface GetEditsForFileRenameRequestArgs {
readonly oldFilePath: string;
readonly newFilePath: string;
interface GetEditsForFileRenameResponse extends Response {
body: readonly FileCodeEdits[];
* Request for the available codefixes at a specific position.
interface CodeFixRequest extends Request {
command: CommandTypes.GetCodeFixes;
arguments: CodeFixRequestArgs;
interface GetCombinedCodeFixRequest extends Request {
command: CommandTypes.GetCombinedCodeFix;
arguments: GetCombinedCodeFixRequestArgs;
interface GetCombinedCodeFixResponse extends Response {
body: CombinedCodeActions;
interface ApplyCodeActionCommandRequest extends Request {
command: CommandTypes.ApplyCodeActionCommand;
arguments: ApplyCodeActionCommandRequestArgs;
interface ApplyCodeActionCommandResponse extends Response {
interface FileRangeRequestArgs extends FileRequestArgs {
* The line number for the request (1-based).
startLine: number;
* The character offset (on the line) for the request (1-based).
startOffset: number;
* The line number for the request (1-based).
endLine: number;
* The character offset (on the line) for the request (1-based).
endOffset: number;
* Instances of this interface specify errorcodes on a specific location in a sourcefile.
interface CodeFixRequestArgs extends FileRangeRequestArgs {
* Errorcodes we want to get the fixes for.
errorCodes: readonly number[];
interface GetCombinedCodeFixRequestArgs {
scope: GetCombinedCodeFixScope;
fixId: {};
interface GetCombinedCodeFixScope {
type: "file";
args: FileRequestArgs;
interface ApplyCodeActionCommandRequestArgs {
/** May also be an array of commands. */
command: {};
* Response for GetCodeFixes request.
interface GetCodeFixesResponse extends Response {
body?: CodeAction[];
* A request whose arguments specify a file location (file, line, col).
interface FileLocationRequest extends FileRequest {
arguments: FileLocationRequestArgs;
* A request to get codes of supported code fixes.
interface GetSupportedCodeFixesRequest extends Request {
command: CommandTypes.GetSupportedCodeFixes;
* A response for GetSupportedCodeFixesRequest request.
interface GetSupportedCodeFixesResponse extends Response {
* List of error codes supported by the server.
body?: string[];
* A request to get encoded semantic classifications for a span in the file
interface EncodedSemanticClassificationsRequest extends FileRequest {
arguments: EncodedSemanticClassificationsRequestArgs;
* Arguments for EncodedSemanticClassificationsRequest request.
interface EncodedSemanticClassificationsRequestArgs extends FileRequestArgs {
* Start position of the span.
start: number;
* Length of the span.
length: number;
* Optional parameter for the semantic highlighting response, if absent it
* defaults to "original".
format?: "original" | "2020";
/** The response for a EncodedSemanticClassificationsRequest */
interface EncodedSemanticClassificationsResponse extends Response {
body?: EncodedSemanticClassificationsResponseBody;
* Implementation response message. Gives series of text spans depending on the format ar.
interface EncodedSemanticClassificationsResponseBody {
endOfLineState: EndOfLineState;
spans: number[];
* Arguments in document highlight request; include: filesToSearch, file,
* line, offset.
interface DocumentHighlightsRequestArgs extends FileLocationRequestArgs {
* List of files to search for document highlights.
filesToSearch: string[];
* Go to definition request; value of command field is
* "definition". Return response giving the file locations that
* define the symbol found in file at location line, col.
interface DefinitionRequest extends FileLocationRequest {
command: CommandTypes.Definition;
interface DefinitionAndBoundSpanRequest extends FileLocationRequest {
readonly command: CommandTypes.DefinitionAndBoundSpan;
interface DefinitionAndBoundSpanResponse extends Response {
readonly body: DefinitionInfoAndBoundSpan;
* Go to type request; value of command field is
* "typeDefinition". Return response giving the file locations that
* define the type for the symbol found in file at location line, col.
interface TypeDefinitionRequest extends FileLocationRequest {
command: CommandTypes.TypeDefinition;
* Go to implementation request; value of command field is
* "implementation". Return response giving the file locations that
* implement the symbol found in file at location line, col.
interface ImplementationRequest extends FileLocationRequest {
command: CommandTypes.Implementation;
* Location in source code expressed as (one-based) line and (one-based) column offset.
interface Location {
line: number;
offset: number;
* Object found in response messages defining a span of text in source code.
interface TextSpan {
* First character of the definition.
start: Location;
* One character past last character of the definition.
end: Location;
* Object found in response messages defining a span of text in a specific source file.
interface FileSpan extends TextSpan {
* File containing text span.
file: string;
interface JSDocTagInfo {
/** Name of the JSDoc tag */
name: string;
* Comment text after the JSDoc tag -- the text after the tag name until the next tag or end of comment
* Display parts when UserPreferences.displayPartsForJSDoc is true, flattened to string otherwise.
text?: string | SymbolDisplayPart[];
interface TextSpanWithContext extends TextSpan {
contextStart?: Location;
contextEnd?: Location;
interface FileSpanWithContext extends FileSpan, TextSpanWithContext {
interface DefinitionInfo extends FileSpanWithContext {
* When true, the file may or may not exist.
unverified?: boolean;
interface DefinitionInfoAndBoundSpan {
definitions: readonly DefinitionInfo[];
textSpan: TextSpan;
* Definition response message. Gives text range for definition.
interface DefinitionResponse extends Response {
body?: DefinitionInfo[];
interface DefinitionInfoAndBoundSpanResponse extends Response {
body?: DefinitionInfoAndBoundSpan;
/** @deprecated Use `DefinitionInfoAndBoundSpanResponse` instead. */
type DefinitionInfoAndBoundSpanReponse = DefinitionInfoAndBoundSpanResponse;
* Definition response message. Gives text range for definition.
interface TypeDefinitionResponse extends Response {
body?: FileSpanWithContext[];
* Implementation response message. Gives text range for implementations.
interface ImplementationResponse extends Response {
body?: FileSpanWithContext[];
* Request to get brace completion for a location in the file.
interface BraceCompletionRequest extends FileLocationRequest {
command: CommandTypes.BraceCompletion;
arguments: BraceCompletionRequestArgs;
* Argument for BraceCompletionRequest request.
interface BraceCompletionRequestArgs extends FileLocationRequestArgs {
* Kind of opening brace
openingBrace: string;
interface JsxClosingTagRequest extends FileLocationRequest {
readonly command: CommandTypes.JsxClosingTag;
readonly arguments: JsxClosingTagRequestArgs;
interface JsxClosingTagRequestArgs extends FileLocationRequestArgs {
interface JsxClosingTagResponse extends Response {
readonly body: TextInsertion;
* @deprecated
* Get occurrences request; value of command field is
* "occurrences". Return response giving spans that are relevant
* in the file at a given line and column.
interface OccurrencesRequest extends FileLocationRequest {
command: CommandTypes.Occurrences;
/** @deprecated */
interface OccurrencesResponseItem extends FileSpanWithContext {
* True if the occurrence is a write location, false otherwise.
isWriteAccess: boolean;
* True if the occurrence is in a string, undefined otherwise;
isInString?: true;
/** @deprecated */
interface OccurrencesResponse extends Response {
body?: OccurrencesResponseItem[];
* Get document highlights request; value of command field is
* "documentHighlights". Return response giving spans that are relevant
* in the file at a given line and column.
interface DocumentHighlightsRequest extends FileLocationRequest {
command: CommandTypes.DocumentHighlights;
arguments: DocumentHighlightsRequestArgs;
* Span augmented with extra information that denotes the kind of the highlighting to be used for span.
interface HighlightSpan extends TextSpanWithContext {
kind: HighlightSpanKind;
* Represents a set of highligh spans for a give name
interface DocumentHighlightsItem {
* File containing highlight spans.
file: string;
* Spans to highlight in file.
highlightSpans: HighlightSpan[];
* Response for a DocumentHighlightsRequest request.
interface DocumentHighlightsResponse extends Response {
body?: DocumentHighlightsItem[];
* Find references request; value of command field is
* "references". Return response giving the file locations that
* reference the symbol found in file at location line, col.
interface ReferencesRequest extends FileLocationRequest {
command: CommandTypes.References;
interface ReferencesResponseItem extends FileSpanWithContext {
/** Text of line containing the reference. Including this
* with the response avoids latency of editor loading files
* to show text of reference line (the server already has
* loaded the referencing files).
lineText: string;
* True if reference is a write location, false otherwise.
isWriteAccess: boolean;
* True if reference is a definition, false otherwise.
isDefinition: boolean;
* The body of a "references" response message.
interface ReferencesResponseBody {
* The file locations referencing the symbol.
refs: readonly ReferencesResponseItem[];
* The name of the symbol.
symbolName: string;
* The start character offset of the symbol (on the line provided by the references request).
symbolStartOffset: number;
* The full display name of the symbol.
symbolDisplayString: string;
* Response to "references" request.
interface ReferencesResponse extends Response {
body?: ReferencesResponseBody;
interface FileReferencesRequest extends FileRequest {
command: CommandTypes.FileReferences;
interface FileReferencesResponseBody {
* The file locations referencing the symbol.
refs: readonly ReferencesResponseItem[];
* The name of the symbol.
symbolName: string;
interface FileReferencesResponse extends Response {
body?: FileReferencesResponseBody;
* Argument for RenameRequest request.
interface RenameRequestArgs extends FileLocationRequestArgs {
* Should text at specified location be found/changed in comments?
findInComments?: boolean;
* Should text at specified location be found/changed in strings?
findInStrings?: boolean;
* Rename request; value of command field is "rename". Return
* response giving the file locations that reference the symbol
* found in file at location line, col. Also return full display
* name of the symbol so that client can print it unambiguously.
interface RenameRequest extends FileLocationRequest {
command: CommandTypes.Rename;
arguments: RenameRequestArgs;
* Information about the item to be renamed.
type RenameInfo = RenameInfoSuccess | RenameInfoFailure;
interface RenameInfoSuccess {
* True if item can be renamed.
canRename: true;
* File or directory to rename.
* If set, `getEditsForFileRename` should be called instead of `findRenameLocations`.
fileToRename?: string;
* Display name of the item to be renamed.
displayName: string;
* Full display name of item to be renamed.
fullDisplayName: string;
* The items's kind (such as 'className' or 'parameterName' or plain 'text').
kind: ScriptElementKind;
* Optional modifiers for the kind (such as 'public').
kindModifiers: string;
/** Span of text to rename. */
triggerSpan: TextSpan;
interface RenameInfoFailure {
canRename: false;
* Error message if item can not be renamed.
localizedErrorMessage: string;
* A group of text spans, all in 'file'.
interface SpanGroup {
/** The file to which the spans apply */
file: string;
/** The text spans in this group */
locs: RenameTextSpan[];
interface RenameTextSpan extends TextSpanWithContext {
readonly prefixText?: string;
readonly suffixText?: string;
interface RenameResponseBody {
* Information about the item to be renamed.
info: RenameInfo;
* An array of span groups (one per file) that refer to the item to be renamed.
locs: readonly SpanGroup[];
* Rename response message.
interface RenameResponse extends Response {
body?: RenameResponseBody;
* Represents a file in external project.
* External project is project whose set of files, compilation options and open\close state
* is maintained by the client (i.e. if all this data come from .csproj file in Visual Studio).
* External project will exist even if all files in it are closed and should be closed explicitly.
* If external project includes one or more tsconfig.json/jsconfig.json files then tsserver will
* create configured project for every config file but will maintain a link that these projects were created
* as a result of opening external project so they should be removed once external project is closed.
interface ExternalFile {
* Name of file file
fileName: string;
* Script kind of the file
scriptKind?: ScriptKindName | ts.ScriptKind;
* Whether file has mixed content (i.e. .cshtml file that combines html markup with C#/JavaScript)
hasMixedContent?: boolean;
* Content of the file
content?: string;
* Represent an external project
interface ExternalProject {
* Project name
projectFileName: string;
* List of root files in project
rootFiles: ExternalFile[];
* Compiler options for the project
options: ExternalProjectCompilerOptions;
* @deprecated typingOptions. Use typeAcquisition instead
typingOptions?: TypeAcquisition;
* Explicitly specified type acquisition for the project
typeAcquisition?: TypeAcquisition;
interface CompileOnSaveMixin {
* If compile on save is enabled for the project
compileOnSave?: boolean;
* For external projects, some of the project settings are sent together with
* compiler settings.
type ExternalProjectCompilerOptions = CompilerOptions & CompileOnSaveMixin & WatchOptions;
interface FileWithProjectReferenceRedirectInfo {
* Name of file
fileName: string;
* True if the file is primarily included in a referenced project
isSourceOfProjectReferenceRedirect: boolean;
* Represents a set of changes that happen in project
interface ProjectChanges {
* List of added files
added: string[] | FileWithProjectReferenceRedirectInfo[];
* List of removed files
removed: string[] | FileWithProjectReferenceRedirectInfo[];
* List of updated files
updated: string[] | FileWithProjectReferenceRedirectInfo[];
* List of files that have had their project reference redirect status updated
* Only provided when the synchronizeProjectList request has includeProjectReferenceRedirectInfo set to true
updatedRedirects?: FileWithProjectReferenceRedirectInfo[];
* Information found in a configure request.
interface ConfigureRequestArguments {
* Information about the host, for example 'Emacs 24.4' or
* 'Sublime Text version 3075'
hostInfo?: string;
* If present, tab settings apply only to this file.
file?: string;
* The format options to use during formatting and other code editing features.
formatOptions?: FormatCodeSettings;
preferences?: UserPreferences;
* The host's additional supported .js file extensions
extraFileExtensions?: FileExtensionInfo[];
watchOptions?: WatchOptions;
const enum WatchFileKind {
FixedPollingInterval = "FixedPollingInterval",
PriorityPollingInterval = "PriorityPollingInterval",
DynamicPriorityPolling = "DynamicPriorityPolling",
FixedChunkSizePolling = "FixedChunkSizePolling",
UseFsEvents = "UseFsEvents",
UseFsEventsOnParentDirectory = "UseFsEventsOnParentDirectory"
const enum WatchDirectoryKind {
UseFsEvents = "UseFsEvents",
FixedPollingInterval = "FixedPollingInterval",
DynamicPriorityPolling = "DynamicPriorityPolling",
FixedChunkSizePolling = "FixedChunkSizePolling"
const enum PollingWatchKind {
FixedInterval = "FixedInterval",
PriorityInterval = "PriorityInterval",
DynamicPriority = "DynamicPriority",
FixedChunkSize = "FixedChunkSize"
interface WatchOptions {
watchFile?: WatchFileKind | ts.WatchFileKind;
watchDirectory?: WatchDirectoryKind | ts.WatchDirectoryKind;
fallbackPolling?: PollingWatchKind | ts.PollingWatchKind;
synchronousWatchDirectory?: boolean;
excludeDirectories?: string[];
excludeFiles?: string[];
[option: string]: CompilerOptionsValue | undefined;
* Configure request; value of command field is "configure". Specifies
* host information, such as host type, tab size, and indent size.
interface ConfigureRequest extends Request {
command: CommandTypes.Configure;
arguments: ConfigureRequestArguments;
* Response to "configure" request. This is just an acknowledgement, so
* no body field is required.
interface ConfigureResponse extends Response {
interface ConfigurePluginRequestArguments {
pluginName: string;
configuration: any;
interface ConfigurePluginRequest extends Request {
command: CommandTypes.ConfigurePlugin;
arguments: ConfigurePluginRequestArguments;
interface ConfigurePluginResponse extends Response {
interface SelectionRangeRequest extends FileRequest {
command: CommandTypes.SelectionRange;
arguments: SelectionRangeRequestArgs;
interface SelectionRangeRequestArgs extends FileRequestArgs {
locations: Location[];
interface SelectionRangeResponse extends Response {
body?: SelectionRange[];
interface SelectionRange {
textSpan: TextSpan;
parent?: SelectionRange;
interface ToggleLineCommentRequest extends FileRequest {
command: CommandTypes.ToggleLineComment;
arguments: FileRangeRequestArgs;
interface ToggleMultilineCommentRequest extends FileRequest {
command: CommandTypes.ToggleMultilineComment;
arguments: FileRangeRequestArgs;
interface CommentSelectionRequest extends FileRequest {
command: CommandTypes.CommentSelection;
arguments: FileRangeRequestArgs;
interface UncommentSelectionRequest extends FileRequest {
command: CommandTypes.UncommentSelection;
arguments: FileRangeRequestArgs;
* Information found in an "open" request.
interface OpenRequestArgs extends FileRequestArgs {
* Used when a version of the file content is known to be more up to date than the one on disk.
* Then the known content will be used upon opening instead of the disk copy
fileContent?: string;
* Used to specify the script kind of the file explicitly. It could be one of the following:
* "TS", "JS", "TSX", "JSX"
scriptKindName?: ScriptKindName;
* Used to limit the searching for project config file. If given the searching will stop at this
* root path; otherwise it will go all the way up to the dist root path.
projectRootPath?: string;
type ScriptKindName = "TS" | "JS" | "TSX" | "JSX";
* Open request; value of command field is "open". Notify the
* server that the client has file open. The server will not
* monitor the filesystem for changes in this file and will assume
* that the client is updating the server (using the change and/or
* reload messages) when the file changes. Server does not currently
* send a response to an open request.
interface OpenRequest extends Request {
command: CommandTypes.Open;
arguments: OpenRequestArgs;
* Request to open or update external project
interface OpenExternalProjectRequest extends Request {
command: CommandTypes.OpenExternalProject;
arguments: OpenExternalProjectArgs;
* Arguments to OpenExternalProjectRequest request
type OpenExternalProjectArgs = ExternalProject;
* Request to open multiple external projects
interface OpenExternalProjectsRequest extends Request {
command: CommandTypes.OpenExternalProjects;
arguments: OpenExternalProjectsArgs;
* Arguments to OpenExternalProjectsRequest
interface OpenExternalProjectsArgs {
* List of external projects to open or update
projects: ExternalProject[];
* Response to OpenExternalProjectRequest request. This is just an acknowledgement, so
* no body field is required.
interface OpenExternalProjectResponse extends Response {
* Response to OpenExternalProjectsRequest request. This is just an acknowledgement, so
* no body field is required.
interface OpenExternalProjectsResponse extends Response {
* Request to close external project.
interface CloseExternalProjectRequest extends Request {
command: CommandTypes.CloseExternalProject;
arguments: CloseExternalProjectRequestArgs;
* Arguments to CloseExternalProjectRequest request
interface CloseExternalProjectRequestArgs {
* Name of the project to close
projectFileName: string;
* Response to CloseExternalProjectRequest request. This is just an acknowledgement, so
* no body field is required.
interface CloseExternalProjectResponse extends Response {
* Request to synchronize list of open files with the client
interface UpdateOpenRequest extends Request {
command: CommandTypes.UpdateOpen;
arguments: UpdateOpenRequestArgs;
* Arguments to UpdateOpenRequest
interface UpdateOpenRequestArgs {
* List of newly open files
openFiles?: OpenRequestArgs[];
* List of open files files that were changes
changedFiles?: FileCodeEdits[];
* List of files that were closed
closedFiles?: string[];
* External projects have a typeAcquisition option so they need to be added separately to compiler options for inferred projects.
type InferredProjectCompilerOptions = ExternalProjectCompilerOptions & TypeAcquisition;
* Request to set compiler options for inferred projects.
* External projects are opened / closed explicitly.
* Configured projects are opened when user opens loose file that has 'tsconfig.json' or 'jsconfig.json' anywhere in one of containing folders.
* This configuration file will be used to obtain a list of files and configuration settings for the project.
* Inferred projects are created when user opens a loose file that is not the part of external project
* or configured project and will contain only open file and transitive closure of referenced files if 'useOneInferredProject' is false,
* or all open loose files and its transitive closure of referenced files if 'useOneInferredProject' is true.
interface SetCompilerOptionsForInferredProjectsRequest extends Request {
command: CommandTypes.CompilerOptionsForInferredProjects;
arguments: SetCompilerOptionsForInferredProjectsArgs;
* Argument for SetCompilerOptionsForInferredProjectsRequest request.
interface SetCompilerOptionsForInferredProjectsArgs {
* Compiler options to be used with inferred projects.
options: InferredProjectCompilerOptions;
* Specifies the project root path used to scope compiler options.
* It is an error to provide this property if the server has not been started with
* `useInferredProjectPerProjectRoot` enabled.
projectRootPath?: string;
* Response to SetCompilerOptionsForInferredProjectsResponse request. This is just an acknowledgement, so
* no body field is required.
interface SetCompilerOptionsForInferredProjectsResponse extends Response {
* Exit request; value of command field is "exit". Ask the server process
* to exit.
interface ExitRequest extends Request {
command: CommandTypes.Exit;
* Close request; value of command field is "close". Notify the
* server that the client has closed a previously open file. If
* file is still referenced by open files, the server will resume
* monitoring the filesystem for changes to file. Server does not
* currently send a response to a close request.
interface CloseRequest extends FileRequest {
command: CommandTypes.Close;
* Request to obtain the list of files that should be regenerated if target file is recompiled.
* NOTE: this us query-only operation and does not generate any output on disk.
interface CompileOnSaveAffectedFileListRequest extends FileRequest {
command: CommandTypes.CompileOnSaveAffectedFileList;
* Contains a list of files that should be regenerated in a project
interface CompileOnSaveAffectedFileListSingleProject {
* Project name
projectFileName: string;
* List of files names that should be recompiled
fileNames: string[];
* true if project uses outFile or out compiler option
projectUsesOutFile: boolean;
* Response for CompileOnSaveAffectedFileListRequest request;
interface CompileOnSaveAffectedFileListResponse extends Response {
body: CompileOnSaveAffectedFileListSingleProject[];
* Request to recompile the file. All generated outputs (.js, .d.ts or files) is written on disk.
interface CompileOnSaveEmitFileRequest extends FileRequest {
command: CommandTypes.CompileOnSaveEmitFile;
arguments: CompileOnSaveEmitFileRequestArgs;
* Arguments for CompileOnSaveEmitFileRequest
interface CompileOnSaveEmitFileRequestArgs extends FileRequestArgs {
* if true - then file should be recompiled even if it does not have any changes.
forced?: boolean;
includeLinePosition?: boolean;
/** if true - return response as object with emitSkipped and diagnostics */
richResponse?: boolean;
interface CompileOnSaveEmitFileResponse extends Response {
body: boolean | EmitResult;
interface EmitResult {
emitSkipped: boolean;
diagnostics: Diagnostic[] | DiagnosticWithLinePosition[];
* Quickinfo request; value of command field is
* "quickinfo". Return response giving a quick type and
* documentation string for the symbol found in file at location
* line, col.
interface QuickInfoRequest extends FileLocationRequest {
command: CommandTypes.Quickinfo;
arguments: FileLocationRequestArgs;
* Body of QuickInfoResponse.
interface QuickInfoResponseBody {
* The symbol's kind (such as 'className' or 'parameterName' or plain 'text').
kind: ScriptElementKind;
* Optional modifiers for the kind (such as 'public').
kindModifiers: string;
* Starting file location of symbol.
start: Location;
* One past last character of symbol.
end: Location;
* Type and kind of symbol.
displayString: string;
* Documentation associated with symbol.
* Display parts when UserPreferences.displayPartsForJSDoc is true, flattened to string otherwise.
documentation: string | SymbolDisplayPart[];
* JSDoc tags associated with symbol.
tags: JSDocTagInfo[];
* Quickinfo response message.
interface QuickInfoResponse extends Response {
body?: QuickInfoResponseBody;
* Arguments for format messages.
interface FormatRequestArgs extends FileLocationRequestArgs {
* Last line of range for which to format text in file.
endLine: number;
* Character offset on last line of range for which to format text in file.
endOffset: number;
* Format options to be used.
options?: FormatCodeSettings;
* Format request; value of command field is "format". Return
* response giving zero or more edit instructions. The edit
* instructions will be sorted in file order. Applying the edit
* instructions in reverse to file will result in correctly
* reformatted text.
interface FormatRequest extends FileLocationRequest {
command: CommandTypes.Format;
arguments: FormatRequestArgs;
* Object found in response messages defining an editing
* instruction for a span of text in source code. The effect of
* this instruction is to replace the text starting at start and
* ending one character before end with newText. For an insertion,
* the text span is empty. For a deletion, newText is empty.
interface CodeEdit {
* First character of the text span to edit.
start: Location;
* One character past last character of the text span to edit.
end: Location;
* Replace the span defined above with this string (may be
* the empty string).
newText: string;
interface FileCodeEdits {
fileName: string;
textChanges: CodeEdit[];
interface CodeFixResponse extends Response {
/** The code actions that are available */
body?: CodeFixAction[];
interface CodeAction {
/** Description of the code action to display in the UI of the editor */
description: string;
/** Text changes to apply to each file as part of the code action */
changes: FileCodeEdits[];
/** A command is an opaque object that should be passed to `ApplyCodeActionCommandRequestArgs` without modification. */
commands?: {}[];
interface CombinedCodeActions {
changes: readonly FileCodeEdits[];
commands?: readonly {}[];
interface CodeFixAction extends CodeAction {
/** Short name to identify the fix, for use by telemetry. */
fixName: string;
* If present, one may call 'getCombinedCodeFix' with this fixId.
* This may be omitted to indicate that the code fix can't be applied in a group.
fixId?: {};
/** Should be present if and only if 'fixId' is. */
fixAllDescription?: string;
* Format and format on key response message.
interface FormatResponse extends Response {
body?: CodeEdit[];
* Arguments for format on key messages.
interface FormatOnKeyRequestArgs extends FileLocationRequestArgs {
* Key pressed (';', '\n', or '}').
key: string;
options?: FormatCodeSettings;
* Format on key request; value of command field is
* "formatonkey". Given file location and key typed (as string),
* return response giving zero or more edit instructions. The
* edit instructions will be sorted in file order. Applying the
* edit instructions in reverse to file will result in correctly
* reformatted text.
interface FormatOnKeyRequest extends FileLocationRequest {
command: CommandTypes.Formatonkey;
arguments: FormatOnKeyRequestArgs;
type CompletionsTriggerCharacter = "." | '"' | "'" | "`" | "/" | "@" | "<" | "#" | " ";
* Arguments for completions messages.
interface CompletionsRequestArgs extends FileLocationRequestArgs {
* Optional prefix to apply to possible completions.
prefix?: string;
* Character that was responsible for triggering completion.
* Should be `undefined` if a user manually requested completion.
triggerCharacter?: CompletionsTriggerCharacter;
* @deprecated Use UserPreferences.includeCompletionsForModuleExports
includeExternalModuleExports?: boolean;
* @deprecated Use UserPreferences.includeCompletionsWithInsertText
includeInsertTextCompletions?: boolean;
* Completions request; value of command field is "completions".
* Given a file location (file, line, col) and a prefix (which may
* be the empty string), return the possible completions that
* begin with prefix.
interface CompletionsRequest extends FileLocationRequest {
command: CommandTypes.Completions | CommandTypes.CompletionInfo;
arguments: CompletionsRequestArgs;
* Arguments for completion details request.
interface CompletionDetailsRequestArgs extends FileLocationRequestArgs {
* Names of one or more entries for which to obtain details.
entryNames: (string | CompletionEntryIdentifier)[];
interface CompletionEntryIdentifier {
name: string;
source?: string;
data?: unknown;
* Completion entry details request; value of command field is
* "completionEntryDetails". Given a file location (file, line,
* col) and an array of completion entry names return more
* detailed information for each completion entry.
interface CompletionDetailsRequest extends FileLocationRequest {
command: CommandTypes.CompletionDetails;
arguments: CompletionDetailsRequestArgs;
* Part of a symbol description.
interface SymbolDisplayPart {
* Text of an item describing the symbol.
text: string;
* The symbol's kind (such as 'className' or 'parameterName' or plain 'text').
kind: string;
/** A part of a symbol description that links from a jsdoc @link tag to a declaration */
interface JSDocLinkDisplayPart extends SymbolDisplayPart {
/** The location of the declaration that the @link tag links to. */
target: FileSpan;
* An item found in a completion response.
interface CompletionEntry {
* The symbol's name.
name: string;
* The symbol's kind (such as 'className' or 'parameterName').
kind: ScriptElementKind;
* Optional modifiers for the kind (such as 'public').
kindModifiers?: string;
* A string that is used for comparing completion items so that they can be ordered. This
* is often the same as the name but may be different in certain circumstances.
sortText: string;
* Text to insert instead of `name`.
* This is used to support bracketed completions; If `name` might be "a-b" but `insertText` would be `["a-b"]`,
* coupled with `replacementSpan` to replace a dotted access with a bracket access.
insertText?: string;
* `insertText` should be interpreted as a snippet if true.
isSnippet?: true;
* An optional span that indicates the text to be replaced by this completion item.
* If present, this span should be used instead of the default one.
* It will be set if the required span differs from the one generated by the default replacement behavior.
replacementSpan?: TextSpan;
* Indicates whether commiting this completion entry will require additional code actions to be
* made to avoid errors. The CompletionEntryDetails will have these actions.
hasAction?: true;
* Identifier (not necessarily human-readable) identifying where this completion came from.
source?: string;
* Human-readable description of the `source`.
sourceDisplay?: SymbolDisplayPart[];
* If true, this completion should be highlighted as recommended. There will only be one of these.
* This will be set when we know the user should write an expression with a certain type and that type is an enum or constructable class.
* Then either that enum/class or a namespace containing it will be the recommended symbol.
isRecommended?: true;
* If true, this completion was generated from traversing the name table of an unchecked JS file,
* and therefore may not be accurate.
isFromUncheckedFile?: true;
* If true, this completion was for an auto-import of a module not yet in the program, but listed
* in the project package.json. Used for telemetry reporting.
isPackageJsonImport?: true;
* If true, this completion was an auto-import-style completion of an import statement (i.e., the
* module specifier was inserted along with the imported identifier). Used for telemetry reporting.
isImportStatementCompletion?: true;
* A property to be sent back to TS Server in the CompletionDetailsRequest, along with `name`,
* that allows TS Server to look up the symbol represented by the completion item, disambiguating
* items with the same name.
data?: unknown;
* Additional completion entry details, available on demand
interface CompletionEntryDetails {
* The symbol's name.
name: string;
* The symbol's kind (such as 'className' or 'parameterName').
kind: ScriptElementKind;
* Optional modifiers for the kind (such as 'public').
kindModifiers: string;
* Display parts of the symbol (similar to quick info).
displayParts: SymbolDisplayPart[];
* Documentation strings for the symbol.
documentation?: SymbolDisplayPart[];
* JSDoc tags for the symbol.
tags?: JSDocTagInfo[];
* The associated code actions for this entry
codeActions?: CodeAction[];
* @deprecated Use `sourceDisplay` instead.
source?: SymbolDisplayPart[];
* Human-readable description of the `source` from the CompletionEntry.
sourceDisplay?: SymbolDisplayPart[];
/** @deprecated Prefer CompletionInfoResponse, which supports several top-level fields in addition to the array of entries. */
interface CompletionsResponse extends Response {
body?: CompletionEntry[];
interface CompletionInfoResponse extends Response {
body?: CompletionInfo;
interface CompletionInfo {
readonly isGlobalCompletion: boolean;
readonly isMemberCompletion: boolean;
readonly isNewIdentifierLocation: boolean;
* In the absence of `CompletionEntry["replacementSpan"]`, the editor may choose whether to use
* this span or its default one. If `CompletionEntry["replacementSpan"]` is defined, that span
* must be used to commit that completion entry.
readonly optionalReplacementSpan?: TextSpan;
readonly isIncomplete?: boolean;
readonly entries: readonly CompletionEntry[];
interface CompletionDetailsResponse extends Response {
body?: CompletionEntryDetails[];
* Signature help information for a single parameter
interface SignatureHelpParameter {
* The parameter's name
name: string;
* Documentation of the parameter.
documentation: SymbolDisplayPart[];
* Display parts of the parameter.
displayParts: SymbolDisplayPart[];
* Whether the parameter is optional or not.
isOptional: boolean;
* Represents a single signature to show in signature help.
interface SignatureHelpItem {
* Whether the signature accepts a variable number of arguments.
isVariadic: boolean;
* The prefix display parts.
prefixDisplayParts: SymbolDisplayPart[];
* The suffix display parts.
suffixDisplayParts: SymbolDisplayPart[];
* The separator display parts.
separatorDisplayParts: SymbolDisplayPart[];
* The signature helps items for the parameters.
parameters: SignatureHelpParameter[];
* The signature's documentation
documentation: SymbolDisplayPart[];
* The signature's JSDoc tags
tags: JSDocTagInfo[];
* Signature help items found in the response of a signature help request.
interface SignatureHelpItems {
* The signature help items.
items: SignatureHelpItem[];
* The span for which signature help should appear on a signature
applicableSpan: TextSpan;
* The item selected in the set of available help items.
selectedItemIndex: number;
* The argument selected in the set of parameters.
argumentIndex: number;
* The argument count
argumentCount: number;
type SignatureHelpTriggerCharacter = "," | "(" | "<";
type SignatureHelpRetriggerCharacter = SignatureHelpTriggerCharacter | ")";
* Arguments of a signature help request.
interface SignatureHelpRequestArgs extends FileLocationRequestArgs {
* Reason why signature help was invoked.
* See each individual possible
triggerReason?: SignatureHelpTriggerReason;
type SignatureHelpTriggerReason = SignatureHelpInvokedReason | SignatureHelpCharacterTypedReason | SignatureHelpRetriggeredReason;
* Signals that the user manually requested signature help.
* The language service will unconditionally attempt to provide a result.
interface SignatureHelpInvokedReason {
kind: "invoked";
triggerCharacter?: undefined;
* Signals that the signature help request came from a user typing a character.
* Depending on the character and the syntactic context, the request may or may not be served a result.
interface SignatureHelpCharacterTypedReason {
kind: "characterTyped";
* Character that was responsible for triggering signature help.
triggerCharacter: SignatureHelpTriggerCharacter;
* Signals that this signature help request came from typing a character or moving the cursor.
* This should only occur if a signature help session was already active and the editor needs to see if it should adjust.
* The language service will unconditionally attempt to provide a result.
* `triggerCharacter` can be `undefined` for a retrigger caused by a cursor move.
interface SignatureHelpRetriggeredReason {
kind: "retrigger";
* Character that was responsible for triggering signature help.
triggerCharacter?: SignatureHelpRetriggerCharacter;
* Signature help request; value of command field is "signatureHelp".
* Given a file location (file, line, col), return the signature
* help.
interface SignatureHelpRequest extends FileLocationRequest {
command: CommandTypes.SignatureHelp;
arguments: SignatureHelpRequestArgs;
* Response object for a SignatureHelpRequest.
interface SignatureHelpResponse extends Response {
body?: SignatureHelpItems;
* Synchronous request for semantic diagnostics of one file.
interface SemanticDiagnosticsSyncRequest extends FileRequest {
command: CommandTypes.SemanticDiagnosticsSync;
arguments: SemanticDiagnosticsSyncRequestArgs;
interface SemanticDiagnosticsSyncRequestArgs extends FileRequestArgs {
includeLinePosition?: boolean;
* Response object for synchronous sematic diagnostics request.
interface SemanticDiagnosticsSyncResponse extends Response {
body?: Diagnostic[] | DiagnosticWithLinePosition[];
interface SuggestionDiagnosticsSyncRequest extends FileRequest {
command: CommandTypes.SuggestionDiagnosticsSync;
arguments: SuggestionDiagnosticsSyncRequestArgs;
type SuggestionDiagnosticsSyncRequestArgs = SemanticDiagnosticsSyncRequestArgs;
type SuggestionDiagnosticsSyncResponse = SemanticDiagnosticsSyncResponse;
* Synchronous request for syntactic diagnostics of one file.
interface SyntacticDiagnosticsSyncRequest extends FileRequest {
command: CommandTypes.SyntacticDiagnosticsSync;
arguments: SyntacticDiagnosticsSyncRequestArgs;
interface SyntacticDiagnosticsSyncRequestArgs extends FileRequestArgs {
includeLinePosition?: boolean;
* Response object for synchronous syntactic diagnostics request.
interface SyntacticDiagnosticsSyncResponse extends Response {
body?: Diagnostic[] | DiagnosticWithLinePosition[];
* Arguments for GeterrForProject request.
interface GeterrForProjectRequestArgs {
* the file requesting project error list
file: string;
* Delay in milliseconds to wait before starting to compute
* errors for the files in the file list
delay: number;
* GeterrForProjectRequest request; value of command field is
* "geterrForProject". It works similarly with 'Geterr', only
* it request for every file in this project.
interface GeterrForProjectRequest extends Request {
command: CommandTypes.GeterrForProject;
arguments: GeterrForProjectRequestArgs;
* Arguments for geterr messages.
interface GeterrRequestArgs {
* List of file names for which to compute compiler errors.
* The files will be checked in list order.
files: string[];
* Delay in milliseconds to wait before starting to compute
* errors for the files in the file list
delay: number;
* Geterr request; value of command field is "geterr". Wait for
* delay milliseconds and then, if during the wait no change or
* reload messages have arrived for the first file in the files
* list, get the syntactic errors for the file, field requests,
* and then get the semantic errors for the file. Repeat with a
* smaller delay for each subsequent file on the files list. Best
* practice for an editor is to send a file list containing each
* file that is currently visible, in most-recently-used order.
interface GeterrRequest extends Request {
command: CommandTypes.Geterr;
arguments: GeterrRequestArgs;
type RequestCompletedEventName = "requestCompleted";
* Event that is sent when server have finished processing request with specified id.
interface RequestCompletedEvent extends Event {
event: RequestCompletedEventName;
body: RequestCompletedEventBody;
interface RequestCompletedEventBody {
request_seq: number;
* Item of diagnostic information found in a DiagnosticEvent message.
interface Diagnostic {
* Starting file location at which text applies.
start: Location;
* The last file location at which the text applies.
end: Location;
* Text of diagnostic message.
text: string;
* The category of the diagnostic message, e.g. "error", "warning", or "suggestion".
category: string;
reportsUnnecessary?: {};
reportsDeprecated?: {};
* Any related spans the diagnostic may have, such as other locations relevant to an error, such as declarartion sites
relatedInformation?: DiagnosticRelatedInformation[];
* The error code of the diagnostic message.
code?: number;
* The name of the plugin reporting the message.
source?: string;
interface DiagnosticWithFileName extends Diagnostic {
* Name of the file the diagnostic is in
fileName: string;
* Represents additional spans returned with a diagnostic which are relevant to it
interface DiagnosticRelatedInformation {
* The category of the related information message, e.g. "error", "warning", or "suggestion".
category: string;
* The code used ot identify the related information
code: number;
* Text of related or additional information.
message: string;
* Associated location
span?: FileSpan;
interface DiagnosticEventBody {
* The file for which diagnostic information is reported.
file: string;
* An array of diagnostic information items.
diagnostics: Diagnostic[];
type DiagnosticEventKind = "semanticDiag" | "syntaxDiag" | "suggestionDiag";
* Event message for DiagnosticEventKind event types.
* These events provide syntactic and semantic errors for a file.
interface DiagnosticEvent extends Event {
body?: DiagnosticEventBody;
event: DiagnosticEventKind;
interface ConfigFileDiagnosticEventBody {
* The file which trigged the searching and error-checking of the config file
triggerFile: string;
* The name of the found config file.
configFile: string;
* An arry of diagnostic information items for the found config file.
diagnostics: DiagnosticWithFileName[];
* Event message for "configFileDiag" event type.
* This event provides errors for a found config file.
interface ConfigFileDiagnosticEvent extends Event {
body?: ConfigFileDiagnosticEventBody;
event: "configFileDiag";
type ProjectLanguageServiceStateEventName = "projectLanguageServiceState";
interface ProjectLanguageServiceStateEvent extends Event {
event: ProjectLanguageServiceStateEventName;
body?: ProjectLanguageServiceStateEventBody;
interface ProjectLanguageServiceStateEventBody {
* Project name that has changes in the state of language service.
* For configured projects this will be the config file path.
* For external projects this will be the name of the projects specified when project was open.
* For inferred projects this event is not raised.
projectName: string;
* True if language service state switched from disabled to enabled
* and false otherwise.
languageServiceEnabled: boolean;
type ProjectsUpdatedInBackgroundEventName = "projectsUpdatedInBackground";
interface ProjectsUpdatedInBackgroundEvent extends Event {
event: ProjectsUpdatedInBackgroundEventName;
body: ProjectsUpdatedInBackgroundEventBody;
interface ProjectsUpdatedInBackgroundEventBody {
* Current set of open files
openFiles: string[];
type ProjectLoadingStartEventName = "projectLoadingStart";
interface ProjectLoadingStartEvent extends Event {
event: ProjectLoadingStartEventName;
body: ProjectLoadingStartEventBody;
interface ProjectLoadingStartEventBody {
/** name of the project */
projectName: string;
/** reason for loading */
reason: string;
type ProjectLoadingFinishEventName = "projectLoadingFinish";
interface ProjectLoadingFinishEvent extends Event {
event: ProjectLoadingFinishEventName;
body: ProjectLoadingFinishEventBody;
interface ProjectLoadingFinishEventBody {
/** name of the project */
projectName: string;
type SurveyReadyEventName = "surveyReady";
interface SurveyReadyEvent extends Event {
event: SurveyReadyEventName;
body: SurveyReadyEventBody;
interface SurveyReadyEventBody {
/** Name of the survey. This is an internal machine- and programmer-friendly name */
surveyId: string;
type LargeFileReferencedEventName = "largeFileReferenced";
interface LargeFileReferencedEvent extends Event {
event: LargeFileReferencedEventName;
body: LargeFileReferencedEventBody;
interface LargeFileReferencedEventBody {
* name of the large file being loaded
file: string;
* size of the file
fileSize: number;
* max file size allowed on the server
maxFileSize: number;
* Arguments for reload request.
interface ReloadRequestArgs extends FileRequestArgs {
* Name of temporary file from which to reload file
* contents. May be same as file.
tmpfile: string;
* Reload request message; value of command field is "reload".
* Reload contents of file with name given by the 'file' argument
* from temporary file with name given by the 'tmpfile' argument.
* The two names can be identical.
interface ReloadRequest extends FileRequest {
command: CommandTypes.Reload;
arguments: ReloadRequestArgs;
* Response to "reload" request. This is just an acknowledgement, so
* no body field is required.
interface ReloadResponse extends Response {
* Arguments for saveto request.
interface SavetoRequestArgs extends FileRequestArgs {
* Name of temporary file into which to save server's view of
* file contents.
tmpfile: string;
* Saveto request message; value of command field is "saveto".
* For debugging purposes, save to a temporaryfile (named by
* argument 'tmpfile') the contents of file named by argument
* 'file'. The server does not currently send a response to a
* "saveto" request.
interface SavetoRequest extends FileRequest {
command: CommandTypes.Saveto;
arguments: SavetoRequestArgs;
* Arguments for navto request message.
interface NavtoRequestArgs {
* Search term to navigate to from current location; term can
* be '.*' or an identifier prefix.
searchValue: string;
* Optional limit on the number of items to return.
maxResultCount?: number;
* The file for the request (absolute pathname required).
file?: string;
* Optional flag to indicate we want results for just the current file
* or the entire project.
currentFileOnly?: boolean;
projectFileName?: string;
* Navto request message; value of command field is "navto".
* Return list of objects giving file locations and symbols that
* match the search term given in argument 'searchTerm'. The
* context for the search is given by the named file.
interface NavtoRequest extends Request {
command: CommandTypes.Navto;
arguments: NavtoRequestArgs;
* An item found in a navto response.
interface NavtoItem extends FileSpan {
* The symbol's name.
name: string;
* The symbol's kind (such as 'className' or 'parameterName').
kind: ScriptElementKind;
* exact, substring, or prefix.
matchKind: string;
* If this was a case sensitive or insensitive match.
isCaseSensitive: boolean;
* Optional modifiers for the kind (such as 'public').
kindModifiers?: string;
* Name of symbol's container symbol (if any); for example,
* the class name if symbol is a class member.
containerName?: string;
* Kind of symbol's container symbol (if any).
containerKind?: ScriptElementKind;
* Navto response message. Body is an array of navto items. Each
* item gives a symbol that matched the search term.
interface NavtoResponse extends Response {
body?: NavtoItem[];
* Arguments for change request message.
interface ChangeRequestArgs extends FormatRequestArgs {
* Optional string to insert at location (file, line, offset).
insertString?: string;
* Change request message; value of command field is "change".
* Update the server's view of the file named by argument 'file'.
* Server does not currently send a response to a change request.
interface ChangeRequest extends FileLocationRequest {
command: CommandTypes.Change;
arguments: ChangeRequestArgs;
* Response to "brace" request.
interface BraceResponse extends Response {
body?: TextSpan[];
* Brace matching request; value of command field is "brace".
* Return response giving the file locations of matching braces
* found in file at location line, offset.
interface BraceRequest extends FileLocationRequest {
command: CommandTypes.Brace;
* NavBar items request; value of command field is "navbar".
* Return response giving the list of navigation bar entries
* extracted from the requested file.
interface NavBarRequest extends FileRequest {
command: CommandTypes.NavBar;
* NavTree request; value of command field is "navtree".
* Return response giving the navigation tree of the requested file.
interface NavTreeRequest extends FileRequest {
command: CommandTypes.NavTree;
interface NavigationBarItem {
* The item's display text.
text: string;
* The symbol's kind (such as 'className' or 'parameterName').
kind: ScriptElementKind;
* Optional modifiers for the kind (such as 'public').
kindModifiers?: string;
* The definition locations of the item.
spans: TextSpan[];
* Optional children.
childItems?: NavigationBarItem[];
* Number of levels deep this item should appear.
indent: number;
/** protocol.NavigationTree is identical to ts.NavigationTree, except using protocol.TextSpan instead of ts.TextSpan */
interface NavigationTree {
text: string;
kind: ScriptElementKind;
kindModifiers: string;
spans: TextSpan[];
nameSpan: TextSpan | undefined;
childItems?: NavigationTree[];
type TelemetryEventName = "telemetry";
interface TelemetryEvent extends Event {
event: TelemetryEventName;
body: TelemetryEventBody;
interface TelemetryEventBody {
telemetryEventName: string;
payload: any;
type TypesInstallerInitializationFailedEventName = "typesInstallerInitializationFailed";
interface TypesInstallerInitializationFailedEvent extends Event {
event: TypesInstallerInitializationFailedEventName;
body: TypesInstallerInitializationFailedEventBody;
interface TypesInstallerInitializationFailedEventBody {
message: string;
type TypingsInstalledTelemetryEventName = "typingsInstalled";
interface TypingsInstalledTelemetryEventBody extends TelemetryEventBody {
telemetryEventName: TypingsInstalledTelemetryEventName;
payload: TypingsInstalledTelemetryEventPayload;
interface TypingsInstalledTelemetryEventPayload {
* Comma separated list of installed typing packages
installedPackages: string;
* true if install request succeeded, otherwise - false
installSuccess: boolean;
* version of typings installer
typingsInstallerVersion: string;
type BeginInstallTypesEventName = "beginInstallTypes";
type EndInstallTypesEventName = "endInstallTypes";
interface BeginInstallTypesEvent extends Event {
event: BeginInstallTypesEventName;
body: BeginInstallTypesEventBody;
interface EndInstallTypesEvent extends Event {
event: EndInstallTypesEventName;
body: EndInstallTypesEventBody;
interface InstallTypesEventBody {
* correlation id to match begin and end events
eventId: number;
* list of packages to install
packages: readonly string[];
interface BeginInstallTypesEventBody extends InstallTypesEventBody {
interface EndInstallTypesEventBody extends InstallTypesEventBody {
* true if installation succeeded, otherwise false
success: boolean;
interface NavBarResponse extends Response {
body?: NavigationBarItem[];
interface NavTreeResponse extends Response {
body?: NavigationTree;
interface CallHierarchyItem {
name: string;
kind: ScriptElementKind;
kindModifiers?: string;
file: string;
span: TextSpan;
selectionSpan: TextSpan;
containerName?: string;
interface CallHierarchyIncomingCall {
from: CallHierarchyItem;
fromSpans: TextSpan[];
interface CallHierarchyOutgoingCall {
to: CallHierarchyItem;
fromSpans: TextSpan[];
interface PrepareCallHierarchyRequest extends FileLocationRequest {
command: CommandTypes.PrepareCallHierarchy;
interface PrepareCallHierarchyResponse extends Response {
readonly body: CallHierarchyItem | CallHierarchyItem[];
interface ProvideCallHierarchyIncomingCallsRequest extends FileLocationRequest {
command: CommandTypes.ProvideCallHierarchyIncomingCalls;
interface ProvideCallHierarchyIncomingCallsResponse extends Response {
readonly body: CallHierarchyIncomingCall[];
interface ProvideCallHierarchyOutgoingCallsRequest extends FileLocationRequest {
command: CommandTypes.ProvideCallHierarchyOutgoingCalls;
interface ProvideCallHierarchyOutgoingCallsResponse extends Response {
readonly body: CallHierarchyOutgoingCall[];
const enum IndentStyle {
None = "None",
Block = "Block",
Smart = "Smart"
enum SemicolonPreference {
Ignore = "ignore",
Insert = "insert",
Remove = "remove"
interface EditorSettings {
baseIndentSize?: number;
indentSize?: number;
tabSize?: number;
newLineCharacter?: string;
convertTabsToSpaces?: boolean;
indentStyle?: IndentStyle | ts.IndentStyle;
trimTrailingWhitespace?: boolean;
interface FormatCodeSettings extends EditorSettings {
insertSpaceAfterCommaDelimiter?: boolean;
insertSpaceAfterSemicolonInForStatements?: boolean;
insertSpaceBeforeAndAfterBinaryOperators?: boolean;
insertSpaceAfterConstructor?: boolean;
insertSpaceAfterKeywordsInControlFlowStatements?: boolean;
insertSpaceAfterFunctionKeywordForAnonymousFunctions?: boolean;
insertSpaceAfterOpeningAndBeforeClosingEmptyBraces?: boolean;
insertSpaceAfterOpeningAndBeforeClosingNonemptyParenthesis?: boolean;
insertSpaceAfterOpeningAndBeforeClosingNonemptyBrackets?: boolean;
insertSpaceAfterOpeningAndBeforeClosingNonemptyBraces?: boolean;
insertSpaceAfterOpeningAndBeforeClosingTemplateStringBraces?: boolean;
insertSpaceAfterOpeningAndBeforeClosingJsxExpressionBraces?: boolean;
insertSpaceAfterTypeAssertion?: boolean;
insertSpaceBeforeFunctionParenthesis?: boolean;
placeOpenBraceOnNewLineForFunctions?: boolean;
placeOpenBraceOnNewLineForControlBlocks?: boolean;
insertSpaceBeforeTypeAnnotation?: boolean;
semicolons?: SemicolonPreference;
interface UserPreferences {
readonly disableSuggestions?: boolean;
readonly quotePreference?: "auto" | "double" | "single";
* If enabled, TypeScript will search through all external modules' exports and add them to the completions list.
* This affects lone identifier completions but not completions on the right hand side of `obj.`.
readonly includeCompletionsForModuleExports?: boolean;
* Enables auto-import-style completions on partially-typed import statements. E.g., allows
* `import write|` to be completed to `import { writeFile } from "fs"`.
readonly includeCompletionsForImportStatements?: boolean;
* Allows completions to be formatted with snippet text, indicated by `CompletionItem["isSnippet"]`.
readonly includeCompletionsWithSnippetText?: boolean;
* If enabled, the completion list will include completions with invalid identifier names.
* For those entries, The `insertText` and `replacementSpan` properties will be set to change from `.x` property access to `["x"]`.
readonly includeCompletionsWithInsertText?: boolean;
* Unless this option is `false`, or `includeCompletionsWithInsertText` is not enabled,
* member completion lists triggered with `.` will include entries on potentially-null and potentially-undefined
* values, with insertion text to replace preceding `.` tokens with `?.`.
readonly includeAutomaticOptionalChainCompletions?: boolean;
readonly importModuleSpecifierPreference?: "shortest" | "project-relative" | "relative" | "non-relative";
/** Determines whether we import `foo/index.ts` as "foo", "foo/index", or "foo/index.js" */
readonly importModuleSpecifierEnding?: "auto" | "minimal" | "index" | "js";
readonly allowTextChangesInNewFiles?: boolean;
readonly lazyConfiguredProjectsFromExternalProject?: boolean;
readonly providePrefixAndSuffixTextForRename?: boolean;
readonly provideRefactorNotApplicableReason?: boolean;
readonly allowRenameOfImportPath?: boolean;
readonly includePackageJsonAutoImports?: "auto" | "on" | "off";
readonly displayPartsForJSDoc?: boolean;
readonly generateReturnInDocTemplate?: boolean;
interface CompilerOptions {
allowJs?: boolean;
allowSyntheticDefaultImports?: boolean;
allowUnreachableCode?: boolean;
allowUnusedLabels?: boolean;
alwaysStrict?: boolean;
baseUrl?: string;
charset?: string;
checkJs?: boolean;
declaration?: boolean;
declarationDir?: string;
disableSizeLimit?: boolean;
downlevelIteration?: boolean;
emitBOM?: boolean;
emitDecoratorMetadata?: boolean;
experimentalDecorators?: boolean;
forceConsistentCasingInFileNames?: boolean;
importHelpers?: boolean;
inlineSourceMap?: boolean;
inlineSources?: boolean;
isolatedModules?: boolean;
jsx?: JsxEmit | ts.JsxEmit;
lib?: string[];
locale?: string;
mapRoot?: string;
maxNodeModuleJsDepth?: number;
module?: ModuleKind | ts.ModuleKind;
moduleResolution?: ModuleResolutionKind | ts.ModuleResolutionKind;
newLine?: NewLineKind | ts.NewLineKind;
noEmit?: boolean;
noEmitHelpers?: boolean;
noEmitOnError?: boolean;
noErrorTruncation?: boolean;
noFallthroughCasesInSwitch?: boolean;
noImplicitAny?: boolean;
noImplicitReturns?: boolean;
noImplicitThis?: boolean;
noUnusedLocals?: boolean;
noUnusedParameters?: boolean;
noImplicitUseStrict?: boolean;
noLib?: boolean;
noResolve?: boolean;
out?: string;
outDir?: string;
outFile?: string;
paths?: MapLike<string[]>;
plugins?: PluginImport[];
preserveConstEnums?: boolean;
preserveSymlinks?: boolean;
project?: string;
reactNamespace?: string;
removeComments?: boolean;
references?: ProjectReference[];
rootDir?: string;
rootDirs?: string[];
skipLibCheck?: boolean;
skipDefaultLibCheck?: boolean;
sourceMap?: boolean;
sourceRoot?: string;
strict?: boolean;
strictNullChecks?: boolean;
suppressExcessPropertyErrors?: boolean;
suppressImplicitAnyIndexErrors?: boolean;
useDefineForClassFields?: boolean;
target?: ScriptTarget | ts.ScriptTarget;
traceResolution?: boolean;
resolveJsonModule?: boolean;
types?: string[];
/** Paths used to used to compute primary types search locations */
typeRoots?: string[];
[option: string]: CompilerOptionsValue | undefined;
const enum JsxEmit {
None = "None",
Preserve = "Preserve",
ReactNative = "ReactNative",
React = "React"
const enum ModuleKind {
None = "None",
CommonJS = "CommonJS",
AMD = "AMD",
UMD = "UMD",
System = "System",
ES6 = "ES6",
ES2015 = "ES2015",
ESNext = "ESNext"
const enum ModuleResolutionKind {
Classic = "Classic",
Node = "Node"
const enum NewLineKind {
Crlf = "Crlf",
Lf = "Lf"
const enum ScriptTarget {
ES3 = "ES3",
ES5 = "ES5",
ES6 = "ES6",
ES2015 = "ES2015",
ES2016 = "ES2016",
ES2017 = "ES2017",
ES2018 = "ES2018",
ES2019 = "ES2019",
ES2020 = "ES2020",
ES2021 = "ES2021",
ESNext = "ESNext"
const enum ClassificationType {
comment = 1,
identifier = 2,
keyword = 3,
numericLiteral = 4,
operator = 5,
stringLiteral = 6,
regularExpressionLiteral = 7,
whiteSpace = 8,
text = 9,
punctuation = 10,
className = 11,
enumName = 12,
interfaceName = 13,
moduleName = 14,
typeParameterName = 15,
typeAliasName = 16,
parameterName = 17,
docCommentTagName = 18,
jsxOpenTagName = 19,
jsxCloseTagName = 20,
jsxSelfClosingTagName = 21,
jsxAttribute = 22,
jsxText = 23,
jsxAttributeStringLiteralValue = 24,
bigintLiteral = 25
declare namespace ts.server.protocol {
interface TextInsertion {
newText: string;
/** The position in newText the caret should point to after the insertion. */
caretOffset: number;
interface TodoCommentDescriptor {
text: string;
priority: number;
interface TodoComment {
descriptor: TodoCommentDescriptor;
message: string;
position: number;
enum OutliningSpanKind {
/** Single or multi-line comments */
Comment = "comment",
/** Sections marked by '// #region' and '// #endregion' comments */
Region = "region",
/** Declarations and expressions */
Code = "code",
/** Contiguous blocks of import declarations */
Imports = "imports"
enum HighlightSpanKind {
none = "none",
definition = "definition",
reference = "reference",
writtenReference = "writtenReference"
enum ScriptElementKind {
unknown = "",
warning = "warning",
/** predefined type (void) or keyword (class) */
keyword = "keyword",
/** top level script node */
scriptElement = "script",
/** module foo {} */
moduleElement = "module",
/** class X {} */
classElement = "class",
/** var x = class X {} */
localClassElement = "local class",
/** interface Y {} */
interfaceElement = "interface",
/** type T = ... */
typeElement = "type",
/** enum E */
enumElement = "enum",
enumMemberElement = "enum member",
* Inside module and script only
* const v = ..
variableElement = "var",
/** Inside function */
localVariableElement = "local var",
* Inside module and script only
* function f() { }
functionElement = "function",
/** Inside function */
localFunctionElement = "local function",
/** class X { [public|private]* foo() {} } */
memberFunctionElement = "method",
/** class X { [public|private]* [get|set] foo:number; } */
memberGetAccessorElement = "getter",
memberSetAccessorElement = "setter",
* class X { [public|private]* foo:number; }
* interface Y { foo:number; }
memberVariableElement = "property",
/** class X { constructor() { } } */
constructorImplementationElement = "constructor",
/** interface Y { ():number; } */
callSignatureElement = "call",
/** interface Y { []:number; } */
indexSignatureElement = "index",
/** interface Y { new():Y; } */
constructSignatureElement = "construct",
/** function foo(*Y*: string) */
parameterElement = "parameter",
typeParameterElement = "type parameter",
primitiveType = "primitive type",
label = "label",
alias = "alias",
constElement = "const",
letElement = "let",
directory = "directory",
externalModuleName = "external module name",
* <JsxTagName attribute1 attribute2={0} />
jsxAttribute = "JSX attribute",
/** String literal */
string = "string",
/** Jsdoc @link: in `{@link C link text}`, the before and after text "{@link " and "}" */
link = "link",
/** Jsdoc @link: in `{@link C link text}`, the entity name "C" */
linkName = "link name",
/** Jsdoc @link: in `{@link C link text}`, the link text "link text" */
linkText = "link text"
export interface TypeAcquisition {
* @deprecated typingOptions.enableAutoDiscovery
* Use typeAcquisition.enable instead.
enableAutoDiscovery?: boolean;
enable?: boolean;
include?: string[];
exclude?: string[];
disableFilenameBasedTypeAcquisition?: boolean;
[option: string]: CompilerOptionsValue | undefined;
export type CompilerOptionsValue = string | number | boolean | (string | number)[] | string[] | MapLike<string[]> | PluginImport[] | ProjectReference[] | null | undefined;
export interface FileExtensionInfo {
extension: string;
isMixedContent: boolean;
scriptKind?: ScriptKind;
* Type of objects whose values are all of the same type.
* The `in` and `for-in` operators can *not* be safely used,
* since `Object.prototype` may be modified by outside code.
interface MapLike<T> {
[index: string]: T;
export interface PluginImport {
name: string;
export interface ProjectReference {
/** A normalized path on disk */
path: string;
/** The path as the user originally wrote it */
originalPath?: string;
/** True if the output of this reference should be prepended to the output of this project. Only valid for --outFile compilations */
prepend?: boolean;
/** True if it is intended that this reference form a circularity */
circular?: boolean;
declare namespace ts {
// these types are empty stubs for types from services and should not be used directly
export type EndOfLineState = never;
export type ScriptKind = never;
export type WatchFileKind = never;
export type WatchDirectoryKind = never;
export type PollingWatchKind = never;
export type IndentStyle = never;
export type JsxEmit = never;
export type ModuleKind = never;
export type ModuleResolutionKind = never;
export type NewLineKind = never;
export type ScriptTarget = never;
import protocol = ts.server.protocol;
export = protocol;
export as namespace protocol;
\ No newline at end of file
This source diff could not be displayed because it is too large. You can view the blob instead.
This source diff could not be displayed because it is too large. You can view the blob instead.
This source diff could not be displayed because it is too large. You can view the blob instead.
This source diff could not be displayed because it is too large. You can view the blob instead.
This source diff could not be displayed because it is too large. You can view the blob instead.
This source diff could not be displayed because it is too large. You can view the blob instead.
This source diff could not be displayed because it is too large. You can view the blob instead.
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"Dts Name": "Dts Name",
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"epiceditor": "epiceditor",
"es6-promise": "es6-promise",
"ES6-Promise": "es6-promise",
"es6-shim": "es6-shim",
"expect": "expect",
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"express-session": "express-session",
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"FileSaver": "FileSaver",
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"flickity.pkgd": "flickity",
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"Flux": "flux",
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"fpsmeter": "fpsmeter",
"fuse": "fuse",
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"History": "history",
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"icheck": "icheck",
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"incremental-dom": "incremental-dom",
"Inquirer": "inquirer",
"insight": "insight",
"interact": "interactjs",
"intercom": "intercomjs",
"intro": "intro.js",
"ion.rangeSlider": "ion.rangeSlider",
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"jquery.are-you-sure": "jquery.are-you-sure",
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"jquery.contextMenu": "jquery.contextMenu",
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"jquery.fileupload": "jquery.fileupload",
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"": "watch",
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"knockout": "knockout",
"knockout.mapping": "knockout.mapping",
"knockout.validation": "knockout.validation",
"knockout-paging": "knockout-paging",
"knockout-pre-rendered": "knockout-pre-rendered",
"ladda": "ladda",
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"Leaflet.Editable": "leaflet-editable",
"leaflet.js": "leaflet",
"less": "less",
"linq": "linq",
"loading-bar": "angular-loading-bar",
"lodash": "lodash",
"log4javascript": "log4javascript",
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"lokijs": "lokijs",
"lovefield": "lovefield",
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"mailcheck": "mailcheck",
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"MathJax.js": "mathjax",
"matter": "matter-js",
"md5": "blueimp-md5",
"md5.js": "crypto-js",
"messenger": "messenger",
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"minimatch": "minimatch",
"minimist": "minimist",
"mithril": "mithril",
"mobile-detect": "mobile-detect",
"mocha": "mocha",
"mock-ajax": "jasmine-ajax",
"modernizr": "modernizr",
"Modernizr": "Modernizr",
"moment": "moment",
"moment-range": "moment-range",
"moment-timezone": "moment-timezone",
"mongoose": "mongoose",
"morgan": "morgan",
"mousetrap": "mousetrap",
"ms": "ms",
"mustache": "mustache",
"native.history": "history",
"nconf": "nconf",
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"nedb": "nedb",
"ng-cordova": "ng-cordova",
"ngDialog": "ng-dialog",
"ng-flow-standalone": "ng-flow",
"ng-grid": "ng-grid",
"ng-i18next": "ng-i18next",
"ng-table": "ng-table",
"node_redis": "redis",
"node-clone": "clone",
"node-fs-extra": "fs-extra",
"node-glob": "glob",
"Nodemailer": "nodemailer",
"node-mime": "mime",
"node-mkdirp": "mkdirp",
"node-mongodb-native": "mongodb",
"node-mysql": "mysql",
"node-open": "open",
"node-optimist": "optimist",
"node-progress": "progress",
"node-semver": "semver",
"node-tar": "tar",
"node-uuid": "node-uuid",
"node-xml2js": "xml2js",
"nopt": "nopt",
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"nouislider": "nouislider",
"npm": "npm",
"nprogress": "nprogress",
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"nunjucks": "nunjucks",
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"object-assign": "object-assign",
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"offline": "offline-js",
"onsenui": "onsenui",
"OpenLayers.js": "openlayers",
"openpgp": "openpgp",
"p2": "p2",
"packery.pkgd": "packery",
"page": "page",
"pako": "pako",
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"passport": "passport",
"passport-local": "passport-local",
"path": "pathjs",
"peer": "peerjs",
"peg": "pegjs",
"photoswipe": "photoswipe",
"picker.js": "pickadate",
"pikaday": "pikaday",
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"platform": "platform",
"Please": "pleasejs",
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"postal": "postal",
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"progress": "progress",
"purify": "dompurify",
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"q": "q",
"qs": "qs",
"qunit": "qunit",
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"rangy-core": "rangy",
"raphael": "raphael",
"raven": "ravenjs",
"react": "react",
"react-bootstrap": "react-bootstrap",
"react-intl": "react-intl",
"react-redux": "react-redux",
"ReactRouter": "react-router",
"ready": "domready",
"redux": "redux",
"request": "request",
"require": "require",
"restangular": "restangular",
"reveal": "reveal",
"rickshaw": "rickshaw",
"rimraf": "rimraf",
"rivets": "rivets",
"rx": "rx",
"rx.angular": "rx-angular",
"sammy": "sammyjs",
"SAT": "sat",
"sax-js": "sax",
"screenfull": "screenfull",
"seedrandom": "seedrandom",
"select2": "select2",
"selectize": "selectize",
"serve-favicon": "serve-favicon",
"serve-static": "serve-static",
"shelljs": "shelljs",
"should": "should",
"showdown": "showdown",
"sigma": "sigmajs",
"signature_pad": "signature_pad",
"sinon": "sinon",
"sjcl": "sjcl",
"slick": "slick-carousel",
"smoothie": "smoothie",
"": "",
"": "",
"sockjs": "sockjs-client",
"sortable": "angular-ui-sortable",
"soundjs": "soundjs",
"source-map": "source-map",
"spectrum": "spectrum",
"spin": "spin",
"sprintf": "sprintf",
"stampit": "stampit",
"state-machine": "state-machine",
"Stats": "stats",
"store": "storejs",
"string": "string",
"string_score": "string_score",
"strophe": "strophe",
"stylus": "stylus",
"sugar": "sugar",
"superagent": "superagent",
"svg": "svgjs",
"svg-injector": "svg-injector",
"swfobject": "swfobject",
"swig": "swig",
"swipe": "swipe",
"swiper": "swiper",
"system.js": "systemjs",
"tether": "tether",
"three": "threejs",
"through": "through",
"through2": "through2",
"timeline": "timelinejs",
"tinycolor": "tinycolor",
"tmhDynamicLocale": "angular-dynamic-locale",
"toaster": "angularjs-toaster",
"toastr": "toastr",
"tracking": "tracking",
"trunk8": "trunk8",
"turf": "turf",
"tweenjs": "tweenjs",
"TweenMax": "gsap",
"twig": "twig",
"twix": "twix",
"typeahead.bundle": "typeahead",
"typescript": "typescript",
"ui": "winjs",
"ui-bootstrap-tpls": "angular-ui-bootstrap",
"ui-grid": "ui-grid",
"uikit": "uikit",
"underscore": "underscore",
"underscore.string": "underscore.string",
"update-notifier": "update-notifier",
"url": "jsurl",
"UUID": "uuid",
"validator": "validator",
"vega": "vega",
"vex": "vex-js",
"video": "videojs",
"vue": "vue",
"vue-router": "vue-router",
"webtorrent": "webtorrent",
"when": "when",
"winston": "winston",
"wrench-js": "wrench",
"ws": "ws",
"xlsx": "xlsx",
"xml2json": "x2js",
"xmlbuilder-js": "xmlbuilder",
"xregexp": "xregexp",
"yargs": "yargs",
"yosay": "yosay",
"yui": "yui",
"yui3": "yui",
"zepto": "zepto",
"ZeroClipboard": "zeroclipboard",
"ZSchema-browser": "z-schema"
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